
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 11

nick - Young master, the place you have to go is very far away, you have to leave now

John - okay nodded

Ariana grabbed John's hands

Ariana - umm, sorry she releases his hand

John - it's ok Ariana, you can grab my hands, tell me what happened.

Ariana - nothing

John - okay, bye

he goes to the door, waves his hand to say goodbye to Ariana

Ariana told John - come soon

Nick told John to come safely and bye

he said goodbye to both of them once again and went away

nick closed the door

Ariana sat on the couch, suddenly she got a call, she took her mobile and looked at the screen, now that her mother had called, she received the call

Ariana - hey, Mom

how are you and how was your journey?

and where did you stop?

Ariana's mom - Ariana picked up the video call, and she disconnected the call

she was a little confused about what just happened, I mean why did she say that

by then she got a video call from her mother

Ariana's mom - hello Ariana

Ariana - hey mom, how are you?

she said so and suddenly her mother surprised her Eli took the call and started talking

Eli - hey Ariana, how are you?

what made you think I would leave you so easily?

but I'm still angry with you, you didn't tell me anything

Ariana - I'm fine, how are you?

Eli - not good without you

Ariana - oh! I don't think so

she says jokingly

her mother and Eli both are on screen

Ariana - Mom how are you?

Ariana's mom - I'm good, where is John

Ariana - John is not here he has gone to a meeting

Ariana's mom - so you are alone at home

Ariana - no, he told Nick to stop

Mom - who?

Ariana - oh! I'm sorry, I didn't do any introduction

she went to nick

nick - this is my mom and the girls stood by her side she is my childhood friend Eli

and mom, or Eli this is Nick, John's friend

nick - hello ma'am, and Miss Eli

Ariana's mother - he'll, nice to meet you, Nick

and Eli - hello

nick - you to ma'am

Ariana - Ariana's mother was getting another call, Ariana I will call you a little later I have a call, Take care of yourself, Ariana, you too Mom her mom cut the call

she sat on the couch

Nick sat on her opposite side and asked Ariana

Ariana, what will you eat in the afternoon?

Ariana - nothing

nick - but why ?, if you do not eat, he will kill me because I didn't take care of you

Ariana - I don't want to eat, I will tell him, don't worry, he won't do anything to you

nick -  b_, but

Ariana - don't argue, I can't argue,

anyway, why did you tell John to come back safely?

nick - umm

Ariana - say something beyond that too

nick - no I can't tell forgive me

Ariana stare at Nick

Nick - okay, I will tell you, but it is against the rules, don't tell John

Ariana - hmm

nick - vultures drink the blood of humans and are good vampires like we drink the blood of animals but vultures are not called vultures because they have no hunger for blood, but they kill humans and drink their blood and they kill all humans they come across, either they are more powerful than us or they can kill easily vampire that's why I'll tell him to come safely

Ariana  - w_, what

both anger and fear were Visa on her face

5 minutes later she shouted Nick

so, why did he go alone? , and how did you let him go?

nick - he is our king / young master, he has been doing all this for the last two hundred years,

because of those vultures, any human who accidentally survives is transformed into a vampire, how many vampires are there like me whom John has made good is it or has it led us on the right path

I too was like those vultures, They made me a vampire too, I was also a human being like you but (Nick Angel said ) those vultures

John showed me the right path, let it be, no matter how much I say it is still less

Ariana - J_, John, what about John

nick - meaning

Ariana - nothing

nick - I am going to cook, I know you want to know about John if you eat food, I'll tell you about John

she didn't say anything and sat quietly

nick went to cook

while Ariana was there she was thinking about John

ah! What I am doing, why am thinking about him

she was worried about him, but he will be ok or not

I hope he's okay

Nick was cooking, and Ariana was looking at Nick

Nick - Ariana what happened? Is there some work, or do you have to ask me?

if you want to ask something, you can ask

she said without thinking

where is John, I want to know him, ask him how he is, call him and ask how he is or just listen to his voice for satisfaction

nick - no, I can't do anything

she sat facing the TV

Nick was smiling in his heart, nick was talking to himself

Young master I thought you just loved Ariana one-sided but maybe Ariana is in love with you too

I am very happy for you young master