
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 : Cedric Diggory

  The Leaky Cauldron.

  When Winson Wright and old Barty Crouch opened the wooden door and entered the bar, it was quite lively on the first floor of this small bar.

  A group of wizards chatted enthusiastically with wine glasses raised.

  One of the middle-aged men who looked rather talkative, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked like a very sophisticated old school figure.

  "It was a great trip…"

  Now this middle-aged man with an old pedantic image is very happy to show off his travels to the wizard friends in the whole bar: "I have seen many magical creatures in the rainforest, even Mr. Newt Scamander warmly wrote to invite me to be a guest at his home after I went to the rainforest in South America..."


  It can be heard from the mouth of this man that it is a very bragging capital to have Newt Scamander, an expert on magical animals, invite him as a guest.

  This can indeed be boasted.

  Because Newt Scamander has a very high honor in the wizarding world, the old man has written many books on magical creatures, which have been used as Hogwarts textbooks.

  "Cheers to Amos Diggory's trip!"

  "Cheers to Amos' invitation from Mr. Scamander!"

  The people in the entire Leaky Cauldron happily raised their glasses to celebrate the man who was able to receive the invitation from Mr. Scamander. One of the tall figures was the most enthusiastic.

  It was a half-blooded giant.

  Rubeus Hagrid, the Hogwarts Forest and Gamekeeper, ostensibly a handyman at the school, was in fact someone Dumbledore trusted very much.

  The half-blood giant is very fond of all kinds of magical creatures, so he also shows a very enthusiastic attitude to the travel stories of the chatty man...

  Of course.

  Rubeus Hagrid wasn't Winson's focus.

  Compared with Rubeus Hagrid, there was a dark-haired boy in this bar who attracted more attention from Winson Wright, a slender figure standing behind the chatty man.

  This black-haired boy is very handsome.

  To say something a little too modest, Winson Wright felt that the handsomeness of this young man was probably a little bit worse than his own.

  Seemingly aware of Winson's gaze, the black-haired boy looked at Winson who appeared here and nodded towards Winson Wright with a smile.

  This is a well-mannered person.

  Whether it is his actions or his expression, they are all natural and elegant, and it seems easy for people to have a good impression of him, and can't help but want to praise him.

  Just at this moment, the chatty middle-aged man took the dark-haired boy's shoulders, and said loudly with a smile: "It's a pity that I can't go to Mr. Scamander's house for the time being, because my son Cedric is going to study at Hogwarts soon, and today I'm going to accompany him to buy things that new Hogwarts students need to prepare..."

  When it comes to his son, the middle-aged man has some regrets: "Cedric is twelve years old this year, and his birthday is in winter, so he has to be a year late..."

  Just when the other drinkers wanted to appease him, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed and said: "But Cedric has read the textbook I left for him that he used, I believe that with his intelligence, he will definitely become a man and an excellent Hufflepuff student!"


  Cedric's face was slightly red and shy.

  Maybe it was because his father's boasting made him a little ashamed, maybe it was because the people in the bar were watching him.

  If it were an ordinary little boy, he might have been hiding behind his father long ago, and he would be embarrassed to face the burning eyes of these adults.

  Cedric behaved very differently.

  After a moment of shyness, the black-haired boy bowed his head humbly,

To the many drinkers in front of him, he performed a ritual of apology between wizards: "I'm very sorry, we disturbed everyone's leisure in the afternoon."

  "Cheers Mr. Cedric Diggory!"

  "Cheers Amos Diggory for having a wonderful son!"

  "Cheers to the birth of a great student at Hogwarts!"

  "Cheers to Hufflepuff... Hufflepuff will be beaten by Gryffindor again in this year's Quidditch Cup!"


  The whole bar burst into cheers again.

  Among them, there are some drinkers who like to secretly carry private goods. Obviously, these drinkers should be wizards who graduated from Gryffindor Academy.

  While the people in the bar were drinking, Cedric Diggory and his father, Amos Diggory, finally stepped out of the crowd to say hello.

  Because Amos Diggory also saw old Barty Crouch, the two of them were barely colleagues at the Ministry of Magic.

  Old Barty Crouch, who used to be very prestigious, is now in a state of semi-retirement, and is also the director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation at the British Ministry of Magic;

  Amos Diggory is just a clerk in the super unpopular department of the Department of Magical Creatures Management. It's probably because Hufflepuff College seems to be really bad at politics...

  "Long time no see, Mr. Crouch."

  Amos Diggory came over, stretched out his hand towards old Barty Crouch, and held his palm firmly: "Your spirit looks good..."

  "So do you, Amos."

  Old Barty Crouch shook his palm slowly, his eyes fell on Cedric Diggory next to him, and he praised very seriously: "Amos, you have a very good son."


  Amos Diggory's face could no longer hide his smugness. He patted his son on the shoulder and urged, "This is also the proudest thing in my life!"

  After finishing speaking, Amos Diggory noticed the gray-haired boy beside old Barty Crouch and asked softly, "This person is..."

  "This is…"

  Old Barty Crouch looked at Winson Wright, who was standing beside him. At this moment, he suddenly didn't know how to introduce Winson's identity to others.

  If the introduction is too low...

  What if Winson Wright made people unable to come off the stage on the spot?

  Winson Wright seemed to sense old Barty Crouch's hesitation, and he took the initiative to stretch out his palm towards Amos Diggory: "I am Winson, Winson Wright, a freshman at Hogwarts."

  After he finished speaking, Winson Wright glanced at Cedric Diggory and added: "If nothing else happens, I should also enter Hufflepuff Academy."


  Amos Diggory's eyes lit up instantly.

  There was also a flash of joy in Cedric Diggory's eyes. He was very fond of the classmates he met by chance, perhaps because of his kind nature.

  This kindness.

  Surely is true kindness.

  Cedric even took the initiative to reach out to Winson and said seriously: "Let me introduce myself again, Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

  "I just heard it."

  Winson held Cedric's hand, and said with sincerity on his face: "I think it is a pleasure to meet a classmate at this time."

  "I also think so…"

  Cedric nodded happily in agreement.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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