
Retaliation (4)

Thousands of screaming men were charging towards the Latinium battle lines, at they crossed the 100ft range the Legion archers released their bows loosing hundreds of arrows into the sky delivering death from above causing dozens to fall to the field only to die from the arrows or being trampled to death by their own men still charging forth unaware of their own plight at their feet.

As the opposing force got closer together only being separated now by 50ft give or take the legion setup and unleashed a volley of thrown javelins that sailed through the air raining further death down upon their victims, but by now the charging soldiers had learned to raise their shields this became their undoing.

The javalins thrown had been fixed to penetrate shield but be near impossible to pull out of forcing the weilder to abandon their shield, this meant that as they finally came in for the final charge many gripped only their spears and swords in hand having cast aside their shields due to the javalins sticking out of them.

Some unfortunate souls were struck and killed by the lobbed projectiles all the while arrows continued to rain down from the heavens.

*Crash* all along the front the two infantry forces collided and death began come to both sides, The Legions thick shield wall only allowing gaps for blades to be thrust through, while the enemy hacked and slashed with all their might to try and break the legion formation.

As the infantry began to engage the cavalry had begun to move out at well.

All except for 100 horses that remained with a pair of legion cohorts forming the rear guard and Julius's personal bodyguards during this campain.

The fight against Roserun did not require his direct intervention, the battle would be over sooner if he fought, however Roserun had no warlords worth worrying about so this was the perfect moment to further train his legions and discover how much had changed since he'd upgraded the military tree of his Tech system.

The cavalry set off after the tens of horses on the Roserun side charging off in a wedge formation, the infantry battle meanwhile continued to rage as the bodies continued to piled up, but the Legion itself was losing ground not because they were being pushed back but rather because every 10 minutes or so a whistle would sound and the lines would shuffle those at the front line would cycle to the back of the line to rest while those behind them were now become the new front line.

This allowed for fresh forces to always be fighting on the front line limiting the number of casualties brought on my clumsiness and mistakes due to exhaustion.

As the infantry clash had happened the archers had ceased their firing for fear of their arrows falling short and hitting their own men in the back.

The archery lines remained stationary not dropping their guards offering up morale support from afar to their brother fighting head to head right now.

Each whistle blast called on another line change, and each interval marked another move backwards leaving a trail of corpses.

On the side the cavalry battle was more dynamic as the initial charge saw a clash of both man and beast, followed by a chaotic scene as some engaged in combat whilst mounted while others took flight with pursuers continuing to harass them till their death.


- - Princess Yuri's POV - -

The battle against my homeland had finally come, and I would be leading a charge against the corrupted nobles who'd brought the kingdom so low, Roserun how limited horses and all were owned by the nobility so staring out across the field of battle, the 100 or so horsemen poised for battle against her were nobles or noble retainers who'd been loaned horses by their masters.

The battle had already begun between Julius's Legion and the charging forces of the Kingdom, her newfound brothers in arms were now killing and dying against the people she once offered up her life for on numerous occasions.

With the opposite side getting impatient and sensing a need to act in an attempt to break the legions battle lines the enemy cavalry began a charge, their riders forming a simple line formation.

Seeing this Yuri signaled for a wedge formation used to act like a spearhead to breakthrough their line formation.

These cavalry were armed primarily with a single wooden lance with an iron tip, once broken they would switch out to their Spatha longsword and continue combat from atop horseback.

Yurasia herself had taken up a lance for the first time, and as the lead charger she'd be first to break a lance and against her former countrymen no less.

But as their forces got closer she was actually thrilled the horseman directly in front of her was no other than General Bellac, that man harassed her all throughout her youth until she'd left to become an adventurer, hounding her for her hand in marriage so that he could join the ranks of the royal family, and in the war with Bridget he dogged her steps once again trying to get her to abandon Roserun and flee with him to safety, then stealing her achievements post war by using his position as a general to claim all military victories that could not be claimed by Julius as his own.

As they got closer and closer together the lance in her hands sunk deeper into the crook of her arm as she steadied her aim preparing to ram the iron tipped lance clean through his bastards black heart!

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