They hate him, because he was telling a truth...
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-make a novel to practise h-scenes -doesn't wanna to do h-scenes -mc is more intrested in fighting zombies Sigh,then why in the world you doing it?For hollow incouragment from people that doesn't care about story and what you doing?
and you literally take the worst mj version in the world... Oh,no.There is even worse from second game .
I mean it's fine,even good... But i really tired of all this "funny " stuff. You know when mc is self-aware and try to be witty ... it's always ends up him acting like a cheap clown. It's was what makes me dislike marvel movies, it's the same that kills all the mood in fanfic. I just don't care,nor about this "rudy",nor about his story. The stakes are null, it's just a lame joke that you don't wanna to get because you tired.
yeah,suuuure... now get lost ,poser.
It's okay, nothing to exciting.Especially in hentai departmen, pretty lame. Autor somehow thinks that "dominating"is like a vanilla blowjob and staying on you feet at the same time... Don't ask me,i don't understand either. But anyway,what i trully despise is uninteresting main characters.Yes ,most of the time i speek about soft beta trashes.But that's not the only bad characters that i dislike.They are just much more popular around webnovel. This one is "mature","yare -yare sigh "prick. In hentai world... The dude that not intrested in girls... The dude that have problems getting girls... In hentai world... The dude thinking that he is baki character,and rigorously training without getting much,and all his power actually comes from missions(girls)... IN A HENTAI WORLD! Yeah,not only guys is boring ,he is trying to be smart but he is this nerfed in the head department... It's somehow crazy...
i mean ,you try to make him mature. And not a wuss.But come on,with all his sighs,and "problematic" remarks.He seems just be a passive boring dude, that's not intrested in anything. It's not any better...
Exactly what you did? That's a fool move,comrade. You gotta do better!
being an alchemist and tempting stong ones with you ability,is beyond stupid by any means. First of all,most of forces like devils,have the alternatives.It's not like you are invaluable. Ane second of all,they same with original problem,you don't give any worth answet why brute force isn't an option.Because he is pridefull and would work counterproductive ? beach please, tortue him,kill him,revive him and enslave him.I would gladly look how much time it's take yo break his pride.
remember fight with guild,he was stronger then them like by 2 realms by yeah,he would probably mess this up.
👀👀👀I'll take it as attempt at humor, because if not, this guy is totally useless piece of trash.