
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Leaky Cauldron

  Conscience is such a thing...

  There must be somewhat of a conscience inside of Winson Wright.

  Just like the birthday cake that old Barty Crouch bought, even the little Barty and the house-elf Winky, who was imprisoned in the underground fortress, have a share.

  Moreover, it was sent by Winson Wright himself.

  It's just that Barty has lived in the underground fortress for more than a month, expressing in pain that he wants to return to life on the ground, even if he is placed under the Imperius Curse, at least he will not be able to clearly feel the despair of solitary confinement every day.

  There is simply no one to communicate with here.

  In the subterranean fortress, the only person who can communicate is the hard-working house-elf Winky, not as good as when he was in Azkaban, where there were a group of prisoners yelling at each other.

  Barty Jr has never hated his sobriety so much!

  "Get me out of here!"

  Barty Jr. clung to the iron gate of the underground fortress, and said with a grim face, "Even if...you use the Imperius Curse on me, it doesn't matter...let me get out of here!"

  "Sorry, it's your own choice."

  Winson Wright declined him very politely.

  Sure enough, it was not at all out of Winson's expectations.

  All the Death Eaters who are loyal to Voldemort actually like to make trouble everywhere, and no one can stand this kind of psychological loneliness!

  Weisen Wright did not completely refuse to help, and reminded Barty Jr. very kindly: "However, before you entered this underground fortress, I guessed that you may have these psychological problems, and I recommend you read Chicken Soup for the Soul on the shelf."


  This little bastard is a devil!

  Little Barty looked at Winson Wright angrily. This little bastard already knew that he would be so suffocated in the underground fort that he wanted to go crazy, but he also lured him to choose to live here!

  "You mean little bastard..."

  "Speak well and don't scold people."

  Winson Wright's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he forcefully opened Barty's palm holding the iron gate, pushed him back into the underground fortress, and said softly, "You have to learn to think a little bit about everything, at least in this place. Quit any bad habits you've developed in the past..."

  After he finished speaking, Winson Wright ignored the even more angry little Barty, called the house-elf Winky again, and said earnestly: "Don't communicate with Mr. Barty in the future, you just need to be careful, don't let him die here..."


  The good house-elf hesitated a little.

  "No buts."

  Winson Wright shook his head, smiled, and whispered: "If you talk to him too much, you will waste Mr. Barty Crouch's good intentions for his son, and you don't want to see the father and son as enemies, right?"

  "...Yes, Lord Wright."

  The good house-elf nodded anyway.

  Winson Wright glanced at the sumptuous lunch on the table of the underground fortress, and continued to instruct softly: "There is no need to give him a sumptuous lunch in the future, this is a spiritual penance we prepared for him, and the life of penance naturally needs to be bitter, it should be enough to prepare a glass of water and a slice of bread every day..."


  Good house-elves know what penance means.

  "You little devil..."

  Although when the gray-haired boy said these words, his voice was still very immature, it did not prevent the little Barty, who was watching all this, from believing that it was the whisper of the devil!

  This little bastard!

  How can you say such a thing!

  Why does he still interfere with his life in the underground fortress, a piece of bread and a glass of water every day, Azkaban's quality of life has never been so bad!

  "Well, only those who work hard will be rewarded."

  Winson Wright ignores Barty Jr.

After giving a cryptic compliment, Barty Crouch Jr. slowly closed the gate of the underground fortress under the angry and desperate eyes of Barty Crouch Jr.


  "You little devil!"

  "Bad bastard with pus from the soles of his feet!"

  "Little devil, you must not die!"

  "You'll be gouged out by me 10,000 times!"

  Barty Crouch Jr. slapped the iron gate of the underground fort angrily, ignoring the swelling on his fist, hoping that his yelling could penetrate the iron gate.


  Winson Wright was out of hearing.

  But this does not prevent Winson Wright from guessing that Barty Crouch Jr. will definitely swear because Barty Jr.'s moral quality is not high.

  Winson reached out and fiddled with his gray hair, turned and left here, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "The moral education needs to be improved, I hope his attitude can become a little more friendly when we meet next time..."

  Compared to his father, Barty Jr is still far behind.

  As a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic, old Batty has always been a serious attitude, no matter what situation he encounters, he will try to keep calm, and he will do things very carefully.

  That's exactly what Winson Wright admired about Barty Crouch Sr.

  Now that Winson Wright has received an admission letter from Hogwarts, old Barty Crouch will naturally take him to the most prosperous trading market for wizards——

  The legendary Diagon Alley.

  It's the only place where you can buy everything you need on your complete freshman checklist.

  If you want to go to Diagon Alley, there are generally two ways. The first way is through the Leaky Cauldron Bar in downtown London, where there will be an organ to enter Diagon Alley;

  The second way is through the Floo network's fireplace, just need to grab a handful of Floo powder and throw it into the fireplace to reach it directly.

  Of course.

  Winson Wright chose a more secure approach.

  In this regard, Winson Wright explained to Barty Sr. that he wanted to see the magical place of the Leaky Cauldron, where the journey of ordinary people's exposure to magic began.

  Other than that.

  The Leaky Cauldron also has a relatively simple quest to explore.

  [Exploration mission: Enter Diagon Alley (0/1) from behind the Leaky Cauldron Bar, reward the magic spell unlocking spell, not completed]

  Barty Crouch Sr. himself thought it was okay to enter Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron because all wizards have no qualms about the Leaky Cauldron.

  In fact.

  The starting point of every little wizard's real exposure to the wizarding world is led by their family through the Leaky Cauldron into Diagon Alley.

  Moreover, the Leaky Cauldron Bar has a history of nearly five hundred years. With all the wizards growing up to this day, it also makes its existence have a different meaning.

  When the former Leaky Cauldron had never used the Muggle Shielding Charm, it was almost demolished by Muggles in order to build a road. As a result, all the wizards united and cast the Oblivion Charm on those Muggle designers to modify the road plan, so that the Leaky Cauldron would not be destroyed. The bar has survived to this day.

  The city of London.

  In the middle of a large Muggle bookstore and record store, there is a small and old wooden door. Ordinary humans who come and go turn a blind eye to the existence of this small wooden door because of the Muggle shielding spell.

  These ordinary people who come and go will not know that once they step into this wooden door by accident, they will be able to come into contact with the magical world of magic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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