
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 : A Serious Man Named Winson Wright


  One of the three unforgivable spells in the wizarding world.

  Because the Imperius Curse can control people's actions and make them completely obey the wishes of the caster, once the Imperius Curse is discovered, they will definitely be imprisoned in Azkaban.

  Generally, it's an adult thing.

  However, Winson Wright is only eleven years old this year, and he is still a long time away from adulthood, and he has not even entered the wizarding school Hogwarts.

  No matter how you look at it...

  Eleven-year-old Winson Wright should not be like this, calmly talking about his use of the Imperius Curse on a high-ranking Ministry of Magic official.

  Clearly, there's something wrong about Winson Wright.

  Seven years ago.

  His name is Winson.

  Winson used to be a serious man.

  The life of a serious person is naturally a serious job, learning serious knowledge through a serious platform, a very serious social circle, and a little bit of social bullshit.

  Cognitively, believe in science.

  Belief in the country.

  Winson thinks that he will spend his whole life like this, even if he laments that life is too dull when gathering with friends, but in fact, it is not bad.

  Because there is no dissatisfaction with his own life, for Winson, all the incredible things in the world are just the art of living.

  Until one day…

  Winson's mild-symptomatic social bullshit flares up, and he makes a very odd friend while traveling.

  There are always some weird people in this world who like to deceive people in the name of magic, Winson, unfortunately, met a weird guy...

  [Friend, have you heard of magic? ]

  [Have you watched Harry Potter too much? ]

  Winson thought for a moment about this kind of neurotic question, and then naturally gave the eccentric man a polite rhetorical answer.


  He was sent to the wizarding world.

  So, sometimes you have to be careful when you speak.

  Seven years ago, after that bizarre time-travel, Winson woke up and was forced to become Winsen Wright of the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

  Winson Wright was an ordinary orphan.

  Such orphans are common throughout London, and it is not easy to live in London, and the orphanage where Winson is located has always wanted to drive him away.


  A serious traveler always has something special about him.

  Perhaps because Winson in his previous life did not believe in the existence of magic at all, when he became Winson Wright of this world, a system called "must believe in magic" was inexplicably bound in his mind.


  Now Wilson Wright really believed in magic.


  Can you get him home?


  It is impossible to go back for a while.

  If Winson Wright wanted to go back, he could only find a way to improve his magic power through practice or tasks and use his magic power support system to travel through the world before he could go home.

  This system...

  What a complete waste!

  It simply makes the system flow lose face!

  However, such a system is one of the capitals for Winson Wright to survive in this world. Who made him just a child now?

  At least…

  Don't worry about being beaten to death.

  Maybe kill other people directly.

  Name: Winson Wright

  Sex: Male

  Birthday: August 8, 1978

  Health: 330 (100 for an average adult man)

  Life Regeneration: 2/sec

  Mana: 1725 (500 for normal Auror wizards)

  Mana Recovery: 2/sec

  Magic Spells:

  The killing curse: The chant is Avada Kedavra, once it hits the target, it will immediately cause the target's body to die directly, one of the unforgivable spells.

  Imperius Curse: The chant is Imperio. After being used on the target, it will make the target completely obey the wishes of the caster. It is one of the unforgivable spells.

  Cruciatus Curse: The chant is Crucio. Once the target is hit by the Cruciatus, the target will be in agony, one of the unforgivable spells.

  (The mana cost of any magic spell will be constant according to the magic power.)

  Magic Skills:

  Purification: No need for any chant, immediately remove all negative magical states on the target, consuming 100 mana points.

  Nullification Ball: No chant is required. Once hit by the Nullification Ball, the target's current magic will be interrupted, consuming 100 mana.

  Magical Skills:

  Never Petrify: Passive skill, any petrification magic, and skills falling on your body will be directly invalid.

  Potions Recipe:

  Life Potion: The formula is 50 Galleons + 50 Sickles + 50 Knuts + 50 Health, the effect is to restore the target's 150 Health.

  Magic Potion: The formula is 50 Galleons + 50 Sickles + 50 Knuts + 50 Mana, and the effect is to restore the target's 150 Mana.

  Magic Pets:

  Anivia, an ice crystal phoenix, is good at ice magic.

  Once Anivia encounters fatal damage, it will become a phoenix egg form. If it is not destroyed within 5 seconds, it will be reborn directly from the phoenix egg.

  These are all the abilities that Winson Wright has.

  It can be seen from the attribute panel alone that the magic value of Winson Wright can prove that he is a serious wizard.

  From the skill panel, once Winson Wright enters Hogwarts, there is a high probability that he will be sent directly to Azkaban.

  The power given by some common tasks in the system can basically allow Winson Wright to beat most wizards in this world.

  Like Mr. Barty Crouch, who now drives him.

  The current head of the Department of Magical International Cooperation at the British Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch, also known as the old Barty Crouch, was a high-level official who had hoped to become Minister of Magic and could be regarded as an outstanding wizard.


  Seven years ago, old Barty Crouch was educated by Winson Wright, and with a few trivial tricks, he became Winson Wright's first helper.

  Who gave old Barty Crouch a son who didn't live up to his expectations?

  Who made Barty Crouch Sr. go against his principles for his son?

  Who made Barty Crouch old's unsatisfactory son one of Voldemort's most loyal Death Eaters?

  Who made Barty Crouch Sr. and his son Barty Crouch Jr. very easy to take advantage of?


  Winson Wright has a delicate relationship with Barty Crouch Sr.

  In order to get the help of old Barty Crouch, Winson Wright had to make a condition that old Barty Crouch could not refuse: clean up everything about Voldemort and help his son Barty Crouch Jr. escape from Voldemort's poison.

  Companions who come together for common interests are always full of suspicion, and it is impossible to trust their peers.

  seven years.

  Barty Crouch Sr will sometimes question his choice.

  Whenever Barty Crouch Sr., a high-ranking official at the Ministry of Magic, no longer wanted to go to extremes at the orders of a child, Winson could only use the Imperius Curse to control Barty Crouch Sr. and let him slowly calm down.


  Barty Crouch Sr. also used the Imperius Curse to control his son for a long time, so that his son would not go crazy to find the missing Voldemort.

  The entrance of St. Grogory's Primary School.

  A gust of wind blew Harry Potter's hair, revealing the lightning scar on his forehead, which directly confirmed his identity.

  Old Barty Crouch sat in the driver's seat of the car, staring at the thin boy at the school gate: "Sorry, Mr. Wright, I thought you've been doing useless work..."

  After speaking, old Barty Crouch turned his head slowly again, looked at Winson Wright in the car, and frowned: "But Harry Potter is still just a child, unless he, at this age also has the same strength as Your Excellency, otherwise I don't think he will be of any help to our plan..."

  "Harry Potter has another value."

  Winson Wright slowly shook his head, leaned back on the seat, and said casually: "Now he is creating value for our plan."

  Harry Potter certainly helped with his plan.

  For Winson Wright, at least now that Harry Potter exists, he can make old Barty Crouch believe in himself, which is one of the values ​​of Harry Potter.

  Especially after entering Hogwarts, if Winson Wright entered the school, he could not control old Barty Crouch for a long time, and he had to make old Barty Crouch believe in himself.

  Compared to controlling a person...

  Getting someone to do things with sincerity is the most important thing.

  "Let's go."

  Winson Wright urged old Barty Crouch and slowly closed his eyes: "In another two years, perhaps when the boy who lived enters Hogwarts, we will think of a way to get the Minister of Magic to step down..."

  "How can this be…"

  "Just trust me."

  Just when old Barty Crouch asked a question, Winson interrupted him again: "At that time, if you could take this opportunity to return to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and control the Ministry of Magic's armed forces Auror enforcement. Team, our plan will go very well…"

As you can see, this is an evil MC.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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