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  • Alfiemooon
    Replied to Sir_Leirkazz

    wait what?? this dude wrote Gothams dead end bar?

    1: Atlas I
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Alfiemooon

    why does each chapter end In such an unsatisfactory way. At least resolve the attack on the carage before ending it. seriously, a single conversation. The only thing it amounted to is harry and Daphne going to the ball, and it was done horribly. it should of had it's own couple of chapters (seriously only needs one but you refuse to write chapters with actual content). even if you had to reduce the chapters to like 3 a week or something, at least each chapter would be meaningful.

    Ch 295 Chapter 295: Dancing Wyrm
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Alfiemooon

    I highly doubt she could from what we've seen of her🤷‍♂️

    "The plan comes first… If my son proves himself to be a hindrance, then I would deal with him myself."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Alfiemooon

    I don't think that's how it works. While size is definitely a factor, melys was larger than sunfyre and was by far the fastest of all the dragons.

    The race back was pretty exciting, Aegon won of course, his dragon was smaller and lither, allowing for more acceleration.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Mighty
    Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
  • Alfiemooon
    Replied to Brutality

    Perhaps, but a monologue given to the audience isn't done In real time. it's a narrator telling the audience about past events. if it's done in present time, well that's a lil thing called 4th wall breaking.

    Am I being dramatic? Maybe. But don't judge me. I know that my life isn't as bad as many others', so I won't complain too much.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • Alfiemooon
    Replied to King_Gluttony

    an enemy he himself has done nothing against. Lily was never on Harry's side, he hasn't lost her because he never had her in the first place. it's too contrived

    I was also going with Harry being blindsided since everything happened on the same day, and both he and Lily lashing out... Still, Lily has her own reasons (no spoilers sorry :D) but it was supposed to be somewhat emotional, but I don't think I did it right since I didn't write any chapters that highlight her feelings. You should have a better idea of that in the next chapter but I probably should have found a way to put it before this one. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to do that without some major spoilers...
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Alfiemooon

    one of the worst chapters you've written. it was so artificial... just forced. it's like refusing to eat dinner and having your parents go "for daring to reject my cooking, of which may or may not of been poisoned , you will go without food for the rest of your life. " like yeah sure, he's lost a couple of werewolves (despite never using, nor needing them in the first place) and his relationship (feels wrong to call it this) with lily is gone (he never had one in the first place, they were using each other, simple as). The whole interaction just feels so contrived, it's impossible to enjoy it. you've taken away lily before she's done anything important. she was just a background character you tried so hard to bring into the forefront, but failed hard at making her interesting or impactful. This whole arc, up from when Harry met lily, what has she actually done that changed the story in an impactful way? The seals still would of been broken, harry still would of fought with Dumbledore, he would still have his own sideplans etc. Lily has done nothing. she's a failed character that needs to actually have an impact before we can begin to care that she's gone.

    Ch 293 Chapter 293: Of Choices Made
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Alfiemooon
    He was unfortunately proved wrong as these contraptions threw the rocks at a great distance, crushing soldiers under their weight.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Mighty
    Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
  • Alfiemooon

    4 or 5 thousand? wdym 4 and 5 thousand

    "My Lord! The scouts saw a host of infantry gathering next to the river! Some four and five thousand!"
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Mighty
    Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
  • Alfiemooon
    Replied to Writers_Ablood

    yeah, completely understandable. It's just that void has yet to set himself apart from the other nightstalkers. it's been a while, so maybe he has and I've just forgotten. hopefully being knowledgeable in all the hive voodoo fills that.

    Ch 91 The Great Disaster(2)
    Destiny: The Legendary Hunter
    Video Games · Writers_Ablood
  • Alfiemooon

    rage? his emotions are off.

    When Mikael had me by the throat and was preparing to stake me, my emotions came flooding back in. I felt a rage that I hadn't felt since fighting Cade. My magic also reacted violently, connecting itself to my wolf, and I felt all the power it had absorbed from the dead of Hell, flow into and empower my wolf, strengthening, and changing me. I felt the fire under my skin, and my eyes began to burn.
    The Original Doppelganger
    TV · Nerdy_stoner
  • Alfiemooon

    hopefully void starts sharing some of his expertise here. feels weird to see him act ignorant when he could easily explain away any questions he might have.

    Ch 91 The Great Disaster(2)
    Destiny: The Legendary Hunter
    Video Games · Writers_Ablood
  • Alfiemooon

    it feels pretty forced. We haven't really seen them drift apart at all, they're just doing their own thing. you're making the narrative bumpy when it shouldn't be.

    Ch 290 Chapter 290: Blood Moon
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Alfiemooon

    1st person definitely isn't the play here.sounds ridiculous.

    As the Kings hand, I'm the one that's actually in charge of The Seven Kingdoms. And Everyone on the Small Council is looking to me. They know what must be done, but it's not going to be as easy as Robert wants it to be.
    A Song of Ice and Fire: Raenon Targaryen
    Book&Literature · easyread
  • Alfiemooon

    whoop whoop!

    I understand it has been a long time since this story was updated. I want everyone to know I am in works to get it back up and running after some bad news and poor health. Fingers crossed I can start writing new chapters and get back to work on this amazing story again!
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • Alfiemooon

    The prose needs a lot of work, the characters feel bland and are so heavily nerfed that each character feels no stronger than a genin - including the hokage. The story is also slow. Nothing's really happening. you could skip out 5 chapters at a time and you wouldn't of missed much tbh.

    Naruto : Uchiha Clan
    Anime & Comics · sybife
  • Alfiemooon

    don't use hereditary titles (as non existent as it is in the Naruto verse) as a point towards a person being respected. A civilization could of had that title. it doesn't make her strong because she has it.

    "Mind your place…" her cold voice actually made every last one of them shiver. They were reminded why she was the current first lady of the village, and why everyone respected her as much as they did their late Shodai Hokage.
    Naruto : Uchiha Clan
    Anime & Comics · sybife
  • Alfiemooon

    know your place**

    "Mind your place…" her cold voice actually made every last one of them shiver. They were reminded why she was the current first lady of the village, and why everyone respected her as much as they did their late Shodai Hokage.
    Naruto : Uchiha Clan
    Anime & Comics · sybife
  • Alfiemooon


    "We have in possession of us five whole teams of Kumo jounin's, their best! Plus, the Raikage himself - which means we right now possess the secrets to his revered Black Lightning kekkei genkai with countless more of their secrets hidden in those bodies, and he wants us to hand them back to the Cloud?! Has he gone senile?!"
    Naruto : Uchiha Clan
    Anime & Comics · sybife
  • Alfiemooon

    In canon tobirama killed them all himself because succumbing to his wounds. There were much more in the anime, and a lot of them claimed to be S-rank.

    By these Gold and Silver brothers, B-rank Kumo jounins in the international bingo books. Who then proceeded to ambush them and killed everyone save - Kami thank us - one Sarutobi Sasuke and Senju Tobirama, while the remaining are now laid to a permanent rest.
    Naruto : Uchiha Clan
    Anime & Comics · sybife