
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 3.4M Views
  • 107 Chs
  • 4.6
    55 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

Read ‘The Knight of Ruin(DxD)’ Online for Free, written by the author A_Real_Werewolf234, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ADVENTURE Fanfiction, MAGIC Fan Fiction, HAREM Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, ...


In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

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Journey to the True Martial World

Dr. Frederick Alfheim, was your average lab Scientist. There was honestly nothing spectacular about him. He followed the same routine every day. Wake up, hygiene, leave for work, lunch, and then back home. Every once in a while, Frederick would find himself watching anime, reading a manga or some sort of web novel. That is until the Demons attacked his world. A decade long war ensued and brought humanity to the brink of extinction. When the sun was setting on humanity, that average joe doctor worked his ass off in an underground bunker for the military to create something, anything, that could turn the tides of war in humanity's favor. Dr. Fredrick Alfheim accomplished this feat during his death. His parents, family, lovers, and friends. Had all perished in the war against the demons. His serum was created to protect the reminisce of humanity from experiencing the same. Sometime after his death, that serum was found along with his body and notes. Recreated and distributed. Humanity eventually repelled the demonic horde and won the war. Years after his death and the people of his world were long gone. Fredrick was the last being going through the cycle of reincarnation. However, this time was different. Frederick was different. Learning the truth behind his existence and that his loved ones were created to be nothing more than a stepping stone to be toyed with. Fredrick made a decision that would send him on the journey of a lifetime. All in the name of revenge, to slay the Divine Emperor that created him and toyed with his life. Travelling through the Verses, Frederick will battle his way to the summit of every lifetime and ascend at any cost until he makes it to the True Martial World, to rip the heart from the chest of his creator. He will lose himself. Find himself. Love, mourn, kill, heal, and so much more as he navigates his way to the pinnacle of existence. In the End, after baring so many titles, answering to different names, experiencing a multitude of love and pain, and the climb to the top that is often accompanied by callousness and savagery. Will he still seek vengeance? Will he become better or worse than the creator, he seeks to destroy? Or will Fredrick be the one to find his chest void of heart and his body short of a head? Find out in the Journey to the True Martial World. Starting with the Naruto/Avatar world. -Foundation Black Clover xDanmachi xGrancrest Senki- Gain and train abilities/skills SAO/DxD/ Testament Sister New devil- Acquire Gear (Weapons and Armor) Soul Land- Evolve gear and abilities, acquiring and evolving Physiques TDG/CSG- Last stop before the Martial World Martial world/ True Martial World- Beginning of the end. Crossovers to be expected, canons obliterated, worlds expanded, and darker elements amplified. I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover photo, found it on Pinterest

Grand_Magus · Anime & Comics
74 Chs
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Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


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Could you complete the fanfic for us? The amount of fanfic that authors make without finishing is getting boring.......................................


The typical DxD novel with no real goal for the Mc so he ends up trying to get the most power possible within his childhood years. Harem antics that are beyond boring; since the author's use of diction with his description and dialogue is incredibly mundane. I think he has 5 women by this point and I couldn't care less about them since he only speaks to them when he requires something they have (except his mother I guess...). Updates are the only real positive to this book as everything else is mediocre at best. Buuuut, this is Webnovel- I don't exactly expect anything of substantial thought.


Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.


This fanfic is really great, the author is clearly very talented especially when writing the characters and dialogue. The MC is awesome, he is very powerful but it doesn’t defy canon rules. I love the fact that the author has the balls to go all in on the divergence from canon and even makes it the objective of the MCs reincarnation. It’s seriously difficult write a fanfic like that, but I can already tell the author will pull it off Overall, I was supremely impressed and I can’t wait to read more chapters. Keep up the good work!


The dialogue is pretty horrendous. A lot of it is just useless filler with no depth to it. The MC is a bit of a weirdo, but that's more the writers poor taste than anything. The dialogue is incredibly unrealistic, conversations especially. Yes, it's a fantasy world, but seriously? The conversations look like a child wrote them. The prose is awful. Each line adds nothing to the overall narrative, so much so you could skip the first 10 chapters and would of missed nothing of importance. I genuinely can't be bothered to give a more In depth review, the fanfic isn't worth anymore than what I've wrote.


Do you have a patreon


to be honest, it is getting boring, harem arch are same for all novels, it feels too early for love interest, and overall the story hasn't progress outside of Devil world with it being kind of fast yet slow progress of the content within the story, and the lack of action from mc puts me at a lost of interest to the novel.


I want to start with saying that I've been a fan of your wyvern fic and want to know when you will continue it. It was one of the best Dxd fic for me. As for this fic, the start was good but it went downhill after the bael heir plot at least for me. The harem is too big and for me it didn't work out too many OCs and the harem members character were a bit off though the romance part was not bad but not good either. But the main thing that I didn't like was the power concept of MC. Despite having power of gravity from demon lord Wilbert from testement sister new devil which is equal or stronger than power of destruction it was nearly invisible throughout the fic apart from the start where he used it to train. Soul magic, necromancy , mage, knight alchemist blacksmith etc. you have put a lot of eggs in one basket and instead of harmony it all looks chaotic . Summary: For the author, you have a lot of ambitions you should have taken one step at time for all those professions and even that harem to work out not just take the shortcut called timeskip overall the concept of the fic was good but the execution was poor.


I say, it's goes in a weird category for me. I mean, yeah it's definitely more or less typical dxd fanfic. But mc seems to be more intrested in guys then girls. He have more "brothers" then harem members. You think it's should be fine, but he literally have more interactions with DUDES then with his own womens. You could think of it, whatever way you want. Like from ancient greeks(I'm not talking about geh unreal greece, that people would present nowadays, no the geh wasn't that prominent as people like to present. It's just a screechs from political involved people) where womens was lesser beings, those can't be true comrades for mc - which is kinda based. Or he is literally latent geh. I think it's second option...


this is good, but the writing quality is bad. Its not about the gramar and typo, its about the choice of words. Also the dialogue is kinda weird. There is also no depth in the story.


This one used to be one of the top fanfics, but as always, author tried to take on multiple books together which resulted in irregular updates. Way to irregular. 6 days still no updates or any announcement from the author. Yeah, it's a free read, but still, the author should let the readers know if they are going to take a long break. Then again, bro got big ego. So, let's see if he deletes this comment or not. Anyway, don't bother to reply back.


My thoughts on this fanfic are... Why not just read it yourself? I'm too lazy to properly wrote a Review ✌️


This fanfic is good enough that's rare in webnovel standard. warning: The MC got that edge lord drip


Man i have been avoiding this fanfic since its start after seeing the first chapter name romonus gremory cuz it is getting boring with the amount of fanfics with villain gremory and sirzech fanfics and their neglected siblings. But this fanfic is good and hope it continues


The story has a lot of promise from what I've read. I hope the author keeps it going and updates regularly. Fingers crossed they don't drop it!


Reveal spoiler


It's okay, but very boring. Alot of it, seems like a cultivation novel. And the problem with cultivation novels is that it's too technical, and feels like you are reading a textbook, which makes you sleepy. Also the MC has a really conservative attitude- rude to people for no reason, close minded etc. which ticks me of. If you want something with good grammar, and like cultivation novels this is for you.


Reveal spoiler


Surprisingly a great story, not a braindead harem and actual relationships between both men and women that feel real. The main character is actually respectable, intelligent and ambitious, I can't think of a single thing to complain about, good work Author!


Errado e com sabor as histórias e DxD a sua história é muito boa espero que continue escrevendo não ligue para os comentários negativos só são pessoas com inveja do seu talento só o que precisa é postar com mais frequência capítulos de sua história é boa 🤔🤔🤔😁😁😁👍👍👍👍👍


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