
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 6

her mother had gone to the shop

when she looked at the dining table she saw that breakfast was kept on it

and there was a note written on it

she saw the note

have breakfast Ariana, and if you need anything call me

she put that note on the table

by the time she sat down to eat breakfast got a call

she received call


where is your home?

and where are you, Ariana?

E_ E_ Eli, listen to me

where are you, Ariana?

I'm in Finland

what, why?

you are rebuilding the house?

that's why you went there for the holidays?

Eli, we are here to stay forever


but why?

Ariana has told her whole story

Eli is shocked

she didn't say anything and just disconnected the phone

it's afternoon

Ariana was worried for Eli

she didn't feel at home

she went out for a walk

she walked away while walking,

by then it was evening

the way Ariana came it seemed to her that it was the same path but she wandered further away

till then two goons will leave from there, they saw Ariana

they both tease Ariana

Ariana was walking ahead ignoring them

she shouted get lost

they still teased her

they keep following her

you are alone, we will take you to your house

no, get lost

they still follow her

suddenly that black car arrived

John came out of the car

John was very angry when he saw the one goon touch Ariana

John called Ariana, let's go, Ariana

both the goons blocked John's way

and one of them took out a knife

he was attacking John

John shows them his vampire teeth and powers

the goons m_m_monster

both of them ran away saying monster

Ariana was watching everything, Ariana was scared a little

John was yelling at Ariana

why are you walking out alone, and why have you come alone on this deserted road?

and if you were alone you would have called

if you had lost your way then you would have called me

now will you say something?

I had come out for a walk and I didn't realize that I had a walk so far and I had forgotten my mobile

( John shouted to Ariana )

sitting in the car

his anger had still not subsided

it's night

both of them were sitting in the car

John is driving the car

they both were silent

who are you , y_ ,y_ , you are a vampire

hmm I'm a vampire

we reached your home get down

don't tell anyone anything about me

Ariana's mother comes out

where did you go?

and your mobile was also at home

she looked at John

John, you too are there

come in

no, ma'am, I have work

I will come again sometime

he started the car and drove away

Ariana and her mother went inside the house

you both went out for a walk

no mom

I met him on the road and he came to drop me off

he's really good too

hmm, mom

what are you thinking about

she didn't tell her mother what happened to her

she didn't want to bother them

Mom I am going to freshen up

okay, come quickly

it's dinnertime

yes mom

Ariana went to her room to freshen up

a half hour later

Ariana freshened up and came down

and sit on the sofa

while sitting she started thinking

what I saw today, do vampires still exist?

and if he's a vampire then how did he leave me so easily?

I can't understand anything

Ariana, what are you thinking about?

nothing mom

come to eat,

the food plate has been set

yes mom

she sat down to eat

Ariana I forgot about it, I got a call from Eli on your phone,

I answered the call

she was asking you, did something happen between you two?

Mom, I didn't tell her that we live in Finland

because she had gone to her grandmother

place for the holidays, so I didn't tell her

it's okay Ariana, I can understand you

they ate the dinner

your holidays will be over now, look at the 3rd year's admission

ok mom

from tomorrow onwards go to college and make inquiries and take admission to the college of your choice

ok mom

Mom I'm tired, I'm going to sleep

okay, remember to go tomorrow for the admission inquiry

okay Mom, good night

she goes to sleep in her room