This story is nearly below average in everything. The grammar is abysmal, the characters aren't fleshed out ( but theirs only 25 as im currently writing this review, so it may change), and everything else seems *******ish. And listen guy, it's okay if you want to include dark themes like r@pe into your story but it has to make sense. Why after only 30 minutes of an apocalypse is rape already happening? Literally everyone would be trying to procure a safe haven and some supplies, nobody would even have the feckin time. The character interactions are cringy and the MC is already acting like an edge boi. Slow your roll man, take a deep breath and replan your story.
Liked by 56 people
LIKENo worries! I'll accept any kind of review without hard feelings :D I need these kinds of reviews to improve after all and its not like I can't deny what you are saying. I know that I'm lacking at many things hehe. The only thing I can do is try my best to improve overtime and go back to the older chapters and edit properly. Well, I don't actually want to say this since it would spoil a few things but the rape happened not because those guys just accidentally saw her. Yes! Their encounter is not an accident and that is why the thing happened too early! >.<
I mean no offense, but for the part where you are talking about r@pe happening only after 30 minutes too fake to be reality-ish, I think to be untrue. In most apocalyptic style books (real ones not just Webnovel), when there there is no martial law, humanities darkest selves come out. People WILL panic and WILL do dark things. And knowing that they will die, will try to live out their desires one by one. They won’t stop to think about doing some dark things knowing that they and most others will die soon. ~ I mean no offense just wanted to put that one out there.
When your life is on the line the 1rst think you do is make your survival more certain, of course people will, without a doubt, do darker things than usual, but the two ways that people will deal with the situation is by panicking or trying to secure protection. I find it unnatural even if it was pre-planned because fear would trigger their shelf-protection mechanisms.
When **** hits the fan, you can say goodbye to logic. Some people will go insane and do things which aren't logical. Like r*pe even when their lives are at risk. I haven't read the scene yet so I don't know how it plays out but looting and rape usually happen instantly when mass panic breaks out.
I agree. With fear and adrenaline high some people get really horny. And since they are going to die anyways they might as well die while having sex.
Exactly 👍🏻 things like rape would happen especially in the beginning and probably trough out the whole apocalypse because it’s part of some people’s nature it happens on good days so why not when the world goes to hell... btw no offense to the writer of the rape ordeal thing but some go for supplies some of there desires and lusts but even a soldier on his first battlefield even with the training has the adjust a little an apocalypse for normal people and soldiers ect is way worst then a war (btw yet again no way looking down on war it’s just that an zombie apocalypse is beyond reasoning of our current level of thinking most we think of with world ending is nuked and guns and even bio weapons of the video gamers but apocalypse is something else