
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 : Learning is a difficult and happy thing

  Winson Wright is very fond of making friends.

  While the two teenagers Winson and Cedric were in friendly communication, old Barty Crouch's mind flashed a lot of doubts, because he was still thinking about Winson's words.

  Why does Winson think he's going to Hufflepuff?

  This little guy... doesn't seem to have much to do with Hufflepuffs!

  That sort of thing should be unlikely, and the Hogwarts Sorting Hat certainly wouldn't put this dangerous little guy into the honest and kind-hearted Hufflepuff House.

  While old Batty was still thinking, Amos Diggory, a chatty man, sent an invitation to them: "Mr. Crouch, it seems that we are all here to help the children buy the preparation items on the new student list, Why don't we all go together to Diagon Alley?"

  When he said this, Amos Diggory added with a smile: "If it's later, I'm worried that Cedric won't be able to buy the owl he likes..."

  As a father, Amos wanted the best for his son or the best he could for Cedric.

  Of course, Cedric also lived up to his father's expectations.

  The group walked directly to the back of the house through the Leaky Cauldron Bar and stood in front of an old wall with jagged bricks. This was the entrance to Diagon Alley.

  Amos Diggory took out his wand, and after tapping several bricks on the wall, the sound of bricks rubbing came out...

  The bricks on the entire wall turned quickly!

  In just a few seconds, the bricks on this dilapidated wall were rearranged, opening a passage to the magical world!

  On the other side of the passage is the scenery of Diagon Alley.

  Even Cedric Diggory had heard his father mention the story of Diagon Alley, and there was some wonder in his eyes.

  As for Winson Wright…

  This pragmatic man has been rewarded for his quest.

  [Exploration Mission: Enter Diagon Alley (1/1) from the back of the Leaky Cauldron Bar, reward the magic spell unlocking spell]

  [Unlocking Spell: The chant is Alohomora. If the user has enough magic power, it can open any closed door in the world, even if the door is subject to a secrecy spell. ]

  I have to say, this kind of unlocking spell is really attractive.

  Winson Wright has some malicious guesses, maybe he can enter the lounge of any Hogwarts house through the unlocking spell without any other spells...

  After Winson Wright glanced at the reward, he began to look at Diagon Alley, the most prosperous market street in the wizarding world.

  The street is not wide.

  On both sides of the street are densely packed wizard shops.

  Diagon Alley is a busy time now, and many wizards wearing dome-top hats are standing on the street, chatting about the harvest of their shopping in laughter and laughter.

  "Mr. Crouch, Mr. Wright, where are you going?"

  Amos Diggory turned to look at old Barty Crouch and Winson Wright, and after asking them, gave the answer of their father and son directly: "I plan to take Cedric to Ollivander's wand shop, he's been craving a wand for too long..."

  "Cedric will pick the one that suits him best."

  Old Barty Crouch nodded gently at them before explaining, "It looks like we're splitting up here. We plan to buy the required items according to the order of the store..."

  Winson has no objection to this.

  According to the order, the two of them will be separated.

  The nearest shop to them is the Pattage Crucible Shop, which is mentioned on the list, and needs to buy a cauldron here, which is used in Potions class.

  "Buy me a sturdy pot.


  Winson Wright made his request to old Batty, and added an explanation: "It's better to be the kind that can be used to smash people's heads during fights..."


  The corners of old Barty Crouch's eyes twitched.

  This little guy hasn't entered Hogwarts yet! Have you already started to prepare for a fight at Hogwarts in advance?

  Old Batty has a little foreboding...

  This may be his most troublesome shopping.

  Who knew how many strange requests Winson Wright would make!

  Just as they walked to Gringotts, the wizarding bank at the intersection, Winson Wright slowly stopped, as if he wanted to remember the building.

  Old Barty Crouch glanced at Winson and introduced the origin of Gringotts: "Gringotts, the Wizarding Bank, except for Hogwarts where Dumbledore sits, this bank is the safest in the world. This place is run and managed by fairies..."

  "Find some time to go inside and stroll around!"

  Winson Wright left the door of Gringotts, and said slowly: "Just wait a while, I hope there will be a lot of good things here..."


  The corners of old Barty Crouch's eyes twitched again.

  Why did this little guy say these words seriously, as if he was going to enter Gringotts to steal!

  After leaving Gringotts.

  The next one is Mrs. Malkin's Robe Shop.

  This is where Hogwarts freshmen buy their uniforms.

  Winson Wright put on a wizard's robe, and suddenly said: "Can this kind of clothes be used as a sack? Will it be torn if you put a person in it and put it up..."


  Mrs. Mokin froze in place.

  The fat witch couldn't help but chuckle: "Dear, you really like to joke, but fighting is forbidden at Hogwarts..."

  "That's not bad, I especially like this rule."

  Winson Wright nodded earnestly, and pointed to the wizard robe he was wearing: "One size larger than this size, just give me three sets..."

  This is the habit of buying clothes in his previous life.

  Mainly to get quest rewards.

  [Exploration quest: Go to Madam Malkin's Robe Store to buy a wizard's robe (1/1), the quest has been completed, and the magic spell cleaning spell will be rewarded. ]

  [Cleaning spell: The spell can clean up any objects according to the caster's wishes according to the magic power used when casting the spell. If the caster's magic power is enough, it can even clear some objects he doesn't want to exist. ]

  A rather... practical magic.

  Winson Wright is very pleased with these practical little magics.

  Mrs. Mokin's body was a little stiff. She had never seen such an active child before, so she couldn't help but said, "If it is a standard larger than this size, will it be a little too big for you..."

  "I should grow up quickly."

  Winson Wright took off his robe and threw it on the chair.

  This scene made old Barty Crouch discover one of the advantages of Winson Wright. This little guy has a mature mind and will not be overly critical and waste time.

  Because of this, they bought everything quickly.

  And after Winson Wright bought the necessary textbooks for new Hogwarts freshmen at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, he finally found a way to truly master most of the spells.


  Only in this way can he directly learn a magic spell to the point where he can use it perfectly.

  [Exploration mission: Go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to buy a set of Hogwarts freshman textbooks (1/1), the mission has been completed, and the learning tasks and missions will be rewarded. ]

  [Learning task: Learn the magic spell by means of learning methods, read the spell carefully one hundred times, copy the spell carefully one hundred times, and recite the spell one hundred times proficiently, you will quickly master and master this magic spell. ]

  [Learning task: Learn the potion by learning methods, carefully read the formula a hundred times, copy the formula a hundred times, and recite the formula a hundred times, and you will quickly master the manufacture of this potion. ]

  This method of learning really leaves Winson with mixed feelings!

  Winson Wright reached out and took the clothes bag from old Barty Crouch's hand, handed him the thick textbook in his arms, and sighed faintly: "No matter where you are, learning is a very hard job..."

  Winson Wright sighed about his hard work in the future, remembered the achievements of being able to master magic spells, and continued to sigh: "Although we all know that after learning we will definitely be very happy..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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