
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2

Ariana: by Eli

Ariana went to her home .

Ariana reached home

hey, mom

how was your day

Mom: nothing special,

How was your day today,

you look happy today

Ariana : yes I have topped all class

Mom: congratulations Ariana,

I am very happy, and always be happy like this.

did you eat anything in the morning

Ariana: yes, Eli and I went to Cafe to eat and

then hang out

Mom: ok you must be tired

Ariana: yes Mom,

I'm going to sleep, Mom.

Mom: Okay, good night , have a sweet dream

( Ariana went to her room and slept )

Ariana's holidays are going well

by then Ariana's mother came to know that a contractor had grabbed her place

Ariana's mother's house and flower shop are both gone.

she came home

Mom, what happened?

Ariana , someone has taken over our house and flower shop.


why and how ?

No, this is our house, right?

we bought this

so how did it happen

Mom: don't know

but I will go tomorrow and meet the contractor and tell him that this is our house.

Ariana: ok and you show the original documents of the house and flower shop

to the contractor tomorrow.

mom: ok

Ariana: Mom you are a little tired, take some rest

Mo: ok, I'm going to my room

Ariana: ok mom

next day

it's morning

( Ariana's mother goes to that contractor)

in the contractor's office

who is the contractor here?

I want to talk to him

contractor assistant refused

you can't meet them

why are you stopping me from meeting?

ma'am you can't meet him like this

you must make an appointment to meet them.

they argued for a long time.

( Their voices reached the contractor's cabin )

the contractor came out

he recognized Ariana's mother

( The contractor called Ariana's mother to the cabin )

please sit

I know why you came here

your place is now our

some rich man has bought it.

how did someone buy it like this?

that place is mine

I have the original documents of that place

look nothing can happen now

whether you have original documents or not

but we can give you money for them.

here, this is 2 × more money than that place

and if you don't want this then everything will be lost from your hands

Take this and go from here.

( Ariana's mother quietly returned home with money )

Mom, what happened?

what did you say to the contractor?

( she told everything that happened there )

and you silently brought the money mom

so what would I do, everything would be gone

where we live and what would we do.

( at that moment Ariana's mother gets a call )

hello, who?

hello, the contractor is talking

you have 4 days, to vacate the house and flower shop as soon as possible


Mom who's talking

and who did you say yes to?


a call came from the contractor

we are told to empty our house or shop in 4 days


and where will we go

I'll tell you that later

I am going to pack household things and you also help me

ok mom