
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 : Graduating Elementary School

  City of London, 1989.

  A group of elementary school students walked out of the gate of St. Grogory's Primary School, chatting with each other about what they wanted to do after school today, which made people feel a little noisy.

  One of the fat boys grabbed the hair of a skinny boy beside him, there were several attendants behind him, and everyone stretched out a kick from time to time and kicked the skinny boy.

  Anyone can see that this is bullying.

  But for the fat boy who was bullying, Dudley Dursley, it was actually a way for him to celebrate.

  "Winson Wright is finally out!"

  Dudley Dursley's wrist suddenly slammed down the thin boy beside him and kicked him: "In the future! I'm the boss in this school! Call me Dudley boss, remember? Harry!"


  The skinny boy groaned in pain, and Dudley Dursley kicked him on the body, causing a dull pain in his injured part.

  The little boy frowned and tried to get up, but was kicked over again by Dudley Dursley's sidekick who was giggling.

  "Ha ha ha ha…"

  "That bastard finally got out!"

  "No one will control us in the future!"

  Just as these little guys cheered, a group of people dressed as elementary school graduates rushed out of the school gate, surrounded by a gray-haired boy.

  Several of the tall students looked at this scene, rushed over, and pressed Dudley Dursley and others who were bullying others to the ground in threes or twos.

  "Hey, hey, you've graduated!"

  Dudley Dursley frantically tried to struggle but was pinned to the ground, his face on the ground, and he muttered, "You can't stay in this school anymore!"

  "Boss Winson hasn't left yet!"

  The boy who was beside the little fat Dudley slapped him on the head and snorted: "We haven't left the school yet. You beat someone today, so you have to pay the protection fee."


  "What is it?"

  The gray-haired boy walked over slowly, lifted Dudley by the collar, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at the panicked little fat man.

  "Dudley Dursley, did you bring money today?"


  Dudley Dursley's throat couldn't help swallowing, the psychological shadow of the past five years surfaced, and he stammered and nodded: "...Bring...Bring..."

  "Old rules?"

  "…Yes Yes…"

  Dudley Dursley nodded hastily, took out five pounds from his pocket, and handed it to the gray-haired boy tremblingly: "Mine... Mine and... Pierce's... and Danny... Moken... And Gordon... five..."

  According to the standard set by the gray-haired teenager Winson Wright, every child he saw fighting at St. Grogory's Primary School must prepare a pound in advance.

  Dudley Dursley is the boss of his Gang.

  Since he is the boss, of course, he has to pay for his followers.

  "Give them bread."

  The gray-haired boy reached out and dropped Dudley on the ground.

  A teenager standing next to him took the pounds from Dudley Dursley's hand, took out five palm-sized loaves of bread from his backpack, and threw them on the ground.

  That's the Winson Wright rule.

  They are not charging protection fees but doing serious business.

  As to why four pence worth of bread was sold for a pound, there is no need to say too much.


  Rules are rules.

  Even the battered at school had to pay Winson Wright a pound for bread, even though they were sometimes just innocent victims.

  "Harry Potter."

  The gray-haired boy waved Dudley Dursley aside and walked over to the skinny boy: "Do you want to give me an IOU today?"

  "...I...I still have no money..."

  Harry Potter raised his head to meet the gray-haired boy's gaze, and then lowered his head slowly, a little afraid to speak: "I'm sorry, I can only..."

  "It's ok."

  The gray-haired boy shook his head indifferently, reached out and took the paper and pen from his younger brother's hand, wrote down an IOU, and handed it over.

  [Harry Potter bought bread from Winson Wright on June 30, 1989. The amount owed today is one pound. The repayment date is July 31, 1996. The outstanding amount fluctuates according to the bank interest rate every year. ]


  Harry Potter signed his name with a pen.

  In fact, Harry didn't know what an interest rate was, but he knew that such an IOU could get him a piece of bread from the gray-haired boy.

  This bread might be his dinner.

  Harry Potter has been living in the house of his uncle Vernon Dursley since he was a child, and his cousin Dudley Dursley who was taught a lesson by Wesson Wright again would definitely go home to complain to his uncle and his aunt.

  Harry knew from a young age that when the Dursleys were angry, they would lock him in the cupboard, and they probably wouldn't let him eat dinner. This bread would at least satisfy his hunger.

  After Harry Potter took the bread from the gray-haired boy's younger brother, when he watched his creditor turn and leave, he suddenly couldn't help but stop him.

  "Winsen Wright!"

  Harry Potter took a few steps to chase out the school gate, looked at the gray-haired boy and said loudly: "Which middle school are you going to? Two years later, I will go to you after graduation!"


  Wesson Wright stopped.

  Harry Potter was suddenly a little nervous and quickly explained: "I am looking for you... I want to contact you... to return the money to you in the future!"

  All the students present looked at the figure of Wesson Wright, and there was no lack of eyes on him in this elementary school, and their eyes were eager for answers.

  Because Winson Wright never told them.

  Unfortunately, the boy still didn't answer.

  The boy who left a tinge of ink in the childhood memories of everyone in the entire St. Gregory's Primary School just paused for a moment and then strode forward again.

  A car happened to be parked in front of this elementary school.

  A gray-haired man in a suit stepped out of the car, stood beside the car, and opened the door for Winson Wright, looking a little respectful.

  This man is a little old, like an old housekeeper.

  It wasn't until the old butler-like man watched Winson Wright get into the car that he gently closed the rear door and sat back in his driver's seat.

  A group of primary school students watched this scene.

  These little guys didn't know anything about Winson Wright's family, only that he always seemed to be so imposing.

  The small figure of Harry Potter stood at the front of the group of little guys, his eyes fixed on the car glass, waiting for the car to start and leave.

  This is a farewell.

  Maybe the primary school students standing on the side of the road will know when they grow up that they are not only saying goodbye to Wesson Wright at this time but also saying goodbye to their childhood.

  "It seems that you are very prestigious in this elementary school..."

  The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat started the car coldly and said: "However, you and them will not be in the same world from now on. "

  Hearing that the boy in the car still didn't respond, the man couldn't help frowning and said, "Winson Wright, you asked me to pick you up today just so that I can see you living in the Muggle world. Is that right?"


  The gray-haired boy turned his head slowly, looked at the primary school students outside the car window through the glass, and sighed softly: "You are still so short-sighted...Mr. Crouch."

  "Don't go too far."

  "Do you see him?"

  The gray-haired boy ignored the man's temper, looked at Harry Potter in the crowd, and said calmly, "That little guy is the famous Harry Potter..."

  "Harry Potter?!"

  The middle-aged man's voice immediately rose a bit, and he couldn't help looking out the window following the gray-haired boy's eyes: "You actually found Harry Potter! No... You have been in this Muggle school, to protect Harry Potter?"

  No matter any wizard hears this name, he can't help but be surprised, and many people want to sincerely appreciate the stability this boy has brought to the wizarding world.

  Of course.

  There are also many people who want to kill Harry Potter.

  Among them was Barty Crouch Jr., the son of a middle-aged man.

  "Who knows..."

  The gray-haired boy did not answer directly.

  The young man just closed his palms and supported his arms on his legs, regaining his aggressive aura.

  "From now on, I don't think you will question me again."

  The gray-haired boy raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man in the driver's seat. A red light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes: "After all... it's a hassle to use Imperius Curse on you all the time..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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