
Imperator: Resurrection of an Empire

Penulis: Orngebeard
Sedang berlangsung · 492.4K Dilihat
  • 222 Bab
  • 4.6
    10 peringkat
  • NO.200+

After becoming #1 in the world after playing a grand strategy game as the most difficult faction on immortal level difficulty, MC receives an invitation to compete in an even more challenging game which takes the MC into the world of the game itself, but as it's weakest lord who will die two days later that appears only as a cutscene in the tutorial as first of many deaths to rock the continent until only one survives to proclaim a new eternal empire. Can the MC use his game knowledge to successfully survive his impending doom, and rise from the ashes to reclaim the glory he'd won before?

7 tagar
Chapter 1Prologue part 1


This was a totalist grand strategy game centred around an alternate world where the Roman empire was torn apart with Medival and Barbarian kingdoms rising up against their former masters until the Empire had whole been destroyed.

The game lets you choose one of the countries to control, managing everything from the cities, army, taxes, and even food consumption in a very in-depth way that makes every decision count as you citizens or even the army could rebel and turn traitor if you made the wrong choices.

But this game had a secret level, a hidden level that many pros tried and failed numerous times to complete, the unobtainable forbidden fruit.

He who could conquer the game on this immortal level of difficulty would forever be remembered as the ultimate grand strategy gamer.

The reason being you had to choose to start the game as the weakest of all the selectable choices, a noble wastrel last in the line of the former Roman imperials who bears serious penalties right from the beginning and in almost all cases his death is delivered within two turns or two days of game time.

But I've strived for the last 2 years to beat this game outright, to climb to that unassailable height and claim the glory no other human on earth has managed to do.


400,000 of our troops vs. 450,000 enemy troops, not a bad mix for the enemy's final stronghold.

The number of troops, Generals, and Arsenal are almost equal overall so... we're at a disadvantage.

Typically to win a siege you need 3x the number of men the defending side has to pull off a flawless victory, but this is the final battle it's here that I either win it all or get sent right back to the beginning again.

First I'll use my light infantry to lure the enemy out, with that the enemy should take the bait with their main force in an attempt to lower our morale and deliver a decisive blow all at once.

But once they charge we'll slowly retreat our troops, and let the archers join in, drawing them to our side.

The moment the turtle head is pulled far enough out... Unleash hell as our artillery immediately starts attacking.

Once the enemy's forces begin to crack and show signs of retreat or routing it's time for the heavy cavalry wings to envelop and crush them before they can make it back to the safety of their city walls.

If all goes according to plan the enemy's main force will be destroyed, after that all we have to do is keep moving forward in an all-out assault.

[Enemy forces preparing a Mana Attack]

With their walls threatened and the main army defeated this is their bold ploy an annihilation spell designed to wipe out the whole army in an instant.

I knew they'd pull something like this, but..

Your country's counter-espionage is weak, my assassins and spies have long since infiltrated the city.

[Mana attack interrupted]

With those mages down for the count they've lost huge war support and that mana used to begin the spell is lost forever.

Time for a counter-attack

[Siege Tecnique] - Hammer of the Gods

With their forces in disarray nothing can stop this spell, it uses a ton of mana but in return their mighty walls mean nothing.


In an instant, the impenetrable walls crumble and a gateway into the lower city is revealed.

Charge into the city, ignore the enemy forces that are routing and barely fighting back theirs only one person left to aim for.

barging through the inner city, the palace gates and into the very throne room itself, the once mighty ruler sitting atop his throne.

"I guess this is the end, I surrender"

[System Message: Enemy Forces have been destroyed]

[System Message: No Enemy Forces are present]

[System Message: Entire Continent has been Unified]

[System Message: Victory is yours! Imperator]

National dominance and with this my points total should be...

Points earned 97,312,736 Your current rank is #1 in the world.

Yesssssss! i did it.

The best in the world, the one guy in all the years since the game came out to achieve what no one else could and no I claim the number one place that none shall unseat me from.

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