
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

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168 Chs

Closed deal

I am happy.

The Raikage ended up placing an order at a considerable cost that provided a lot of funds for my gold acquisition. Moreover, when he learned that was my goal after meeting again and talking in much friendlier terms, he offered to pay for the order in gold, something I only partially accepted along with a bit of chakra metal for various reasons.

On one hand, because with the difference in the price of local gold, I would be at a loss compared to acquiring it in Sunagakure for less. But I also don't know if Rasa could provide the volume of gold I desire, so getting some from other places isn't a bad idea.

It also prevents them from getting too many funds because, according to Pakura, the village's situation was really bad. With all the money they get from me, they might only be able to cover the deepest holes in their budget. Holes so dark that civilians are unaware of to avoid panic and mass exodus from the village.

It could be considered a win-win for everyone present, but especially for me, since the benefits I obtained compared to production costs were above fifteen hundred percent.

Advantages of having a monopoly; no one can compare prices, and they don't know if you're pulling their leg.

As for the chakra metal, I wanted to study it a bit in-depth and see if I could do something useful with it. I have an idea, but I simply don't know if it would be possible until I have a detailed analysis of its exact properties.

"...and that's why I can't give you any exclusivity," I told the Raikage after a long speech that means nothing but: I don't want to, period.

I guess I'm considering the possibility as a shot in the dark. I bet it was Mabui's idea. If it works, great, and if not, well, that's expected; there's no disappointment.

"I understand," the Raikage nods and looks at me seriously.

Curious, it seems that the change in attitude only came after they saw the effects and the deal was sealed.

"But since you are our first business partner, I can give you some additional details that might interest you," one always has to give a carrot after giving a stick.


"I won't go into too much detail, but currently, only your village and Iwagakure are qualified to have the same opportunity to negotiate with us," I said as I watched him open his eyes in surprise. "So, as long as you don't have moles reselling what you buy or spies, you could actually consider it exclusive for a few years."

Pakura turns and looks at me intrigued, probably wondering why I'm telling the Raikage this. Everything has its purpose.

"Do you mean you won't try to sell the Byakugan and the rest of the things to the other three great villages for the time being?" Mabui looks at me surprised.

"Not for now," I replied as I took out an apple and started biting into it.

I'm starting to feel like Ryuk; I have an apple addiction!

"Can I ask why?" Mabui tries to inquire, but it's fine, I intended to say it later even if they didn't ask.

"Do you think Sunagakure can afford them?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads without exception, knowing the economic problem the village has in the sea of sand and wind. Even Pakura knew that if Rasa or the Council wanted to buy my things, they would have to trade it for something of equal value to stand a chance.

And that was my purpose, exchange as much gold as possible for my products before paying the rest with money. If Rasa suddenly has too much, who knows what foolishness he'll do. Maybe declare another war to satisfy his need to boast about himself.

He's the perfect example of why a Kage should not be chosen solely for his strength; he has no idea about diplomacy or politics, as evidenced by his relationship with the current Daimyo and his ability to handle the economy is even worse. In fact, if it weren't for his ability to extract gold from the desert that the village desperately needs, he would probably have been ousted from the position years ago.

Just put the errand boy in charge, and you'll get better results.

"I also hold a grudge against Rasa, to put it in some way," I continued, winking at Pakura so that the others couldn't notice. "While Konoha has Danzo and Sarutobi, so, no, nothing for them.

Although the Hyuga clan's reaction will be hilarious.

What's the point of having a branch family with the birdcage seal with my business underway? I've just given them the perfect reason to nullify that stupid tradition.

"And Kirigakure?" the Raikage asked.

So far, he loved what he heard; Enel basically told him that he couldn't stand the Kages of those villages and doubted he would do anything unless they died or something.

"Oh, they have it very easy, actually," I shrugged. "They just have to publicly apologize for their mistake; they can forget about any deal with me until then."

"Mistake?" Mabui was aware of Kirigakure's interest in obtaining information from Seimeigakure, but couldn't get details in such a short time.

"They disrespected my fiancée," my eyes crackled dangerously with lightning, and the air tensed so abruptly that I had to restrain myself when I realized it to return to calm. "I don't usually take these things very well. Apparently, I'm the grudge-holding type."

This had a double meaning in the eyes of those present.

Humiliating a whole village by demanding a public apology, whatever the reason, shows that under that carefree smile, Enel is actually quite vicious and knows how to return blows so that they hurt for a long time.

At the same time, they understand a simple point: don't cross me because you won't like what comes next.

The Raikage saw no problem with the message. Unlike his complicated relationships with the other great villages with years of conflicts and hatred, his first contact with Seimeigakure was really good. They have enough strength to speak, made a significant trade agreement, and have no conflicts of interest thanks to the conditions Enel proposed. The terms are clear, and although the price hurts a bit, it's worth it to get closer to a village that, according to what he read in the damn reports (he hates those papers), is more medically advanced than any other.

In fact, the Raikage was more than happy to know that they only had to worry about Iwagakure getting these things, and knowing how stingy Onoki is, he knew they had enough time to gain a small advantage. And by the time the rest of the villages could have a share, they would already be far ahead.

"By the way, Raikage," A was taken out of his thoughts when Enel called him. "Is the number of cloud furniture correct? You didn't accidentally write two extra zeros, did you?"

"No, everything is correct!" the Raikage assured.

He had thought about it a lot, from the moment he woke up and left his office to when he arrived in the meeting room at the end of the hall. It was at least ten seconds!

If he could supply cloud sofas, beds, and chairs to the whole village, the overall stress level would plummet, and rest levels would increase.

It might even indirectly boost birth rates!

And the Sage knows how much the village needs geniuses to be born, so they can only make more and hope to hit the jackpot...