
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 4

next morning

Ariana's mother went to set up the new flower shop

( she left in the morning )

Ariana got up and came down ready

suddenly the doorbell rings

( Ariana opens the door )

she opened the door and saw John

good morning Ariana

good morning John

John: I did not disturb you in the morning

Ariana: no,

please come in.

( John comes in the sits on the sofa in the drawing room )

Ariana: would you like some tea and coffee?

John: no thank you, Ariana, where is ma'am

Ariana: I don't know, actually mom has gone somewhere,

John: so she must have told you something, where she is going

Ariana: I was sleeping, so I don't know

John: Okay

Ariana called her mom

( John is looking at Ariana )

Ariana is feeling uncomfortable

Ariana's mother received the call

Ariana's mother:hello

Ariana:hello Mo, where are you?

John has come home to meet you

Ariana's mother: ok

ask him if he is free

( Ariana asked John )

John are you free

John: why

Ariana: Mom is asking

John: yes

Ariana: Mom John is saying yes

Ariana's mother: ok I'll be a little late

I told him to stop, tell him

Ariana: ok mom

( Ariana cut the call )

Ariana: Mom will be late and say you are told to stay

John: ok

Ariana felt dizzy

John catches Ariana

he splashed water on her face

Ariana regained consciousness

John: you have a fever

Ariana: I am fine

( John takes Ariana to the hospital )

Ariana: where are you taking me

jhon: hospital

Ariana: but I said I'm fine

John: yes, I can tell by looking at your health, how well are you?

now lie down and let me drive

( she lies down quietly )

they both went to the hospital

John: get up Ariana

We reached the hospital

they both went inside the hospital

hi doctor

hello John

how did you come here?

and who is she?

I have never seen you a girl with you before

we will discuss all this later, and check up on her first

( doctor check up on Ariana )

what happened doctor

she has a cold

she can't stand the cold

I guess she doesn't belong here,

and she has never been to a cold place before

( Ariana comes out of the check-up room )

I'm giving her some medicine, she should take it on time and wear more warm clothes

ok thank you, doctor

( both of them come outside and sit in the car )

( John lets Ariana wear his jacket )

take this and wear the jacket, Ariana

no thank you, John

I said to wear a jacket

no, I'm fine

we'll stay here until you wear this jacket

she doesn't wear a jacket

ok, we will. stay here

I don't want your jacket, and I will go myself

( Ariana gets down from the car )

you are new here, how will you go?

and do you know the address of your house?

( she was not even standing properly )

look it's too late

please come inside

your condition is getting worse

( she falls)

Ariana, Ariana (John shouted)

Ariana your condition is getting worse

sit inside the car.

Ariana sat inside the car

John made Ariana wear his jacket

5 minutes later

John is driving

Ariana, where are you from?


have you ever been to a cold place before?
