
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7

she couldn't sleep

she knew the truth about John so she was thinking about him the whole night

John, there was looking for those two goons he got two goons

he captured them took his mansion, and went away

there lived many vampires

Young master, you have brought gusts today

no, I have brought two prisoners here

they did something wrong to you?

no not with me, with my close ones

as soon as he said this, he took them to jail

as soon as John left, their selves said

but young master, we are close to you too they haven't done anything to us,

butler said he can't do anything to us

because we are vampires

and he laughed, hahaha hahaha

John punishing those two goons

how did you touch her?

John beat them a lot

your punishment is that you stay in this jail for the rest of your life

then he went to his room

by then it was morning

Ariana also got up and got ready and came down

good morning Ariana

good morning mom

I have prepared breakfast, you can eat it

and you remember, right?

you have to go to the university to inquire about

your 3rd-year admission

yes Mom I'm going

ok I am going to the shop, if you need anything let me know

yes mom

by Ariana

bye mom

Ariana ate breakfast she looked at the door and came out

after walking some distance, Ariana stood to catch a taxi

John was also going there

he saw Ariana and parked his car in front of her

he rolled down his side window

Ariana, where are you going?

Ariana ignored him, and started walking forward John started the car and parked his car in front of her

you are ignoring me?

n_, n_, no, I'm not ignoring you

I will go myself

where are you going?

for admission to the university

so let me take you to the university

( Ariana was about to say no until then )

I haven't asked, I'm telling you, let me take you to the university

sit in the car, Ariana

Ariana sat in the car

John is driving the car

John asked Ariana: you are running away scared of me

n _ n _ nothing like that

so why are you running, I won't do anything to you, you are safe with me

we reached university

I will park the car and come back, no thank you

thank you for dropping by here, I will go inside myself

I didn't ask you, I ordered it

stay here

John came after parking the car

let's go, Ariana

they both went inside

A student looked at John and said good morning sir

good morning

that college was John's

John was also the owner and director of the college

The principal came out and asked John

sir, you are here

if there was any work, you would have told me and I'll come to the mansion

no, I want an admission form for new admission for her, fill out the form

for 3rd year admission

okay sir

he also filled out the form and submitted it

Let's go Ariana


they both left from there for home

John was driving

he asked Ariana, why are you silent?

if you have any questions please ask.

we did not inquiries and went ahead

after submitting the form

don't worry

if you want to ask something, you can ask me


I'm the owner of the college, and the director too

it's already afternoon let's go eat somewhere Ariana.

don't say no again

Do vampires also eat food?



asked just like that.

John suddenly got a call, he received the call

slave : y_ , y_ , young master it's argent

John: what happened, what's going on?

slave : t_ , t_ , that new vampire

John: what happened to him?

slave: it's hard to handle him

he's getting more and more out of control

the slave behind the voice, Young master help, help us young master

I'm coming

John cut the call

he turned the car on the way to the mansion and they were going toward the mansion

Ariana was a little scared

where are we going?


but why ? and whose

my mansion

he drove the car fast

they reached the mansion

they both went inside the mansion

John doesn't want to leave Ariana alone

so he took her with him inside the mansion

there the new vampire suddenly attack

Ariana from the front

John pulls her towards him

carefully Ariana

he pushed the new vampires away

ND he hypnotized him and controlled that vampire

the vampire fainted

John said to the slave: take him to his room

that slave has made the new vampire to sleep in his room

after seeing all the vampires in the mansion,

Ariana goes and stands next to John

that slave has come down or standing near John

Ariana sees him and stands behind John

he tries to talk to Ariana,

Ariana seeing him, Ariana moves close to John

the slave: hello miss my name is Nick

who are you?

Ariana doesn't answer anything

by then John tells all the vampires to leave

all vampires go away

John smiled seeing Ariana standing close

he coughs

Ariana stands a little distance away from him

I _ , I _ , I'm sorry

it's okay, I can understand you

oh ! sorry

I forgot to see the situation here, we were going to eat

a sound came from Ariana's stomach

I _, I_, I'm sorry, am hungry

by then it was evening