
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 12 : Winson Wright, a Freshly Baked Illegal Animagus

  To be honest.

  Old Barty never felt like he could stay calm.

  Along the way, old Barty Crouch has heard enough of Winson's many strange requests, and now he is still thankful that he let Winson stop thinking ahead of time.

  this kid...

  He even wanted owls to fight!

  "What are you thinking!"

  Winson Wright raised his eyebrows, with a puzzled look in his eyes: "Do you think I'm a freshman who only knows how to fight and cause trouble?"


  Aren't you?

  Barty Crouch old could not help but ask a question.

  "Now I still need it to help deliver letters..."

  Winson Wright stretched out his fingers and tried to tease these owls, while he rambled: "It's just that I'll be very busy in a few years, if I buy one that looks a little more aggressive, After releasing it, it can take care of itself..."


  Old Barty Crouch fell silent for a moment.

  Except for the wizards from Hufflepuff, many wizards in the entire magical world leave their owls, allowing them to find food in nature.

  Many owls only get a bite to eat when they deliver letters, and the last time they take good care of their owl companion was when they were in school.

  Old Barty Crouch rarely saw the gentleness of a young man in Winson Wright, and he praised softly: "...you thought this out..."

  "Actually no..."

  Winson Wright shook his head humbly and explained seriously: "This is also for security reasons. Some people in the magical world can become animals. Who knows if some wizards will deliberately become owls to snoop on our secrets?"

  Winson Wright even gave an example of his previous life: "I heard a saying before that, the more people I meet, the more I like to keep a dog. But in the wizarding world, even if they to keep a dog it may betray you..."


  Barty Crouch Sr felt like he was boasting too early.


  Was this little guy a little too cautious?

  It is true that a wizard can transform into an animal by practicing transfiguration, but the difficulty is extraordinary, and there is even an irreversible danger.

  However, once the wizard can successfully transform his body and animal form, it means that he has become an Animagus and must go to the Ministry of Magic to register... It also shows that the wizard has become a precious Transfiguration Master!

  For example, Minerva McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts, is a precious Animagus, and she is also a professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts.

  A precious Animagus...

  How could it be lurking around an ordinary student?

  Winson Wright ignored what old Barty Crouch was thinking, and walked into the store to find the owner of the store: "Hello, are there any owls here that are not very obedient? It's better to be the kind of me After you buy it, you can take it directly and release it…"


  The owner of the owl shop was a little surprised.

  The owner has opened an owl shop in Diagon Alley for so many years, and he has never seen such a strange customer as Winson Wright.


  Customers are customers.

  Of course, customers in the wizarding world cannot be gods, but the Owl Store has not achieved the level of a chain monopoly, so it must not refuse customers' requests.

  Although the store owner thought there was something wrong with Winson Wright's way of shopping, he carefully selected a rebellious owl in the store to show Winson Wright and Barty Crouch Sr.

  As a Hufflepuff wizard, the store owner told his guests honestly: "If you need it to help deliver letters,

It may be delivered a few days later, because it may fly to catch mice on its own way..."


  Winson Wright's eyes suddenly lit up.

  Hearing what the owner of the owl shop said, Winson Wright suddenly felt that the owl should be raised for a few years: "Is an owl that likes to catch mice?"

  "But... owls are used to deliver letters."

  Old Barty Crouch's face was indifferent as he spoke.

  Now, has this little guy completely forgotten, why did they come here to buy owls? The duty of the owl is to be a messenger of the wizards!

  However, Winson Wright had a very pleasant chat with the owner of the owl store, and did not listen to old Barty Crouch's persuasion at all and bought this arrogant owl on the spot.

  Winson Wright took the bird cage presented by the boss, put the owl in it with satisfaction, and got his second pet.

  At the same time…

  Winson also got the most difficult spell to learn in advance!

  [Exploration quest: Buy an owl pet (1/1) at the Owl Shop in Diagon Alley, the quest has been completed, and the magic skill transfiguration will be awarded]

  Because the Transfiguration spell does not have any specific spell, it can only recite different spells depending on the object to be changed, which also means that it is very difficult for Weisen to learn and to master...

  After all, there are too many transfiguration spells.

  It was a real surprise to be able to get this spell now.

  Moreover, the highest level of transformation spells that wizards can use, the Animagus form, was directly mastered by Winson Wright.

  [Transfiguration spell: Without any specific spell, objects can be transformed. If the caster has sufficient magic power, he can even transform himself into other creatures. ]

  Winson Wright handed all the things in his hand to old Barty Crouch, holding the bird cage and looking at the fierce-looking owl inside, smiled and praised: "This is an owl who can bring good luck aren't you, little cutie..."


  Old Barty Crouch was helplessly carrying a large bag of things.

  He really doesn't understand what good luck an owl brings...just because it's so good at catching mice?

  The question is can this owl really help deliver letters?

  Winson Wright didn't care whether the owl could deliver letters or not. He stared at his new pet and said, "Since you like to catch mice, I'll call you Voldemort in the future... Mice will definitely be frightened when they hear this name?"


  Old Barty frowned instantly.

  Will a mouse be frightened by a name, old Batty doesn't know at all, he only knows that the little guy, Winson Wright, is a little reckless again?

  Old Barty Crouch looked around for the first time, and found that no one noticed what Winson said, and his eyes relaxed a little.

  "Do not worry."

  Winson Wright seemed to have sensed what Old Barty meant, and said slowly: "You should know that I am more cautious than anyone else... Only those I am willing to choose to believe will know what I really mean."

  "Then be careful..."

  Old Barty Crouch looked at the gray-haired boy who was still smiling, and persuaded in a deep voice: "Don't mention that person outside casually, it will make you attract a lot of people's attention in advance, when I was transferred from the Magic Law Enforcement Division, many Death Eaters escaped punishment..."

  Old Barty Crouch didn't want Winson Wright to die before he was fully grown, and now his son is still imprisoned in the underground fort...

  "I will remember."

  "Winson Wright knocked on the birdcage, looked at the fierce owl with glaring eyebrows, smiled and said: "Then it's a little more subtle... I'll call it Tom in the future, I hope it can help catch mice. "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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