
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 12

it's afternoon

John already had reached the meeting placed

there he was trying to resolve the issue with the vultures

and told them to leave peaceful

all the vampires in the mansion went with John to meet them for a meeting

half vampires hid a kilometer place, and half sat with him meeting

John knows that vultures will not go easily

At the same time Ariana worried for John, she was worried whether John would be okay or not

Nick called Ariana - Ariana

she wasn't paying attention, she was worried because of John, so she couldn't hear anything

Nick called Ariana back three or four times

but she wasn't paying attention

he went and stood in front of her and called Ariana - Ariana

Ariana - hmm, what happened Nic?

Nick - this is where I should ask you what happened to you I have been calling since then, where is your attention what are you thinking about

Ariana - nothing

Nick - really, are you okay?

Ariana - hmm, I'm fine

Nick - so come on, the food is ready, eat the food let's go

Ariana - no, I'm not hungry

Nick - okay

The Volturis want to kill John

the vultures started beating them, and he beat all the vultures, a vulture attacked John from behind

old vampire caught John - young master are you okay?

John - angrily said yes I'm ok

and John killed those vultures

and all the vultures sacred to John ( John angrily said to all vultures) I'm warning you all, everyone not to come. back here

the vultures are all gone

John was injured

old vampire - young master you are injured let's take you to the mansion

John nodded

they all went to the mansion

old vampire called a doctor, they checked John gave him medicine, and told John to rest

At the same time, Ariana slept on the couch

it's night

John called Nick.

John - hello

Nick - hey, John are you ok? And where are you

John - mansion

Nick - why aren't you here?

John - why are you asking me, why didn't I come has something happened to Ariana?

Nick - no, she just asking about you, why didn't you come

John - okay, what is Ariana doing?

Nick - she is sleeping

John - okay, bring her to university tomorrow at 9 am

Nick - okay

John cut the call

the next day

it's morning

it's 7 o clock in the morning

Nick was waking up Ariana

she felt John walking up, thinking this she suddenly woke up from sleep

she looked at the nick

Nick - good morning Ariana,

Ariana - morning

she sat on the couch

Nick - Ariana freshen up and get ready come here, do we want to go out and take your college bag as well

Ariana - why? and John refused to go out

Nick - I will see, you go and get ready and come down quickly

we, don't have time quickly

Ariana - nodded, and went to her room

fifteen minutes later, she came down ready

someone is car parking in front of Ariana's house

that car was nick

Nick and Ariana outside the house

and Nick sat in the car, nick rolled down the car window

Ariana was looking at Nick

Nick - don't look, come and sit in the car

she sat in the car

Nick started the car and drove the car Ariana sat silent

it was now 7:45, and Ariana hadn't had breakfast, Nick stopped the car near a cafe

Nick - Ariana get down

Ariana - w_, what but why?

Nick - there's still plenty of time to get where we're going, I will park the car and come back, you go inside and order whatever food you want

she nodded and got down to the car

Nick went to park the car

Ariana walked inside the cafe

she sat and ordered hot coffee, a lot of boys were sitting, they were all looking at Ariana

and gossiping, look at that girl, she is so beautiful

she was listening to everything and she was feeling strange and awkward, they were all looking at her she was ignoring them all

a boy came and sat in front of her

his skin color was white, he had blackish eyes, and blonde hair and was as tall as John and wore casual clothes, he was handsome also

by then Nick parked the car and went inside the cafe he entered the cafe he saw a boy sitting in front of Ariana he went to Ariana and sat next to her

the boy was trying to talk with Ariana

the boy - hello my name is William, what is your name?

( he asked Ariana )

Ariana was looking at William, she became a little comfortable after seeing Nick

Nick was sitting next to Ariana

he looked at William angrily and said - stay away from my sister

William said sorry to Nick, William went to his friends took his bag, and said - let's go friends

William went out of the cafe with his friends

, a friend of Williams said - if you had told us we would all have seen that boy / we all beat that boy

William said to his friend - let it be, let's go from here

William's friends said to him - okay, let's go

Nick - are you okay Ariana?

Ariana - hmm, I'm okay

Nick - I mean are you comfortable?

Ariana - those boys are gone now I am comfortable, and my brother is also with me

she said this and she smiled

Nick - I will always be with you

Ariana - really

he put his hand on her head and said - hmm, I'm always with you Ariana

they both smiled

Ariana - come on, I'm done with my coffee

Nick - you just drank coffee, didn't order anything to eat

Ariana - nodded no

Nick - wait let me order something to eat

Ariana - no, I don't want to eat anything

Nick - but you haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon

Ariana - but I'm just drinking coffee, so I don't want to eat anything

Nick said tiredly ahh! what should I do with this girl

Nick said to Ariana - are you sure, you don't want to eat

Ariana - nodded, yes I'm sure I don't want to eat anything

Nick - okay let's go

they both stood up, went to the counter paid the bill and went out of the cafe

Nick looked at the watch

it's 8: 20 am

he was talking to himself

it will take half an hour to reach the university if we don't arrive at the right time John will not leave me

Nick said to Ariana - Ariana, get in the car quickly, we are getting late

she nodded and sat in the car

Nick driving the car

they reached the university

Nick - Ariana get down the car, I'll Park the car and come back to you

Ariana - okay, she gets down from the car

John was watching Ariana stand in his director's cabin