
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 : The basement that Winson dare not step into

  Compared to playing tricks...

  After all, the Imperius Curse was almost meaningless.

  Just when Winson Wright wanted to do something, old Barty Crouch reached out and held Winson's arm, shook his head and whispered, "Let me do it..."


  Winson Wright stepped aside politely.

  The house-elf Twinkle couldn't help but wiped her eyes, bowed to Winson Wright with a crying voice, and said gratefully, "...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you for your willingness to persuade the master to let go of the young master..."

  Winky witnesses the tragedy of the Crouch family.

  As a female elf, she has the brilliance of motherhood hidden in her body, which makes her always sympathize with the little master who is controlled by the Imperius Curse and has no spirit.

  "You are welcome."

  Winson Wright nodded with a smile, and said softly: "Mr. Barty may lose his temper when he wakes up, and there will be many things to trouble you in the future..."

  "This is what I should do."

  Twinkle's hands were restrained in front of him.

  As old Barty Crouch raised his wand to his son, his arm drooped weakly after a little light flickered from the tip of the wand.

  Because old Barty Crouch knew...

  The son who hated him was right back.

  as predicted.

  Barty Crouch Jr stared at his father, his eyes slowly recovered from confusion, and turned into resentment in an instant!

  Barty Crouch Jr. slowly clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "I thought you would use Imperius Curse to control me until I die!"


  Old Barty Crouch was silent.

  "Perhaps he really should have done it..."

  Winson stood beside him with a chuckle before explaining: "However, this is too inhumane, so Mr. Crouch intends to give you another choice..."

  "What choice?"

  Barty Crouch Jr turned his head subconsciously.

  It's just that when he saw Winson, he sneered disdainfully: "I've seen you, bastard... You're really pathetic. You didn't go to the master or Dumbledore at the beginning, but now you actually takes refuge in a child. …"

  "Not to take refuge."

  Winson interrupted Barty Crouch Jr. and explained with open palms: "I have a cooperative relationship with your father, at least for now..."

  "I don't care."

  Barty Crouch Jr.'s face was still full of disdain. He looked up at his old father, not wanting to communicate with this disgusting biological father.

  Barty Crouch Jr simply looked at Winson Wright again, with a hoarse voice in his throat: "Tell me, what you want to do to me..."

  "Ho, alright..."

  Wei Sen couldn't help but chuckled, looked up at Barty, and said, "You are already an adult, you have to have your own ideas, so we will give you two choices..."

  "Number one, your life continues as it used to be, with the Imperius Curse from your father on a regular basis to control your mind."

  "Second, you can choose to live in a safe room in this house, and he won't control your brain from now on..."

  "I choose the second one, let me see where you imprison me!"

  Without waiting for Winson Wright to finish speaking, Barty Crouch Jr quickly made his choice, and his eyes became bright as expected!

  Nothing is more painful than being controlled by someone!

  Barty Crouch Jr. didn't care where he was imprisoned, could it be worse than Azkaban where he was once held?


  Winson nodded slowly.

  Everyone in the world, all seem to be used to acting within a framework.

  Barty Jr heard that there are two options in the future, and he chose the one that he thought would be beneficial to him, rather than raising any objections to them...

  third area.

  In a dark basement.

  The house-elf waving her little paws raised his hand and cast a lighting spell, which completely illuminated the entire basement room.

  On the surface, this is a wizard's laboratory.

  "Are you going to let me live in the lab?"

  Little Barty looked at the laboratory and couldn't help but start to have some thoughts, because the laboratory seemed to be very well-equipped.

  If he can live here in the future...

  Maybe you can find an opportunity to escape!

  "Don't mess around here!"

  Old Barty Crouch stopped his son from entering the basement with a serious look, and said solemnly: "If you move, every floor here will kill you!"

  When he said this, old Barty Crouch turned to look at Winson Wright: "Where is the safe house we prepared earlier? Only you, the secrecy of the Faithful Charm, can see its location..."

  "Go to the cabinet on the left."

  Winson Wright stood at the door of the laboratory and didn't take a step forward at all. He just said, "Remember how to take the safest way here?"


  Old Barty Crouch nodded heavily.

  After speaking, old Barty Crouch walked into the underground laboratory first, and walked three floors to the left, then walked two floors forward, and then one step to the right, two floors forward. , go two floors to the left again...


  Little Barty stared at this scene, looking at his biological father with incomprehension. Such a strange route of travel made his father lose his serious image of the past.

  "Can I try the power of a trap?"

  Little Barty couldn't help but want to go straight down.

  Winson Wright watched his movements and said softly, "The only thing I can do for you is to clean up your corpse and feed it to the dog."


  Twinkle was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed Barty's arm.


  Barty's left foot also stopped instantly.

  If it's just to endanger his safety, Barty really doesn't care much about it, but it's a bit insulting to feed the dog with his corpse...


  Maybe this place is really dangerous.

  Because Winson Wright doesn't dare enter the basement at all!

  Old Barty Crouch, who was in charge of leading the way, stopped in front of the cabinet on the left, and while waiting for his son to meet, he turned to look at Winson Wright.

  "Where should I go next?"

  Old Barty Crouch frowned and asked in a deep voice, "I remember that the potion bottles in this cabinet are all Muggle gadgets..."

  "No, there is also a bucket."

  Winson Wright stood at the door for technical guidance.

  Old Barty Crouch opened the cabinet door below and saw a bucket from the inside of the door. It looked like it was just an ordinary iron bucket.

  Essentially, it's a vehicle for the wizarding world.

  Old Barty Crouch looked at the son and the elf who came over, and after a moment of silence, he stretched out his palm.

  "Grab my hand."


  Little Barty frowned slightly.

  This somewhat rebellious young man didn't care about his father's request at all, and quickly switched places with Winky because he would rather hold Winky's paw.

  Old Barty Crouch took Glitter's other paw and stepped into the iron bucket. Their figures quickly twisted and entered the iron bucket!

  The iron bucket in the cabinet on the left side of the basement disappeared in place!

  There was a sudden sound of gold and iron clashing in the cabinet on the right side of the basement!

  Just walk from the left cabinet to the right cabinet, you can only rely on this kind of transportation in the magic world, everything in the middle is a trap!

  Floors, tables, chairs…

  The lab bench, the beaker on the lab bench…

  All are traps that could destroy this basement.

  The door on the right was opened by old Barty Crouch, revealing him, his son, and the elf.

  Barty's face was a little impatient, and he couldn't help complaining: "It's just a prison, harder to find than James Potter's safe house..."


  Sr. Barty Crouch ignored his son and just looked at Winson Wright again: "What should I do next?"

  "Step aside."

  Winson Wright raised his finger, and a little magic flew out from his fingertips and slowly fell into the cabinet.

  The magic awakened, and the enchantment quietly appeared.

  The barrier of the safe house quickly receded.

  Inside the counter revealed a solid round steel door.

  Old Barty Crouch stood in front of the steel round door, and after twisting the iron door with force, the light of the underground fortress was exposed from inside.

  "This outer door can only be opened from the outside."

  Old Barty Crouch looked at his son and said with a serious face: "There is also a door that can be controlled from the inside, which can ensure your safety and store enough materials for you to live for two years. And some Muggle books..."

  "Mr. Barty Crouch Jr."

  Standing at the door of the basement, Winson Wright said with a smile: "I specially selected it for you. There are many books on the treatment of depression..."

  This is planning ahead.

  Winson Wright believed that Barty, who was imprisoned in the underground fortress, would definitely read those psychological books.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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