I decided to try writing my own novel, I definitely underestimated how much time and energy it takes to write. I underestimated the process to make a good novel. Good work all authors!!
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But hidden sand village isn’t like nk.. its more like Canada in the battle of 1812 against USA.. tbf the British did help but it’s more like Canada defeating USA by itself..
Who tf is that?
I thought I was tripping or I was just reading the same chapter.. but no, turns out the author is on some bs.
Y u talking shit about my reaction when u started it.. ur the one that replied to my comment that wasn’t even addressing you. Now ur talking shit cuz I reacted to ur actions. U could’ve just gone about ur day and now ur mad that I’m giving up the time of day. Shut ur goofy ass up, u sound like ur tryna be "woke” but ur just a retarted . U fucking idiot, don’t start shit and don’t be mad cuz I’m reacting
I curse u and ur whole bloodline for years to come.. may u never be able to judge someone for judging. May ur whole bloodline become retarded for judging someone back. I hope u fall and never get back up. I hope u go through failure ur whole life. Every curse u say will go back at you 10 fold. I hope u never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray that everytime I talk shit, ur life gets worse
Nahh, this got it😭
I know it’s just comedic relief. But it’s lowkey pissing me off