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It's hard to get into contact with the god itself for levelling up. Also in the anime the familia members were hostile to other members. Rex could always swat them like flies, but having to watch your back constantly is tiring.
He better kill him before he summons Rais, or he is cooked
Its pretty mid because: - MC is unnecessarily paranoid. Like guy wears a cloak everywhere as according to him everyone is out to kill him. Wearing a cloak would get more attention. - I read to Ch 21, but there's no romantic action yet not even a hint from the MC. That said it's pretty decent if you don't mind the things above, and has good weak-strong element to it.
Why tf is this rated high and have so many views? It has Chinese novel elements like scummy tactics from administration while being based in the US ...
Should have ended him right there and swooped through all his conquered territory.
Amazing compared to all the thrash here. Completely unique idea which keeps you hooked. My only teeny tiny complaint is the lack of romance to spice the MCs life a little bit, but that's a personal thing Read this I promise you won't regret it.
MC personality fkin ruins it. Acts pretty full of himself and the entire plot bends itself for him. Also just wastes time chasing booze, even a brain-dead harem anime is 100x better than this. If you want a rude, stubborn, full of shit MC this is for you.
Broke the poor guys bar for no reason
Couldn't he just run from one end of the room to another?
It was pretty good in the beginning especially the whole weak to strong trope, and the manually having to craft alchemy using actual science without full system support. Lot of other fics just do it with 'magic'. At the start the MC seemed pretty smart and level-headed. This unfortunately dropped at the part where he encounteres Sirzechs. The rational MC suddenly becomes an egomaniac and prone to outbursts without assessing the implications of going against a being who could vaporize him in an instant. And the only thing which saves him from this, is the plot armour of 'if they get rid of me, a war will break out since Azazel backed me'. But as we see in the anime, powerful beings don't always think rationally, so realistically Sirzechs would just force him into servitude as he cares more about saving Rias - consequences be damned, and the Grigori realistically aren't going to mobilize their faction just to avenge an affiliate who wasn't even a full member of the Grigori. Besides since the MC only reveals his affiliation after he makes a deal with Sirzechs, in a scenario of Sirzechs forcing him into servitude the moment he goes against him, the devil's could always counter the Grigori accusation by stating that they were unaware of their affiliation. My point is that the lack of consequences of his pride, kinda shits on the whole immersion as it's not realistic and the plot forcefully bends the world to the MCs advantage.