
Revealing Secrets!

The pair were alone in the command tent.

Julius had just returned from his duties checking in with the warrior spartan king and gaining the man's approval to strike the enemy camp to raid for supplies.

But at least for now he was sitting down in a simple chair made from a wood log.

Sitting across from him was Yuri the Warrior Princess from the Kingdom of Roserun.

One of the Generals and Legion commanders on this warpath.

Having shown such a difference in his fighting ability since last she saw him fight he knew in his heart he'd need to explain, compared to everyone else Julius could be perceived to be a genius.

Just over a year ago he was a modest military commander who had managed just barely mind you but still managed to slay one of the Visigoth 10 warlords in single combat, however months later he revealed himself to be a user of mana arts, and now only a few months more later and he was wielding multiple mana arts, and highly destructive ones at that.

Without securing his inner circles loyalties Julius could not bring himself to announce the reason for this.

But Yuri had been with him almost since the beginning now.

"Yuri... i think you've known for a while now that i'm different from everyone else." <Julius >

"You mean cause your a descendant of... that line?" <Yuri >

"That might be a part of it, but at the same time i was visited by the gods themselves..." <Julius >

While his companions eyes went wide at his declaration she did not question him.

"It was in a dream so you're free to say that i am just imagining things. But in that dream was where they revealed my ancestry, which i later confirmed by searching my estate and questioning the families retainers, but they also spoke of a profecy. I mentioned it briefly before, they set a divine trial before me to bring back the greatness of the empire, but to do so i needed the strength to become an emperor so the Gods rewarded me with potential, the closer i get to reaching the end of the trial the more "rewards" if you can call them that i receive." <Julius >

The girl across from him continued to listen in silence, the story sound ridiculous to her however should could also not disupute it since Julius had changed so much in the begining he was a rogue lord who was vicious and ruthless to his own people in an attempt to force the disloyal nobles to expose themselves and allow him to eliminate them, but even then he had no real power for himself.

His true power revelaed itself when she begged him to come and save her people, his court rank had increased due to the war with Visigoth so perhaps his power grew to as the gods viewed that as a step closer to their desired end for him.

And since then his power had been laying dormant not needing to display it on the field of battle, so perhaps with each victory and increase of his domain and newly founded nation these rewards were still silently happening.

Julius sat silently allowing her to absorb all this knowledge and come to a conclusion.

[This is a risk, exposing himself like this, he's basically saying if left along he'll only become stronger and stronger so if anyone wanted to stop him they'd best do it now while he's weak]

Understanding that in his own way he was trusting in her, Yuri began to beam a beautiful smile.

Julius inturn replied with an ear to ear grin of his own.

He knew not what she'd come to as a conclusion but the unit appraisal in front of him showed that the last hold out had finally broken and Yuri was now locked in.

Her loyalty value had reached 100, nothing he did now would result in her betraying of him.

The two continued to chat for a while longer, Yuri questioning what the gods looked like when he'd spoken with them, offering up only the description of painting and scultpures from his own world.

Afterward they talked a bit more about the battle that had just happened, and the plans moving forward.

Julius also informed her that their intent was the complete capture of the Greecian penninsula, the Spartan's would be left to their own as was agreed upon.

However Julius failed to mention how his own forces would be avoiding the 2nd Greecian army that was still fighting in the north, and instead would be persuing the Greecians behind the enemy lines.

Julius had already gather all his men and supplies together, abandoning this created fort would mean little in the long run as it could still be used by the Spartans for the mean time.

His fleets meanwhile would be metup by the army along the coast as they captures villages and towns.

The slaves they captured would aid in the transit of goods, and property until a new home could be created from a distance at least enemy scout would perceive their own force to be much grander as a composed army of 50,000 rather than the much smaller force of only 10,000.

Having revelaed what he meant to for now at least.

Julius alighted from his chair, and began giving orders once more to his men, calling to arms almost half his available fighting force.

Night was still a few hours away and with that time they would raid the enemy encampment and secure their future provisions and hamper the Greecian war effort even furhter.

The spartans had a small squad of only 100 men join the marching army their presence to remind Julius of the agreement that all slaves and a portion of the loot belonged to their king.

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