
The God Who Watch Above

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What is The God Who Watch Above

Lee la novela The God Who Watch Above escrita por el autor Zhowen_Xialin publicada en WebNovel. Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds."This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the...


Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

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