
Expected Developments

"Your highness!" <Yuri >

"Seriously Yuri we're in private just call me Julius already" <Julius >

Yuri entered his personal office announcing her presence, she wasn't on leave from the Roserun border but instead had taken the role of a messenger to deliver an invitation passed along to her at the border.

"There is an invitation from my Brother the king to celebrate your takeover of Lunan, though if you ask me it's a trap." <Yuri >

"I mean of course it's a trap Yuri, but a trap you know about is not really a trap at all." <Julius >

"So you mean?" <Yuri >

"Yes that is right I don't mean to reject this invitation but instead accept it." <Julius >

He didn't want to admit it but Julius was itching to escape his office the endless amounts of paperwork that come with running a nation was insane and while projects to build up new administrative staff to minimize Julius's involvement in everything were still underway.

This invitation from King Roserun gave him the perfect excuse to runaway and have some fun for once in the last couple of weeks.

Taking the invitation from Yuri hands he broke the seal and read over it's contents.

Julius and Yuri were invited to a celebration honoring his take over of Lunan, and the formal end of hostilities in the region.

It was listed in the invitation that all guard staff and escorts will be provided by Roserun, basically saying come but don't you dare bring any soldiers with you, for we want to the be exposed and weak enough for us to slay you!

Julius cracked a grin after reading the contents, Yuri who was looking interested was handed the letter and after looking it over, had many complaints to make.

"It's like brother isn't even trying to hide his intent to assassinate the pair of us?" <Yuri >

"Well his position is pretty weak right now, it honestly wouldn't take much to absorb his kingdom into the Grand Duchy at the rate we're going you know." <Julius >

"Yes I know, but I'm pleased that you've refrained from doing that until now." <Yuri >

"So we'd best get ready the trip from our Eternal City to Roserun will take at least a couple of days on horseback, or longer if we used a carriage." <Julius >

"Best to use horses rather than a carriage as the coachman would probably get detained as a suspected soldier in hiding" <Yuri >

"Fair enough, then I shall let Miri and Zeff know, if you could let General Haddin know on my behalf so that the nation can be in a heightened state until our return, and to be safe have him send word to the Generals of the legions alerting to the situation just in case." <Julius >

"We'll set out in the morning tomorrow" <Julius >

Having decided so, Yuri left his office to alert General Haddin who had returned after securing the Lunanese regions under the Grand Duchy's command.

Julius on the other hand finished the work he was in the middle of before extricating himself from his desk, having left his office he left the penthouse, and headed straight to the Palatial library where upon entering he spotted a pair of his retainers seated at the center table, one was nose deep into a book, while the other had a book open but was lost in their own mind staring out at the person before them across the table.

These two of course were Miri and Zeff.

Zeff was not a highly intellectual person, and merely being in a library probably was hurting him, Miri on the other hand was at home in the library.

"Good Afternoon you two." <Julius >

Neither having noticed his entrace or approach.

But upon hearing his voice Miri snapped her book closed, while Zeff merely turned his head to glance at this new arrival.

"Sorry to interrupt your personal time, but an invitation has arrived from Roserun so I'll be departing for a few days and will need you to take over administrative tasks"

Miri nodded her head before hanging it down a little.

"Don't misunderstand this time I'll be going with Princess Yurasia alone per their request, as a show of good faith" <Julius >

"Is that really alright!" <Zeff >

Having heard he was not needed Zeff seemed appalled, while Miri was once again smiling knowing her love wasn't leaving her once again.

"General Haddin will be in charge of the military, while Miri you shall be in charge of the Civil department working alongside Serena while we are away, it's most likely that circumstances will result in us having to extend our stay so plan for me to be gone for approximately one month, alright?" <Julius >

"Of course Milord, we shall not let you down!" <Miri >

Miri packed up her books and headed out from the library, Zeff lingered behind for a moment.

"Be careful... If you need help make sure to let us know." <Zeff >

"No worries there if anything happens we'll be calling the legion in to rescue us in force." <Julius >

Zeff left chasing after Miri, leaving Julius alone in the Library.

[Nation Inspection]


Grand Duchy Of Latinium

[Tech Points] 37

[Build Points] 407

[Edict Points] 5

[Current National Relics]

[Population] 15,127,854

[Military] 85,000








Grand Duchy Of Latinium Tech Tree [37] 

[Civil Tech] Stage 1; 

Theology [0/3] 

Civil Service [1/5] 

Currency [1] 

Engineering [2/3] 

Metal Casting [3/5]


[Military Tech] 





The last few weeks have allowed the growth of a good amount of Tech Points, and since we've developed our civil tech greatly recently it's high time we also upgrade our military since it looks like aside from our proxy war with Ramie, another conflict is on the horizon.

With 37 points only a few could be unlocked since Military techs cost more than civilian techs but were not tiered.

So with his tech points, Julius managed the system and unlocked the following.


[Physical Conditioning]

All Military units gain +10 Power Level



[Manipular Organisation]

All Military units can carry 20% more supplies and 25% more ammunition for missile units




+10% campaign map movement range per day


Each Tier one military tech cost him 10 points bringing his overall down to 7, so since he'd be gone for a while Julius also spent 5 to secure the first tier of Theology, as his burgeoning populace would need the comfort of the gods with their Ruler being absent from the lands in possible harm.

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