
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 : How can wizards understand the brains of normal people

  In fact.

  Barty Crouch Sr. doesn't quite understand Winson's brain circuit.

  No one can predict what will happen in two years. Could the admission of Harry Potter cause a Minister of Magic to step down?

  This logic is a bit nonsense.

  Now Winson can't explain to old Barty Crouch, because he can't say that he has to find a way to steal the Philosopher's Stone from the treasure trove of the Gringotts and use it to frame people?

  As long as you can learn that skill...

  Or that skill lives up to expectations.

  If everything can be done right, the Minister of Magic can be left with a huge pot on his back.

  [Normal quest: Obtain the Hogwarts secret treasure Marauder map (0/1), reward magic skill teleportation, unfinished. ]

  "How about Mr. Barty Crouch Jr.?"

  Winson Wright glanced at old Barty Crouch, who was dedicated to driving, and habitually brought up a topic that should not be asked.


  After a moment of silence, old Barty Crouch said in a visibly subdued voice: "I used the Imperius Curse on him when I went out in the morning, he should be more honest..."

  This father-son relationship is really sad.

  Barty Crouch Jr. hated his father so much that he believed that Voldemort could be his father, which also made their father-son relationship even tenser.

  A son who hated his father and went the wrong way.

  A ruthless father who hated himself.

  Only those who have been with Barty Crouch for a long time know that this aging Ministry of Magic official has a softness that ordinary people can't see through.

  "Now is not the time to be soft-hearted."

  Winson Wright could hear the complexity of old Barty Crouch, and the youthful voice of the boy had an inexplicable magic power: "Mr. Barty Crouch Jr. was able to survive because his mother exchanged her life for it. We cannot let a great mother waste her sacrifice..."

  "I've always known that."

  Old Barty Crouch held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, the wrinkles on his hands slowly tightened, and said solemnly: "That's why I promised to obey your wishes... As long as I kill Voldemort, now all Everything will be free."

  In general, Voldemort's name will not be mentioned by the public.

  It's just that old Barty Crouch and Winson Wright's goal is to kill Voldemort, and there is nothing to be avoided about their enemies.

  Back then,

  Barty Crouch Sr. was a high-ranking Ministry of Magic official who blatantly fought against Voldemort and his Death Eaters, throwing Death Eaters into Azkaban.

  Just as old Barty Crouch was smug, his son Barty Crouch Jr was found to be a Death Eater, his reputation plummeted, and Barty Crouch Sr.'s hope to be the Minister of Magic was dashed.

  In order to insist on fighting against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, old Barty Crouch personally sent his son to Azkaban prison, which has also become synonymous with his ruthlessness.


  Barty Crouch Jr. was in bad spirits. Voldemort's loyal subordinate was unimaginably weak in willpower. He was tortured by Dementors for a year in Azkaban and nearly died.

  At that time, Mrs. Crouch, unfortunately, fell ill.

  Before dying, Mrs. Crouch begged her husband and had him secretly carry her out so that Mrs. Crouch could die in Azkaban instead of her son.

  Barty Crouch Jr. was able to get out of prison and survive.

  In order to keep his son out of trouble, old Barty Crouch had to control his son Barty Crouch Jr. with the Imperius Curse, and let the house-elf Winky take care of him to prevent him from sneaking around.

  This kind of father-son relationship that can only be maintained by the magic of the Unforgivable Curse,

For Barty Crouch and his son, it was a great ordeal.

  London suburbs.

  The car slowly pulled into a residential area.

  This residential area is not a place where wizards live, but a group of ordinary human Muggles live, so it occasionally seems a bit lively.

  The car is finally parked in an ordinary residential garage.

  Sr. Barty Crouch opened the car door and casually asked his own question: "I don't think it's convenient to live in a Muggle area..."

  "But it's safe here."

  Winson shook his head slowly, and said softly: "You should know our arrangement here, it's hard to say that someone will be able to find out who we want to hide..."

  The house looks very ordinary.

  In fact, the interior of the house is unique.

  The whole house is actually divided into four parts.

  The first area, is the living area on the first floor.

  This is the future living quarters of Winson Wright and Barty Crouch Sr., it looks like any ordinary family's living room, and it's nothing special.

  The second area, is the trap area on the second floor.

  Muggle shielding spells and protective spells are arranged here. It looks like a wizard's living place, and it is full of wizards' spells and potion traps.

  Generally speaking, any wizard who is attracted by the Muggle shielding spell to break through the protection spell and invade the second floor, if he wants to survive, depends entirely on his wealth of knowledge.

  After all, the old Barty Crouch who set the trap is an experienced and outstanding wizard, and Dumbledore once praised the old Barty Crouch for his knowledge.

  The third area, is the basement trap area.

  The space in the entire basement is not small, and it was enchanted by old Barty Crouch, probably only a wizard of the level of Dumbledore can crack it.

  In addition, the entire basement has been set up as a wizard's hidden laboratory, with expensive potions and equipment hidden from the surface...

  But it's not really a laboratory...

  It's filled with Muggle gadgets like mines and grenades.

  The fourth area, is the underground fortress safe house.

  The entire underground fortress area is the core part of the house.

  During the Cold War between the two major powers in the Muggle world, a devastating crisis may break out at any time, and an underground fortress capable of resisting nuclear war came into being.

  There is no shortage of supplies inside the fortress.


  Barty Crouch Sr. would have placed Barty Crouch Jr. and Winky the house-elf in the underground fort.

  Once they enter the underground fort...

  No one but Winson Wright could find the underground fortress, not even old Barty Crouch, because of the Fidelius Charm.

  In a sense, Barty Crouch Jr, who will be imprisoned in the underground fortress in the future, is also the hostage used by Winson Wright to control Barty Crouch Sr.

  As equipment to resist nuclear war, this underground fortress is very strong.

  And it was turned into a real safe house by old Barty Crouch with the Fidelius Charm, a safe house that cannot be destroyed at all.

  The Keeper of the Safe House is Winson Wright.

  to be honest.

  It has now been seven or eight years since the Dark Lord Voldemort disappeared.

  Winson Wright also asked old Barty Crouch to take such safety precautions. If other wizards know about it, it is estimated that they will think that he has some problems with his brain.

  Even old Barty Crouch himself felt that the chain of protection was too insidious, and even the cunning Dark Lord Voldemort looked a little chaste in comparison.

  Old Barty Crouch couldn't see exactly what this little fellow Winson was thinking.

  If Winson is timid, this little guy seems to have planned to target the Dark Lord who may be resurrected;

  If Winson is bold, this little guy really pays too much attention to safety issues, and the safety level of this house can even be said to be higher than that of Hogwarts.

  When Winson Wright and Barty Crouch Sr entered the house, the house-elf Winky and Barty Crouch Jr had been waiting here for a long time.

  Barty Crouch Jr., who was once a genius wizard, can't see the pride of the past at all.

  His hair was a little messy, and there was a layer of stubble on his chin.

  Because of being controlled by his father's Imperius Curse, Barty Crouch Jr's eyes were also a little dull, and he was not even more energetic than the house-elf standing beside his legs.

  What a sad young man...

  "You don't need to use the Imperius Curse at this base in the future..."

  Winson Wright looked at Barty Crouch Jr. and explained calmly: "And I also believe that Mr. Barty Crouch Jr will be willing to live in the underground fortress in order to live soberly..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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