
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

Ariana - why didn't you tell me that we were coming to the university?

Ariana was following Nick

Nick - this is your third-year classroom, go inside

Nick showed Ariana her classroom and went to John's cabin

Ariana went and sat in the classroom, fill the students were coming to the classroom

Nick was standing outside John's cabin

John said to come in

Nick - sir do you have any other work?

John - no, you can go to the classroom to teach

Nick - okay sir

Nick - went to class

hello everyone, good morning

I'm your class teacher

everyone stood up said good morning sir said and sat down

Nick introduced all the new student

five minutes later Nick heard a Voice from outside the class

excuse me sir may I come in

Nick said yes, and he came inside

that boy was William, William was shocked to see Nick

William - hello sir, I am a new student

Nick introduced him and said okay, go and sit

William - okay sir

he saw Ariana, the seat behind Ariana was vacant, he sat behind Ariana

William said to Ariana - hey, we got meet back

she didn't answer him

after a while, John came into the classroom

John - hello everyone

Ariana was a little shocked to see John

all students said - hello sir

nick - hello sir, there was some work

John was looking at Ariana and saying - no, I just came to see the students

the bell rang

Nick said to all the students class is over come back tomorrow all the students

all those students left, Ariana was sitting there Ariana wanted to talk to John

Ariana went to John

John - Nick takes Ariana home and stays with her

saying this he went into the director's cabin

Ariana was shocked that John ignored her

nick - Ariana let's go

Ariana - she nodded

Ariana followed nick

Nick went to John's cabin, Ariana was also with him

Nick knocked on the door

John - yes come in

Nick - Nick went inside, he saw Ariana standing outside

he called Ariana and said come inside Ariana

John was sitting on the chair and watching

she nodded no

Nick said to John I have come to pick up my car key

John - okay

he took the key and went outside the cabin

Nick - Ariana let's go

Ariana nodded yes and followed him

they both came near the car

John was standing near the cabin window and looking at Ariana

they both sat inside the car

Nick started the car and drove the car

Ariana remained silent all the way

they both reached the house one hour later

Nick got down to the car

Ariana didn't pay attention and Ariana twisted her leg while getting down from the car

Ariana screams ouch, Nick comes to her

hey, what happened Ariana?

Ariana - m_ , my leg are twisted

she starts crying

Nick - w_, what and how? , where is your attention

you can try walking with your feet down and try to walk

she put her food down and tried to walk

she screamed again and cried

I, I can't walk

Nick - ok wait, I'll pick up you

he picked up her went into the house and sat her on the couch

he called John, John answered his call

John - hello

Nick - hello, I want to the doctor's number

John - but why, do you want the doctor's number?

Nick - Ariana's leg twisted, and she can't walk on her feet, you give me a doctor's number

John - okay, I'll send you the number,

w_, where are you both

he sends the number

Nick - we are Ariana's house, ok the number has come

John - the_ , hello Nick

Nick cut the call and called the doctor

he called the doctor and called her house doctor came to Ariana's house

he rang the doorbell, nick came and opened the door

hello doctor

the doctor - hello

come doctor let me take you to Ariana

Nick said to the doctor her leg suddenly got bent she was not even able to stand on her feet

when the doctor examined her leg she screamed and started to cry

the doctor said we have to do an X-ray

I think her leg is fractured

by the time John reached Ariana's house

he went to Ariana, he looked at her she was crying

John asked the doctor what happened her doctor?

the doctor -Mr. John, I think her leg is fractured

we are taking her to the hospital to be examined

The doctor - Mr. Nick taken to the hospital

Nick - okay doctor

John wanted to pick up Ariana but she pushed his hand

Ariana said to Nick - Nick can you pick up me

Nick looked at John then looked at Ariana and said -I, I'm, umm Ariana, it's okay if John picks you up

Ariana - no, you can pick me up, and are you my brother too, I don't want to go with anyone else

John was a little shocked when she said this

Nick was looking at John

John nodded pick up her, then Nick picked her up and went to John's car and made her sit inside

and they both sat inside the car and went to the hospital

they reached the hospital

Nick said to John - pick Ariana up and come inside, I am going inside with the doctor, said this and went ahead with the doctor

Ariana didn't want to go inside with John

Ariana was shocked after Nick said this

John had come to pick Ariana up and pushed his hand

Ariana did it for the second time

John got very angry

he showed her his flying and his red eyes

she was a little bit scared

he peeled off Ariana and said

look and Don't make me angry, I have been trying to talk to you lovingly since then you are doing this too much

and came inside quietly with me

she goes silent

he pick her up and take her inside

she didn't look at him, and he was looking at her

when he picked her up, his anger went away

they reached the X-ray scanning room

he sat her on a chair, she sat and the doctor scanned her leg

the doctor plastered her leg

she sat on her chair

the Dr - who should I tell how to give this medicine?

John come forward

the Dr - ok Mr . John this medicine is to be given in the morning and this medicine is to be given in the evening

John okay doctor

the Dr - and yes fracture will last one and half months, and Miss Ariana does not put too much weight on her feet

the plaster will be removed next month third week

John - okay

the doctor - you guys can go

John - thank you, doctor

the Dr - Mr . John, this is my work, it's my pleasure.

John looked at Nick and said take it medicine he went to Ariana picked Ariana up took her and went to the hospital Nick was also with him

they went near the car

John made it Ariana inside and sat with her

Nick sat driving Sit and started driving

an hour later they reached home

Nick got out of the car and walked to the door, John went out picked Ariana up, and went inside the house

it's evening

John sits her on the couch

Ariana - Nick can you help me, bring me some water

John said to Ariana- no, he is not helping you

she didn't pay attention to John

Ariana - Nick please give me some water

John looked at Nick and nodded no

Ariana said to Nick - Nick I said something are you hearing me

John said to Nick - Nick leave here it is my order

Nick - okay, young master

while leaving there he said sorry to Ariana and leave from there

John goes to Ariana closer, but she doesn't look at him, she looks at another side, he moves closer to her face

and he gently told her don't behave like this, I don't want to be angry with you

she was just speechless

when she saw him too closer, she saw his eyes and she just got lost in his eyes

while five minutes later she move

and if you want anything means anything you just tell me, not others, why isn't he nick

Ariana - w_, what do you mean? , and if I want anything I can tell Nick

John - why, can you say anything to him if you want anything from him?

Ariana - because

John - yes, I'm listening because tell me next

Ariana - he is my brother

John, he is your brother or anything else between you?

Ariana - you are doubting me, I'm telling you a lie

and why you want to know who we are,

she got very angry and said who are you asking me this way

leave here, I don't want anyone else

and if I want anything I'm telling Nick that's it

John - Ariana

Ariana - what Ariana, are you biting me oh no, you killing me

do you think I'm scared of you? ,

no, I'm not afraid of you

he went to closer and he just hugged her tightly

and said - hey I'm sorry

he just laid his face on her shoulder she could feel his nose and lips on her shoulder, she could feel his breath, just the way he hugged her she could feel him, he hugged her tightly too much and she hadn't said anything

she just talked to herself about what I'm doing

but I just want to stay like this, I just want to stay close to him

20 minutes later

they both moved away a little, and she just blushed he got up and went into the kitchen and five minutes later he gave her water to Ariana

what do you want to eat for dinner Ariana he asked Ariana

while she drank water 2 minutes later she said anything

anything, umm ok I'll just make something to eat

he rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen, to cook something for Ariana

Ariana feels embarrassed for what she is doing

she sat on the couch, and thinking, she talked to herself

ahh! Why did I let him hug me, and why was I hugging him, what am I doing?

it's better to stay away from him

half-hour later John came out and said to Ariana

Ariana, where did you sit to eat? ,

let me seat you on the dining chair

Ariana - n_, no, I'm fine on the couch

okay, I'll bring the plate here


he brings her plate and puts it on the table in front of the sofa

she takes it and starts to eat

Ariana was eating, John was just looking at her

she knew John was just looking at her, her face turned red and she was not even able to eat food

umm, John


can you stop looking at me like that, if you keep looking at me like this, I can't eat food

John - umm I'm sorry,

I can't stop myself from looking at you

when he said this, her face turned red

she started to cough

John stood up and went to get water, he came and brought to water

he told her to drink water and made her drink water

after that, he turned his hand on her head

are you okay, Ariana?

hm, I'm okay, she ate her food

he picked up her plate and put it in the sink

he came and sat near the Ariana

Ariana took medicine and sat

come on, I'll leave you in your room

umm, no thanks, I'm fine here, I don't want to go into a room


he made her sleep on the couch

Ariana now close your eyes and sleep

she nodded okay

John switched off the hall light and turned on the lamp

Ariana was trying to sleep with her eyes closed

John was sitting opposite Ariana she was not sleeping and was tossing here and there

John called Ariana



are you asleep?

yes I'm trying to sleep but can't sleep

John asked Ariana can I come and sit next to you?

she was talking to herself ahh! , I don't want but it came out of her mouth, hmm okay

he went and sat next to her