
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1

Eli wakes up Ariana from sleep

Ariana, Ariana woke up quickly

You are late.

Ariana wake up

Ariana was sleeping

She couldn't open her eyes

She asked her friend what happened in her sleepy eyes

Eli: get up Ariana you are late

Suddenly, Ariana remember

She promised her mom she would take care Flower shop

She falls on the floor with sleepy eyes

Ariana ( ouch )

Eli: Ariana are you ok

Ariana: hmm I'm ok

Ariana stood and walkedededed into the washroom

And suddenly her phone rings

She lat at looked her mobile screen

She gets a call from her mom

She answered call

Ariana :

Hello mom.

I'm coming

Mom: it's ok dear

Eat some breakfast before you come

Ariana:ok mom.

She cut her call and she went to get ready her friend Listening to everything

And went to make breakfast for her

Ariana got ready and came down the stairs

She talks to herself

I hate people and the second thing I'm an introvert

Can I handle Mom's flower shop

When Ariana came into the kitchen she saw her friend making breakfast for her

Eli: look Ariana and said.

Breakfast is ready Ariana

Ariana : ( smiled and said )

Thank you Eli

Eli: you make me speechless I think I'm not your friend

Ariana: no that's not what I mean

Eli: it's ok I know.

So stop and eat your first breakfast

And then we go to your mom's shop

She ate her breakfast

Half an hour later, Ariana got out of her car and Ariana and her friend went to nt her mother's shop

They reached the shop, she saw her mom

Her mother was in a hurry for some reason or she left

Eli taking care of her shop with her


She knows Ariana from childhood

She ( Ariana) is an introvert or she couldn't handle her mom's shop.

So ( Eli ) taking care of her (Ariana's) mother's shop

If any customer wanted to buy a bouquet

Eli would come and stand in front of the customer

Soon it becomes evening

While Ariana was coming out she saw a man,

She got angry

Ariana slammed the car door angrily

Eli understands after looking at Ariana

And both of them reached home.

Ariana's mother had already arrived half an hour ago

She saw Ariana's face

And asked

Did you see your dad?

Ariana got angrier

And said

He is not my father

Ariana went to her room angrily and looked at her room

It is night

Ariana's anger has still not subsided

Ariana's mother was Starting outside Ariana's room

And calling Ariana out of the room.

Ariana did not respond at all

And Ariana's mother got worried and went to her room


It's midnight

Ariana's mother is still worried about Ariana,

Ariana's mother remembers Their past

When Ariana was 6 Years old her father abandoned Ariana and Ariana's mother

They betrayed Ariana's mother

And Ariana and Ariana's mother were thrown out of the house

( Ariana's mother ) she struggled a lot in the 15 past year

And they buy a house and flower shop

By the morning

Is Ariana's mother ready to come to her room or is she going to do chores around the house

Or after cleaning the house

Ariana's mother for Ariana prepared breakfast

And then

Ariana's mom went to the flower shop at 8 in the morning

and after half an hour

Ariana got up

( Ariana didn't even know when she fell asleep)

by the time Ariana got ready and reached the hall, she got a from Eli

Ariana answered the call

Ariana: hello Eli

Eli: hey Ariana, you wake up very early today

Ariana: yes

Eli: are you ready

Ariana: I'm going to have a breakfast

Eli: ok have breakfast, I will be coming after 10 minutes

Ariana: ok

( Ariana had breakfast and was waiting for Eli )

by then Eli reached Ariana's house

Eli knows Ariana is in a bad mood

Eli: let's go to university

Ariana: hmm, let's go

( Ariana got the car out and both of them sat inside the car )

Ariana is driving the car

they reached the university

Ariana stopped her car

Eli got down from the cars

( Eli stopped for Ariana )

Eli got down from the cars

( Eli stopped for Ariana)

Ariana parked her car and walked over to Eli

they both went to their class

after some time sir came to the class

sir: the results of last week's exam are out

sir gave every student there MarkSheet

sir voice comes after 5 minutes

Ariana has topped the entire class in every subject

she is in a good mood now

Ariana is happy

Ariana and Eli going home after class

Ariana took out her car Ariana is driving the car

Eli: asked Ariana if we should go eat something

Ariana said yes

they both went to a Cafe to eat

they order some food

after that, both of them went for a walk

it's too late

it's evening

Ariana: I didn't realize the time

Eli: after how many days have we come out of it

Ariana: hmm

it's been a long time

Eli: I enjoyed it

Ariana: me too

Ariana went to drop Eli off at her house

Eli: this was our last semester of second year

now we have a holiday

from tomorrow we have a holiday for two months

Ariana: hmm

Eli: Ariana I am going to my grandparent's house with my parents for a few days for the holidays

Ariana ok

Eli: take care of yourself

Ariana: you too

Eli: and keep calling and replying to,

messages to

Ariana: ok

they reached Eli's home,

Eli: bye Ariana.