There are like 20 reviews from two people giving this 5 stars and I have to put my foot down. I’ve read up to chapter 18 and I want to blow my brains out. Wanna know why? It’s not lacking chapters. It’s not the decent grammar or the general narrative style. It’s the overuse of clichés, emphasis of “plans,” and useless characters. Also, the dreadful POV shifts. For clichés, we got MC Mark, a “badass” anti-hero/hero mix. We got a random mother and daughter burden for escort. Then there’s the strong and uncooperative love interest with her friend. Oh, and I almost forgot! There’s the unnamed male employee as the servant. Some bus is in an accident and then zombies come out from it. It’s the apocalypse and somehow, the zombies have hacks that allow them to bypass crowds and kill any good guy with a gun. No police or guards! No phone service, so you can’t call for help! That means everyone is getting slaughtered! MC steps in to lead everyone to safety! Oh no! Someone needs help, so he goes to save them with his badass one-handed shotgunning skills! He got it from a zombie guard that happened to attack him! But he can’t just save them without showing how all other guys are trash! A mom gets grabbed by dying man! How she is still alive when running from zombies with her daughter? Who cares! Love interest shows she can fight, but MC saves her because he must be better! Oh? A rich fatty goes crazy and holds everyone hostage in his base? He locks out MC and kills someone with a gun? Guess it’s detour time for MC to go save them because they’re helpless without him! No need to try and reason with the fatty. Don’t worry! It’s all according to “plan!” MC loots a place and makes the path secure. Oh, a detour to the detour? Oh, it’s time to save a new love interest? Oh, we have to get the hero a heroic entrance instead of assassinating the gangsters. We’ll have the MC talk to the Boss as he r*pes the girl because this is the “plan!” What!? The Boss has a gun? No worries! MC knew and wanted to make sure by talking to the gangsters! He just wanted to get a better shot. What? He only shot off the Boss’s arm and kicked a gangster’s balls? What “plan” is this? How will he survive now? Oh? It was instant KO? As expected of MC, the other gangsters run away since they luckily don’t have guns. Now the MC is the hero. Let’s have TWO chapters of FLASHBACKS to show this pampered and beautiful love interest having a hard time with her family, friends, and fiancé. Don’t worry! Literally disarming the Boss was part of the plan! He’s bleeding out, but don’t worry! MC must have a moment with his love interest! Oh, the Boss died? Time for a new “plan!” The fleeing gangsters attracted the zombies away? As expected of the “plan!” They never could have lured them back! Even if they did, MC had “plans” for it! Ignore that his people had to kill zombies attracted by his gunshot! Hey, that mom can come over here and clean up the love interest. That gangster Boss r*ped her all over just by himself! She’s coated in his slimy seed! Great! We’re ready to move on! Ignore how the daughter keeps up. Man-servant has been carrying the injured mother the whole time! Do you understand how tedious and discomforting that is? It’s a droll format. It relies on cliché encounters to build up a harem team because the author doesn’t want to have MC alone. We go back and forth between characters only so the MC is no longer the focus of the story. It’s fractured but whole, like a fractured butt hole. Incomplete, but complete; empty, but full.
Liked by 482 people
LIKEWell, yes. I admit that there are flaws in the first chapters and I already stated before that I have yet to revise the first chapters that had very poor grammar on them. I think, its like that for until chapter 30 I think. The grammar had already improved about that time. As for the ones the I haven't revised yet, their turn will come in the future. About the story, let me enlighten you. There's no service for phones, no police and no one new about the outbreak in the area. If you search about the location of the place the story happened in a map, you will see that it is quite a location south west of Luzon in the Philippines. Considering that its scenario the outbreak had was a spreading one, it was late for people in this place to notice it specially for people on the road. No police? it was because they were already deployed somewhere else and try to contain the outbreak or at least block them from reaching this area! Remember the traffic? It was because the police had blocked the roads already. With the infected coming to their location, it was obvious that their ranks had already been breached! So what police are you looking for? Of course you will see them at other places than this place as its not like every policeman was in the area to be deployed. I don't know why you are asking about the guards though when they are there. Next, you want to know why the infected seem to go after the men with the guns? Geez, you said it, they have guns! They attract the infected more that the running people for their noisy shooting. Shooting skill? Where is that? If I'm correct, he already missed his target several times. He was just too close that time to miss. Also about the guard??? If you read chapter 16, the guard appearing there was too much accidental. About the other characters, I don't know why you are fussing about them too much, the three you even complained about, though they affected some parts of the main story, are just side characters. If you read later chapters, you will know that he came there for Ange and Paula with the mother and daughter being a tag along. He also just brought the employee for convenience. If you remember, it was mentioned that he was the most fit looking one of the three. The introductions of those people though came a bit later since there are no time for them to introduce themselves. The mother surviving that far can be constituted to luck. Not every person can be unlucky unless you are reading a dark fantasy themed novel. About the daughter though... What are you talking about? First, she was carried by Paula and after the cinema, she was being carried by her mother. The mother only suffered sprain and not like her foot is broken. Now, I doubt if you really read the story at all. As for the gangsters. I know that it was more efficient to just kill them but duh, its not like his ammo was infinite. If your thinking right, it was better for the gangsters to just flee and not make him waste ammo. He only resorted to shooting when the gangsters did not looked fazed and tried to retaliate. As for the gangsters luring them back, don't think of it. Its not like the gangster slowly ran out of the cinema for them to think of returning. With the threat of death at the cinema, of course the gangster would try to flee where the threat would be lesser and that is further away. If you noticed, the number of infected at the corridor was almost nonexistent in the next chapters. It was a place not that known by the customers and of course only the employees had access to these places. That is also the reason why they are heading for that corridors in the first place. Furthermore, it was not a wuxia where enemies would resort to mutual destruction with the protagonist. Leading the infected back? they would sure die without chances of bringing Mark along with them. A cinema is large, by the time they entered back to lead the infected, Mark have all the time to run away and lock them
Next, about the gangsters not having guns, I see, you live in the US. FYI gangsters in our country differed from what you can find there. Our gangsters here, specially minor aged ones, resort more on improvised weapons unless they are a part of a crime syndicate. Another thing, yes, the infected can be lured in by the sound of the gunshot. But, remember where they are? A cinema. Cinema's are built to contain the sounds inside as much as possible even if the doors are not locked. About asking the mother clean Mei up, duh. Its better for a female to do that especially a mother. She was just defiled by a male and making another male touch her body afterwards is like making everything worse. Geez. Furthermore, though it was embarrassing to do, the intensity with the mother doing it was lesser that making two virgin girls do it. As for the employee though... nah never mind. I already said that the mother was already walking after the cinema. Back to the rich fatty, he did not held everyone hostage for correction. He only threatened them into closing the shutters. It was never mentioned that he killed someone, I wonder what you are reading to find that. As for the flashbacks, it was to introduce the important character. Though it might be a bit cringey I admit, it was at least necessary. Furthermore, she was not the only person who have that kind of chapter. As for suspecting about the harem format, drop that. Having more female companions doesn't constitute to a harem where there wasn't even a romance part on it. Furthermore, there are many women around Mark in the current chapters (Chapter 132) but none of them had a romantic relation or interest to the MC even except for Mei. As for the cliches, I won't say anything about it. Anyone can find one or two in every novel since every single possible character personality can be regarded as one. Not only that, cliches are accumulated plots and characteristics compiled from the predecessor serials, novels, movies and stories. It was almost impossible to find something that had not been used before and can't be regarded as a cliche. If you can write one without a single cliche, then, I'll bow to you. There are times the MC shows a hero like side but there was always a reason to that and the reasons are always at the later chapters. That is also why you say that it was incomplete, because what you have read is just the beginning not even the middle, lest the conclusion. There are always answers to the things you are saying incomplete. While some could be seen if you just contemplate for it quite deeply, most of the answers are stated in the later chapters. Now if I have to ask??? You're not the first one but why does everyone that gives a low review barely even touched the beginning of the story.
I line
Does the MC waste time and resource for saving useless people? Does he save people and keep them when they are only burdens? Yes or No? Also, you cant expect to give a reason to your actions 15 chapters laters, if you have a reason you gotta give it instantly, people are not gonna read 30+ chapters to find a reason, if they dont like a decision they need a reason for a compromise but no one is gonna read 30+ chapter of something they dont like, and as long as the reason is not given they are not gonna like it
I wrote this with no sleep in the morning while super hungry, so I’m sorry that the review is wrong at a few details, like how the fatty shot a warning instead of killing someone. However, the core of my criticism still stands. I told you the main reason for my super low score was the spam of 5 stars from 2-3 people. Your fiction’s rating is highly misleading. It’s not perfect. It’s full of clichés. That means it is decent, but it isn’t exceptional. My complaints were all summed up in too many clichés, too much emphasis on “plans,” too many useless extras that are *sspulls for their survival, and too many POV shifts. When you have a narrative, readers like consistency. Readers like being able to see progression. Your characters seem like cardboard cutouts taken from mangas or heroes in light novels. They are customized with your personal touch, but they are still cardboard cutouts. Now, for your explanation? It’s the modern world. How can cell service be cut off so easily? Also, how can’t officials issue an emergency warning? I’m pretty sure the Philippines has their own methods to declare a national emergency. How hard is it to send out a message? Better yet, broadcast on radio and over speakers? Then there’s the guards getting killed. I call horse s*** on your logic. There are swarms of screaming and panicking civilians. Why do they target the far away noise instead of the nearby roar of the people? Zombies are supposed to be killing those defenseless people, but somehow they bypass all of the crowd? The guards can’t kill the zombies? You already said fast zombies feel pain and can die. How are the zombies bum rushing them so easily? With the number of people, the zombies are not only congested by civilians, but by their own numbers. You add in the zombies that fall down when shot. It’s impossible for the guards to die so easily. Now the shooting skill. The MC holds a shotgun one-handed and hasn’t failed to hit a target with each shot from what I know. You can’t miss a shot up close, okay, but not only that, he’s not hurt by the bucking of the gun. He’s rapidly firing it. Not only that, he handles it easily with his Otaku knowledge instead of actual knowledge of handling a gun. It’s a huge stretch for me at this point. Then there’s how he gets the gun. Like most encounters he has, it’s by pure luck. How lucky is he for everything to go his way? I don’t care if you try to smooth out the side characters later on. Your introduction of them was outrageous. Egregious to a jaw-dropping fault. You wonder why no one likes it further from the intro because they hate this stale sort of coincidences. The only ones left are people who can swallow this mess. Their survival was again due to luck. The rescue scenario was cliché. You even got the “woman holds everyone back” cliché, but did it through a one-dimensional throwaway character. The daughter surviving? Bullsh*t! You’re telling me that a mom carrying a child of about 30-50 lbs ran away from zombies, but it was the men who couldn’t outrun zombies? Again, it’s the contrivances of plot armor. You use too much luck to force their characters in. Then the mom is carried by the unnamed employee. This again is where I’m angry since you can flesh out all the women, but failed to give a paragraph for the man. At least give him a name. Anyway, Paula carries the kid. This 30-50 lbs kid. She manages to outrun the zombies with this burden? What is she, superhuman? She already ran away from zombies. Where’s her fatigue? Then you have the gall to say the mom carries the kid? With a sprained foot? It takes at least a few days to treat. She should be exhausted. She should be in pain. She shouldn’t be able to muscle on through. I doubt if you read anything about what a sprain does to a person. Now the gangsters. Oh God the gangster scene. You told us he knew they had a gun. He could predict the Boss had a gun. What do
I expected the gangsters to have more guns. The MC was easily able to swipe one off a security guard. So why can’t the gangsters do so? Where did they get the first gun, anyway? Anyway, what was the reason for taking the Boss alive? Getting info where he got a gun? Why the Hell did the MC forget taking the Boss hostage? While he was zoning out over the female love interest, the gangster could have knifed him for revenge. After all, you showed a cornered man doing mutual destruction already. It would’ve been good for character development and breaking the mood of the cliché for the Boss to do one final act. Now you say the cinema is sound proofed. But you also said in the fiction that the gunshot was loud and clear. It attracted zombies. Now which is it? The gunshot lured zombies or it didn’t? Because it clearly did according to the fiction. Also, my main point wasn’t having the mom clean up Mei. It was the gangster r*ping her all over and covering her with his jizz. A man is realistically unable to blow that many loads. How much time has passed since the outbreak? It’s been less than a day, probably an hour or two. What the f**k is that? And you again show your favoritism for women. You didn’t bother to name the employee. It’s depressing. You wonder why I called the MC a harem maker now? You didn’t bother detailing other men. He doesn’t matter enough to you. Mother walking after an hour or so later, my *ss. Sprains don’t heal that quickly, like I said. She’d also be useless to run away from zombies, let alone carrying the 30-50 lbs baggage of her daughter. The rich fatty did hold everyone hostage. It’s how he forced the employees to close the shutters. I admit I was wrong about him killing someone. The flashbacks were horrendous. This was TWO chapters worth. I’m pretty sure none of the other characters had this much dedication to their backstory. It was also a jarring tangent. The cliché made it worse. You might as well have brushed past it or started the story from here. Too many flashbacks makes the reader have too much infodumping. We don’t remember all of it and we won’t care if it’s boring. No sh*t I suspect a harem. You’re doing every cliché to jam in as many female baggages on the MC’s plate. You didn’t bother naming or directly describing the male employee’s intentions outright. All I see is that you care way more about describing the woman than moving the story forward. Especially with the TWO chapters of flashbacks. I don’t CARE about chapter 132. I’m on chapter f**king 18. I can’t predict over 100 chapters in advance. I’m not God. Your problem is that you have too many clichés happening at once. Pretty much every encounter is a cliché and every character is based off of a cliché. Your characters act on a cliché manner. They solve their problems in a cliché way. Nothing feels completely unique. That’s the problem. Your biggest problem as a writer is saying “there is a reason” as an excuse. To us readers, we hear you say, “don’t worry, in the future, I covered up this plot hole.” You’re the “mystery man” saying there is always a plan, but all the plans we see are absolute ****. There are always inconsistencies that are bugging readers and it doesn’t help that you’d rather waste chapters describing women instead of describing the plot. We give up because we think you’re doing the carrot on a stick method. In honesty, it is. It’s too much effort for readers to swim through that cliché mess and be disappointed again and again. The answer is always somewhere near, but it’s not here. Or the answer is here, but you don’t understand it. F**k. We readers understand it. The reason is ****. It’s plot armor.
Webnovel has a character limit and it wiped away the second half of my first reply. I refuse to rewrite it. My comments here and on your chapters are good enough to describe my mindset. You’re a decent writer. Just ease up on the clichés and backstories, make the employee a real character, and stop waving around the excuse of an overall reason. Forcing situations destroy a story. There’s a thing called foreshadowing. You can add hints. Also, make sure your reasons are good. Disappointing readers and lying about details makes for a bad writer. I should know. I am a bad writer.
I see, about this, I can only apologize. First, I'm just a new writer so it could be said that I neglected that part. Especially in the few first chapters because yeah, I'm an inexperienced writer. Second, my chapters at the first volume are short. It's just past a thousand words and I can barely cram everything. I had time issues when writing at that time. As for the last reason, it's because I want the characters to talk things and reasons themselves and thus, it created several chapters where the things are answered since at the start, they barely had anytime to talk. The characters were only able to talk and introduce each other after their current crisis is alleviated So that's why. :D
I never said anything about the rating? What I want to know is why does he keeps people that are only burden? The mother with the daughter is a burden, why does he let her tag along and help her even? why does he have to save people that are not usefull, and even if they become later, at that time he didnt know if they were/will be usefull. Does he keep/save people that are burdens? Did he ever left someone to die (an innocent person) because he/she was not usefull?
oh geez, darn it... Sorry about that. My lappy lagging made me reply on the wrong post. T.T
I see, well, about the ratings, I don't have a handle on them. They liked my story so its not like its bad for me. I don't mind criticism as long as its not like the person doing criticizing is on point. Pretty much like what AlmightyLord5th did. I'm an ******* and its not like I had particular training to be a writer. First and foremost, I'm a CS graduate major in programming. If you ask me what skill programmers lack the most, its grammar and spelling XD As I said for Cliches, I can't be helped, there's nothing much that can be written that can't be called cliches and tropes nowadays. For POV shifts, its just for the main characters. If a character in my story does not have one, then its likely that they were characters that won't last long and be less focused by the story. As for my characters being cutouts, its just a matter of perception so I won't comment on that. Now, for your other things to ask. Yeap, its a modern world. But don't expect us backward countries to have the same standard as your big ones. Our cell service is crap if you ask me. Even during new years and Christmas you can experience a lot of lag and delay in the service. Actually, there are many other foreign companies wanting to invest at us but they were being blocked by our local crap companies so it can't be helped. It might sound unrealistic to you but not to us. Furthermore, its not that the phone service had been cut off and I did not mention it being cut off either but too much traffic was going on that the others were not able to connect to the mobile server. In a later chapter, their phones were showing the network busy prompt so its not cut off. At the first chapter, no one was able to connect but they heard beeps but never mentioned that the cell service was cut off. As for the emergency warning, in the further chapters, it can be said that the outbreak started at an uncanny time which is the rush hour. While the officials are able to send warnings through televisions or radios, not all the people on the road had access to that. And first, if you hear something like that in the radio, its more likely that you will think that its just some bogus. For those who believed, they were already fleeing. If the later chapters, it can be seen that most people who were informed evacuated and fled. If you ask me about mobile warnings though, realistically speaking, that's bogus in our country. Disaster warnings in our country through the mobile networks come hours up to half a day after the disaster happened.
For the continuation. As for the guards, yes, they were shooting attracting more attention. But I never mentioned that the infected ignored everyone else? I also didn't say that the infected bypassed everyone else just to get to the guards. They were bound to attract the infected near their vicinity and they were the first ones to be attacked even if there are people around him but I never said that the ones further away were going after them without attacking others. If you noticed in the chapter where the guards were killed, the majority of the fleeing people had already ran past them. So basically, they are already at the forefront. The guards can kill the infected but can they kill every single one of them? Yes, the fast zombie can feel pain and die but with the number of people in the Philippines especially in a commercial area like this, there are more people bound to be infected yes. Considering congestion its also a yes. Also, the guards did not die easily, I never mentioned that. The guards fought the infected and that was the reason they died. Several guards in a mall can't possible outnumber the infected if you ask me. For the shooting skill, Mark was shooting up not that far that is why he did not miss hitting the infected but he missed his target which was the head of the infected. Next, there was nothing mentioned of rapidly firing it either. As for the pain and bucking of the gun, one question, why the hell is a shut-in like him being able to run here and there, fight the infected up front? He have no muscle training but how is his blows strong enough to damage the infected? Those three questions have the same answer and its already addressed in a further chapter so I won't say anything about it. About luck... what? rather than saying everything goes his way, don't you think that most of the things that happened had gone against what he wanted? First, he made those people at the third floor to gather supplies and stuff but he did not make it into the TechZone immediately and got shut off. Furthermore, the guard was not there because it wandered into the coincidentally. That was the same guard that chased after the gangsters that lost its target before making it to the third floor. When it finally made its way to the third floor, the first person it saw was Mark and led by that scenario. It was also a coincidence but at least, it had reason than an infected blindly appearing there. Well, if you think that's its a mess, then I don't mind. Not all people will like what I'm writing. I'm just writing because I want to and had the time to. At least, I'm not like others who would stop halfway of their work leaving everyone hanging. As for the introduction of the side characters, they haven't even done the introduction itself. The way I write lets the characters introduce themselves at the right time and not me feeding the readers every information like other authors. Yes, it would take the patience of the readers but that's how I write, at least, in the few earlier chapters. As for the mother...What? Its not like I ever said she came from the very first floor am I? Since that was the case, there was a lot of possibilities. What if she ran first from the second floor and the other people had already overtaken her aside from those who lagged behind and came from the first floor. If she was really running very fast, then there was no way for the man behind to catch her foot after falling down. As for Paula carrying the child and the employee carrying the mother, they never outrun the infected. If they could then Mark had no need to deal with the infected following behind them and just continuously run away. That was also one of the reasons they took a little break at the cinema while Mark clean up the following infected.
Lol. Funny story. My house went through a power outage and just got power back. A few minutes ago, I was on the phone to ask about it and the second I ended the call, the power flipped on. As for my behavior, I’m sorry for being rude. I’m just really aggressive when it comes to how characters are. When I see people with what I think are bad characters, I start flaming the characters like they’re real people. Sometimes, it overflows to the author. I’ve spent five years writing independently and all I’ve produced was trash, so I lash out at the sort of bothersome things I would do. I’m a harsh self-critic, but I don’t think it helps my writing. I tend not to care about my characters and go with what inspiration I have. It usually flops and I get stuck in a dead end. I also lose motivation too easily. It gets too bothersome because all I have is my phone at home to write with. Basically, I’m a big tough love type of guy. The more I care about something, the more I criticize it. It’s not like I helped anyone, but I say my opinion loud and clear. Then I leave because I can’t force myself to commit to anything.
As for the mother, yes she's in pain and her sprain was not cured but that doesn't mean she can't endure it when their lives are at stake. Plus her sprain was at least covered with a cooling pad alleviating the pain to some extent. Yes, she had a sprain but as if she would bother about the pain when being chased by infected. Even a person impaled by something would still try to run if being chased by danger. Also its not like they managed to outrun the infected either with those injuries. Or else, why would Mark not try to draw the infected's attention away. As for the guns, obviously, these gangsters had no guns at all. I said it before but small time gangs or at least, gang members with low status on their gangs were more keen on using improvised weapons like sumpak in our country but of course, its not like everyone had access to restricted firearms considering that Mark mentioned that these gang might have come from the squatter's area nearby the mall. As for the gun they have, its obvious that it was not theirs considering the boss had very few ammo. If you ask me, a .38 revolver is one of the standard issued guns for security guards in our country. Its not like I have to point everything out right? As for making the boss hostage, forget it, he was being watched by the others so how would Mark slip by them? Teleport? And it was never mentioned that Mark knew who had the gun. Remember that he observed them first before concluding who had the gun and firing. He looked at Mei but he did not zone out at all, I wonder where you got those things. As for the final act you said, his arm flew off already, what final act do you expect him to do? Yes, gunshot can lure the infected due to the loud noise but I ask you which is louder, the one time gunshot or the full blown cinema volume? If you're outside the cinema door, you can barely hear or understand the muffled sounds inside so why do you expect the gunshot sound to travel far outside? Have you ever been to a cinema at all? As for Mei being covered in Jizz, you make it sound like she bathed in it. There are people who can reach multiple climax at a short time if you ask me but it doesn't mean that it could cover her body and I never said it like that so don't push your own imagination in my story. Her mouth had it so its more like the ones in her mouth dripped on her legs after she sat down. As for her body, it could be another climax. It was said 'how many times' and 'not too many times' alright? it could be just two or three times so I'll leave that to your imagination. As for favoritism, the male employee had a name. And I said before, I don't feed everything to the readers and write about what the current main character of focus know. If you really red it, you should have noticed that when Ange and Paula was the focus, their names were being mentioned but when Mark was focused, the two girls were just college girls until they introduced themselves to the MC. It was the same for the employee who never mentioned his name in the first place. Got it? For detailing men, I detailed the employee equally with the mother though? They were both side characters and both were named afterwards. I don't know but it looks like your the only one focusing on the women yourself. Though I have the minimal focus on detailing this guy, its because he was not one of the main characters. I will go my way out in making details though once another permanent male character appears. For now, its just Mark. If you're going to nitpick on an ******* writer me who haven't earned a single cent from this story for that, then you should probably go and nitpick on "Professional Authors" that earn thousands of bucks without even detailing their own main character.
As for the flashbacks, yes, no other characters had that yet. Yes, yet. It was because there was no reason to delve in their backgrounds yet but doesn't mean that there won't be any in the future except for Mark who would go into flashbacks from time to time but his background would not be showed yet. Yep, I'm an ******* so the flashback might be made badly but it you ask me, it was also the right time to do that for her since it would only make more questions for her interactions with the MC in the future if I did not do it here. As for suspecting harem, it was not new. Its not like every single novel with more females can't be suspected with a harem. However, I never tagged the novel with harem so why are you looking for it? The females had no romantic interactions to the MC and the MC was also disinclined to have relationships with anyone. And yes, I care about Mei as the author so? Its not like its bad to cherish your own characters. Not only her but others too. By cherishing your own characters make more readers cherish them like the author, well, aside from guys like you though. And for the flashbacks, I said it before but she was not the only one going to have it. Period. As for the other characters, there was no need for their turn at the current scenario so theirs would come later. And what? You are suspecting about harem so I gave you a proof. Its not like I made you predict something nonexistent. you are the one creating none existent things and predicting things with just because you thought so. If your really nitpicking about cliches, seriously, I don't mind it. Its already good that I managed to find things not used before and at least I'm trying hard not to follow every single overused plots like how almost every wuxia is written like an JRPG. Yes, my characters can be cliche but most novels nowadays are. Well, I really don't know about the carrot on the stick method though... After all I'm just writing all the way I wanted without really writing an outline Hahahahaha About the answers, yes it sounds like I'm just patching up plot holes because it left the reasons for later. At least, I never left those holes open unlike most novels where the authors don't even follow the rules they set on their novels. There are a lot of those XD Well, plot armors can't be avoided. Sometimes, not only me but even professional authors make mistakes of making an even that their characters had no way of overcoming that even and thus, plot armor is created. Well, I try my best not to put too much though at least, not outside the characters' capabilities. >.<
Well, its not like its bothers me though... hahaha Actually, it not for your words being rude before, I'll just laughed it off and not post anything. Well, I earned something though. At least, I can avoid the things you pointed out in the future and I can also change that once I start revising the older chapters. I know there are a lot of missing parts and I have to improve there. By the way, if your stuck with not caring about your characters, then start with a story with a character based on yourself. With that way, you won't be stuck since you know yourself and you won't be able to forget about yourself either. As it was based on you, you know what decisions the character will make based on the events you throw at him preventing it from being stuck. Giving the character the powers you want to have and how you use it will also advance the plot more if you ask me. Well, its been a secret for a time now but yes, Mark was based on myself so I am a cliche character too hahahah there are also other characters in this story based on people I know so I don't have the hard time creating their personalities. As for Mei, yes I really care for her. If you ask me, I crammed all of the characteristics of my ideal woman unto her haha. Anyways, those will make your story stop from being chaotic. I read your story "The Neet God". The concept was good but the writing is chaotic as you said. If you have difficulties about characters, then try what I said once and let's see what happens. Also, since the character was made after you, it also somehow prevents you from stopping writing since you want to have your character a good ending. Actually, that was the way for me. I have times that I have no motivation to write because I'm so tired or just being lazy but as the main character was based on me, I can't stop writing. I also want to see how he will end up in the future. Also, its not bad to start at low. When I started this novel, I don't even have readers. When my novel managed to get to the 2000th place in the powerranking for original novels, I'm already happy since who would read something from an ******* writer like me? So I never really expected to get these ratings and power ranking. Actually, I had notions of stopping before, having rude critics are really bad for my mind. You haven't read it yet but Mark had a 'cluster a social disorder'. And yes, since he was based on me, I had the same disorder, That is why I made gave him the ability to at least fight his social anxiety which is something that I don't have. Due to this, I always end up retaliating if ever I find rude remarks on my story. Pretty much like how I responded to Almightylord5th in his review. A critic with a good tone would make me accept his critic. If the critic was rude, I end up retaliating no matter what hahaha pardon me for that XD
Heheh this made me laugh... The way you rephrased all this. Thank you hero! I will not be reading this! From the moment you mentioned that all guys were either made as servants or bad guys and all women were to be raped, 'saved' or made into harem was pointed out, I already lost the speck of interest I had, disgusting. Oh and clichés aren't necessarily bad, just that you can only use a cliché so much. Especially a ****ty harem, oops.
I may have been rude in my previous reply but actually after reading what you wrote as replies I realized something. People will either like your novel or dislike it, no choice. I say this because I can't bear having to read a novel with an MC that's surrounded by all women, even if not harem or romance, it just inevitably leans or gives almost the same vibes. As for the servant or employee, he may not have introduced his name but you're the author! Can't you just do it for him? I mean you yourself said not every girl that's surrounding him is a main but they still have their names(probably?), just give him any name it's not that hard really, I'm pretty sure he's even more helpful(if little) than most of the side character baggages. Anyways my point is, that's your style or writing, and that's how you imagine or fantasize yourself as MC, surrounded by girls(harem or not) and that's okay, but I hope you'll be focusing mostly on plot rather than putting women and just filling the blanks to get the story going. Now I haven't read the story but that's just my advice it doesn't hurt anyways, as for the story I won't be reading it, just not my taste at all. Anyways good luck! where can I find a novel with men only?
No prob. It's the way I write and it's not like I expect everyone will like what I write. Even the best novels out there did not suit everyone. Oh, by the way, think all you want and it's not I fantasize by being surrounded by women since I don't really care if I am or not. I already experienced it in college and its all trouble even though I have no interest on the women surrounding me, the eyes of other men are boring holes on me. You think that the feeling behind those stares are good? I'm a person who hated crowds and attention and those ill attention I received did not help with my condition at all. Don't think that I'm just lying for the sake of saying it since I can prove it in many ways. Also, I'm not putting the women there because there was no need to. They are very essential to plot and not to the MC. The MC himself is not interested in them sexually but interested in them for their state of mind. Why would he choose all the men there who were panicking and running away like girls when there were two braver girls there? If you haven't read the story, then its fine but I don't know how did you get the idea that they were there to fill in the blanks? About the names, I gave them names you know that? They all introduced themselves when they got to a safer place. Its not like I'm idiotic enough to make them remain nameless. As I said to pettyofficer, I wrote the way according to the knowledge of the character in focus. So, if the character did not know their names yet, why should I call them in their names? After the two introduced themselves to anyone of the main protagonist, their names were then mentioned replacing their temporary names. Geez. You said it yourself that you haven't read it and yet you said that I did not give them names... As for the names of the girls, they were focused in a part of the chapter and using the knowledge of the character in focus, their names were revealed. The side characters pettyofficer was talking about were never focused as the center of the writing and thus, remained nameless until they introduced themselves. Hah... as for the harem vibes, aside from saying that there was more women in his group... there was nothing else. His contact with the women was minimal at times that it was unnecessary. The MC just dump them to what they were assigned to do aside from the ONLY love candidate. I had just put in another reply in elderdaoistbrother, haven't you notice that there was no one complaining about hero and harem stuff from readers that read past chapter 30? Anyways, good luck to you to. I don't know much about novels with only men in the apocalypse genre but you can always find those in some wuxia revenge and BL novels. Never really read any of those though.