
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
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16 Chs

Chapter 8

while both of them were talking an old vampire came, young master, I need to talk to you

tell me what happened.

young master have to talk alone in with you

when she saw the old vampire

Ariana Holds John's hands

when he said Ariana to leave

Ariana Holds John's hands tightly

you can say whatever you want in front of her but the young master


s_, sh_, she is a human, she knows the truth


how can you let it go like this

what do you mean, say clearly what you have to say

I mean this the person who knows our truth we kill him/her, and if we don't kill him/her you have made him / her a slave

when he said Ariana hid behind John

so I'm sure it's full confidence in Ariana

that he won't tell anyone that we are vampires as far as Ariana knows, I'm a vampire she hasn't told anyone, anything and you all vampires stay away from Ariana, I am warning everyone about this

if someone hurts her, I don't even know

what I will do with him/her tell everyone what I said

now you can leave

the old vampire They go away from there

it's night

John let's go Ariana

she nodded

they both came out of the mansion

they both sit in the car, John drives the car 10 minutes later John said Ariana if you have something to say, say it

why do you trust me, that I will not tell your truth to anyone?

he is smiling, 5 minutes later he asked

can I ask one question?

she nodded yes

did you tell anyone about those two goons yesterday

or should you tell your mom something about two goons, she nodded no

and if you had told them something about those things then your mother would not have sent you alone for admission if you told your mother about me, you wouldn't sit with me today

Ariana: hmm, where we are going?


they reached the restaurant, John parked the car

and they both go inside the restaurant, Ariana sits here, and they both sit a waiter has come ma'am and Sir please order, here is a menu

I don't want anything, take orders from ma'am

okay sir

Ariana ordered food, he took the order.., your order will arrive after 10 minutes

he leaves from there

John asks Ariana why didn't talk to Nick

she didn't answer, John knew Ariana was a little scared.., suddenly her phone rings .she looked screen. John asks who is calling you Ariana


John said picked up the call, she received the call


hello mom

John whispered putting the phone on speaker

where are you, Ariana?

why are you taking so long to come home?

( John joins the conversation ) hello ma'am

John you, you are with Ariana

yes, ma'am, Ariana has been with me since this morning Ariana met me while mid of the road and she has been with me since morning

ok, where are you two now?

in restaurant

Ariana had not eaten anything since morning so I took her to the restaurant she was very hungry


I'm not worried if you're with her, coming home slowly is in no hurry, John said okay ma'am

Ariana's mother okay bye John. John said bye ma'am

Ariana's mother cut the call

the waiter has come, ma'am you order

Ariana said to the waiter thank you

have a enjoy the food ma'am, and he leaves

Ariana is eating food, whereas John keeps looking at Ariana all the time, she is so hungry that she does not pay attention to John while eating

after 20 minutes later, she has finished eating

while she was eating some food was smeared on her face, she didn't know

the waiter will come, do you want anything else, ma'am?


those moments John took out his handkerchief

and cleaned Ariana's face, Ariana became shocked and nervous and blushed, John asked the waiter while cleaning Ariana's face


The waiter said Sir bill pay on the counter John said to the waiter okay thank you, your welcome sir

Ariana and John stand up and go to the counter

John asks for the bill, here is your bill sir

when the two boys look at Ariana

John paid the bill

they were leaving from there and suddenly those two boys were walking by Ariana's side, he wanted to tease and pulled Ariana

John has read his mind, They were walking together

John pulled Ariana towards him

John whispered to Ariana's ears, Keep quiet walking like this, she nodded yes, and they walked like this till the parking lot John made Ariana sit in the car and sat down himself, John started the car and drove the car, while Ariana looks at John

John said that the two boys' intention was not right so I pulled you toward me

how do you know I'm asking you this question?

you're looking at me all the way, I know you'll ask me this question

Ariana said okay

Ariana, we are very far from your house

till then sleep, I'll get up you when we reach home,

she was tired, so she got tired and fell asleep, she fell into a deep sleep after an half hour they both reached Ariana's home, John got out of the car

Ariana's mother fell asleep while waiting for Ariana.

John woke up Ariana but she was in deep sleep so she did not wake up

it's midnight

John rang the doorbell but Ariana's mother also did not answer, John rang the doorbell again.

Ariana's mother was also in deep sleep so she didn't even open the door, John came and sat in the car

he parked the car outside Ariana's house

Ariana was Sleeping

John put his jacket on Ariana

John looked at Ariana, she was in deep sleep

he moved closer to her and kissed her forehead

then he sat on his sit, John had been looking at Ariana all night

it's morning

it was 7 o clock in the morning, John got out of the car he rang the doorbell

Ariana's mother had woken up, she came out and opened the door

John you and where is Ariana?

she sleeps in the car

ma'am, we have reached the home at midnight

I rang the doorbell, but you were also in deep sleep, we both stayed all night in the car

oh! I'm so sorry John

please forgive me, I don't know when I fell asleep

it's okay ma'am, it's okay

anyway, Ariana didn't know this because she was tired so she fell asleep already

there is no need to apologize

Ariana woke up after hearing their voice

where is she? John

she slept in the car and hasn't woken up yet

by the time Ariana came out of the car

good morning mom

good morning

John said good morning Ariana

good morning

come on both of you let's go inside

I want to go out, I have work

I will come again, ma'am

no, John, I haven't heard anything you just came inside

b_ , but ma'am

I said- come inside, I don't want to listen to you

okay ma'am


they all went in, mom I am going to freshen up

okay, come quickly.

Ariana said: hmm, okay mom