
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 : Does Your Conscience Not Hurt?


  Outside London.

  The residence of Winson Wright.

  A flaming phoenix landed by the window.

  The fire phoenix knocked on the window with a letter in his mouth. This phoenix was specially sent by Dumbledore to send the letter back, and even the envelope was made of special fireproof paper.

  The old man could see from the letter the subtle arrogance of Winson Wright, which was in line with the style of an excellent person, but it also meant that someone needed to tell him that the world was huge.

  A mythical phoenix.

  Dumbledore chose to teach Winson Wright his first lesson in this way, and the old man was also mentally prepared that Winson would cause trouble at Hogwarts.

  "Looks like it's going well..."

  Seeing Phoenix Fawkes holding the envelope, Winson Wright walked to the window with satisfaction, opened the window gently, and took the envelope that Fawkes was holding.

  The contents of the envelope are very simple.

  Sure enough, it was a reply from Dumbledore.

  [Dear Mr. Wright]

  [As for your question, my suggestion is that it is best not to. ]

  [If Anivia keeps Hogwarts in winter, a lot of people will be troubled by it. I always thought summer sorbet was better than winter roast chicken. I believe Mr. Barty Crouch will take care of Anivia for you. ]

  [If you insist on taking your partner to school, maybe I can help you find a proper place to put Anivia in the school. ]

  [Finally, Mr. Wright has a kind heart like us. For us, kindness is never a difficult thing to tell, and it does not need to be hidden. ]

  [Happy Birthday. ]

  [I hope we can meet you soon. ]

  [Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore]

  [PS: If you have a snack on hand, you can feed Fawkes a piece, since the feathers it shed are your birthday present. It's business as usual for you and Fawkes, isn't it? ]

  After Winson Wright read the contents of the letter, he glanced at the phoenix who was standing by the window and refused to leave. He shook the envelope and found a phoenix feather inside.

  Is this Dumbledore's gift?

  Winson Wright put away the envelope, picked up the snack on the table, and handed it to Phoenix Fox, who was standing by the window, watching the phoenix take a few bites and spread its wings away.

  "The plan went very well."

  Winson Wright put down the envelope calmly.

  The phoenix feather, which the wizards of the world thirsted for, was thrown on the table at will by him, because he got something more important.


  The wise old man found out.

  Orderly transactions have always been Weisen's style in primary school.

  Now Dumbledore mentions this sentence, and even publicly praises his veiled kindness in a letter, letting Winson Wright know that his performance is a success.

  These years.

  Dumbledore has always sent people to protect Harry Potter secretly, and even he has secretly observed Harry Potter's life at St. Grogory's Primary School.

  Among them, Winson Wright, who has a high sense of presence, is one that cannot be ignored. This arrogant and indifferent little guy hides in his heart a gentleness and kindness that is difficult to detect by ordinary people.

  Dumbledore captures Winson's kindness.

  In fact, anyone with a wealth of experience and a bystander angle can actually capture the shining points that exist in Winson Wright.

  A light projected in the fog, if you look at it seriously, it will make people feel particularly dazzling, and subconsciously, it will make people ignore one thing...

  This light...

  In fact, it emanated from the fog.

  As for what problems may arise in the fog itself, it is impossible for people to ignore the existence of this light, and people will think that this light is the core of the fog.


  The sound of the door interrupted Winson's thoughts.

  Old Barty Crouch was still wearing a suit and walked in with a birthday cake in his hand, but his face was a little unsightly: "I seem to have seen Phoenix Fawkes just now, Dumbledore is very smart, he may have discovered this house's secret..."

  Once Dumbledore discovers the secret of the house, and the fact that his son Barty Crouch Jr. is still alive will be revealed, everything will be meaningless...

  That's why Barty Crouch Sr doesn't want to be associated with Dumbledore.

  When talking about these possible dangers, old Barty Crouch's eyes fell on the envelope of the Hogwarts logo on the table, and his brows couldn't help frowning: "Now Hogwarts has begun. Did you use a phoenix to send the admission letter?"

  This kind of behavior is a bit extravagant.

  The envelopes on the table were still fire-resistant parchment, the same paper the Ministry of Magic used to record top-secret paper documents.

  "Letter from Dumbledore."

  Winson Wright raised his head at old Barty Crouch and motioned him to put away the envelope on the table: "The letter is a phoenix feather sent by Dumbledore, for you."

  After speaking, Weisen took out the previous freshman admission list: "In the morning, I have received the admission notice."

  "Why did Dumbledore send a letter?"

  Asked by old Barty Crouch, he put away the envelope containing the phoenix feather, because it is true that only he can bring out the value of this feather.

  "I sent Anivia to Hogwarts."

  Winson Wright leaned back in his chair and said calmly: "This is equivalent to telling Dumbledore that I might cause some trouble at Hogwarts..."

  "That ice bird?"

  Old Barty Crouch clearly remembered Winson Wright's ice bird, and only he had truly seen how powerful magic the ice bird possessed: "It's not a pet that ordinary people can have, and Dumbledore will doubt you. …"

  "No. "

  Winson interrupted Barty Crouch with an oath, and explained slowly: "I have told Dumbledore that Anivia is your birthday present to me..."


  Old Barty Crouch's brow furrowed instantly.

  Barty Crouch Sr. would try his best to keep his cool at all times, but it's just a back pot on his back, nothing particularly troublesome.

  "One more good news."

  There was a smile on the corner of Winson Wright's mouth, and his expression was full of joy: "Now I can tell you what I have achieved when I studied in Muggle primary school in the past few years."

  "Dumbledore has been secretly watching Harry Potter."

  "So he must have found out what I was doing at that Muggle primary school, and it would have given him a fixed impression of me."

  "As long as he has a fixed impression of me, he will psychologically recognize a fact... I have always been a student who concealed his goodwill and deliberately made unreasonable actions."

  Of course.

  Winson didn't say the most important reason.

  A guy who really makes trouble everywhere in the school is actually the easiest to be trusted, and no one doubts that he will come up with any conspiracy to subvert the magic world.


  Old Barty Crouch stared closely at Winson Wright.

  It has to be said that Winson's calculations do not match his age at all.

  Even among adult wizards and even in the age of Voldemort's many evils, it seems a bit too insidious, because it is a pure use of human thinking and human nature...


  Calculate an old man...

  Will Wilson's conscience not hurt?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Supreme3creators' thoughts