
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

Auteur: Supreme3
Actuel · 100.4K Affichage
  • 13 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

Lisez le roman Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated) écrit par l'auteur Supreme3 publié sur WebNovel. In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos.NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter?NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord?NAN...


In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

1 étiquettes
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I don't think I'm very good at descriptions but I hate it when books don't have one so... here I am! I might have more books if this on goes well and might reuse characters. and just to let you know im not planning on having this as one of those 'heroic,give up everything for others and actually care about if strangers live or die' nor are they meant to be one of those 'used to be good but Oh sO UneXPecteDly (that's how I express sarcasm thru text by the way) gets betrayed by there 'fRIenD' then ONE OF TWO THINGS HAPPEN 1. they're still good and decide to get as strong as they can but is tramatrised and has to deal with it (aka the one if not done properly is annoying as hell in my opinion but also made one of my favorite stories...) or 2. they're done with people's bull and start to f♡ck up some sh!t (in this storys I have no intention to censor the words but in some others (if this isn't so bad I have to just stop writing...) ) also... this isn't one of those 'build up to power' books... they don't do much in the beginning but I think it gets a bit better and they're op from the beginning but they still somehow grow... in this it's not about how you get power but what you do with it. also the mc is more of a genderless character but I had to put one in... and as a side note why are the classifications of genre different if the mc's a girl then a boy and has less at that... I get if one gender is more likely to be written in a certain way but at least include other types... and why do they not at least have a non-binary option... but that's enough of my ranting so try to enjoy! oh and one more thing... if you see a spelling mistake leave ONE comment on THAT paragraph with the correction please and if you don't like something then you can always review with me of what you think I could do better in the LITERAL REVIEW SECTION instead of b!tching bout it and flooding the comments. and if you just don't like it but have nothing to say or 'just don't want to' then don't bother and PLEASE don't leave a comment that just says something along the lines of ' I'm leaving ' if you have nothing else to say... this is a book not an airport you don't need to announce your departure nor will any one really care... so this is the real end and goodbye! wait actually just one more thing... just kidding! have a nice day.

argentum_luna · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

"The Haunting of Shadow Hill Manor"

The main character in the story is a young woman named Sarah. Sarah is a curious and adventurous person who has always been drawn to the supernatural and unexplained. She has a passion for exploring abandoned and creepy places, which has led her to investigate the mysterious and abandoned town of Raven's Nest. Raven's Nest is a small, isolated town located in the middle of Hill Manor. It has been abandoned for years and is rumored to be cursed, with strange and eerie events happening to anyone who dares to enter it. Despite the danger, Sarah is determined to uncover the secrets of the town and discover the truth behind the rumors of its curse. In the first chapter of the story, Sarah arrives at the entrance of Raven's Nest. She is nervous and excited at the same time, but she knows that she has to be brave if she wants to uncover the truth. As she enters the town, she feels a strange and eerie presence that she cannot explain. She begins to explore the deserted streets and abandoned buildings, searching for any signs of life. As she continues her investigation, strange and unexplained things start to happen. She hears strange noises, sees ghostly apparitions, and feels as though she is being watched by something or someone that she cannot see. Despite her fear, she refuses to give up and continues her search for answers. The first chapter sets the scene for the eerie and supernatural adventure that Sarah is about to embark on. With danger lurking around every corner, she must use her courage and determination to uncover the truth about Raven's Nest and the curse that plagues the town.

zubair_khan_0381 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial

Where's the Original Link??? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Good fanfic amazing story line good world building and character background with really op MC which may be o off for some people but I personally enjoyed it


Can you give original link Jdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdndjjdjdnfnfndndndndndnndjdjdjdjdjdjdjfjfjjfjdjdjdjdjdnndndndndndnndndndndndnndjdjdjdjdjjdjdjfjjfjffi


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