
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 6: Holy Spiritual Bead

Inside the Dying Land, in a certain lake.

"Is this a spiritual lake?" Robin ponder for a while as he touch the surface of the lake. Upon direct contact, cool and refreshing feeling surge inside his body.

The lake was not too cold nor hot, but it was just enough to give a person relaxing moment. The lake rippled upon the light tap on its surface, creating a beautiful consecutive waves.

"No. It isn't really a spiritual lake, but nonetheless, it can still help someone recover their energy by taking a bath on it." Robin receive an answer after careful analysis.

As Robin was about to walk away from the lake, a sudden breeze rushed towards him. Robin felt something dangerous and immediately took out his mysterious bow, Pheonix's Bow, and struck it in front of him.


A metallic collision suddenly echoed as Robin was actually sent flying away from his Pheonix's Bow.

"What the! That.. that's so strong!" Robin was surprised by the sneak attack. He didn't expect that he almost die if he was a little careless.

"Oh, you fend off my attack? Good job." In the calm lake, a sudden movement appeared as the water start to twist upward until it form a human body.

The water that became human, or in simpler terms, the water spirit exudes an ordinary aura but Robin didn't take it for nothing. He was not fool and blind. That attack just now almost end up his life so if he take it lightly, he don't need to know how did he die.

"Why did you attack me?" Robin was a bit confused since he didn't even do anything and yet, he was being attacked.

"Because I want to? Anyway, you really do have a great potential, so, wanna get the treasure beneath this lake?" The water spirit said in a meaningful tone as he anticipate what Robin will answer.

"Hehehe... I may be rude but please, don't take me for a fool. I will be offering my life if I agree with you." Robin said as he let a smirk. He felt like he's been too smart for the water spirit.

"Well, If I want to kill you, I'll be able to do it with just a wave of my hand, don't you think so?" The water spirit replied with a calm composure.

Robin, of course, know the underlying meaning behind his words, but since it was true that he's weak, he just let it pass.

"Well, what you said is indeed true. But I never see some treasure keeper letting someone take its own treasure." Robin said as he touch his Pheonix's Bow.

"Hehehe... It's because I'm unique. And also, what you said is not quite right. I indeed ask you if you want to take it, but I never said that the road is open. Of course you need to be beaten up half-death to get it or else it would be the shame of me for the rest of my life." The water spirit explained while walking around the lake.

"I see, so you want to beat me half-death then? And why would I let that happen? Just for some trashy treasure?" Robin find the water spirit scheming.

"Tr.. trashy treasure?! What do you think of me?! Are you looking down on this Heavely God Crystal Lake Water Spirit?!" The water spirit said in anger as he took a portion of water before freezing it and shaping it into a spear.

The spear was then thrown towards Robin with incredible speed since it just teleported right away from Robin's position. The power that the spear holds were so strong that blasted Robin away despite the Pheonix's Bow defending him for a few meters. Actually, there's even a crack on the energy bead on the center of his bow.

"I.. I'm sorry." Robin was so scared that he didn't even hesitate to apologize despite his anguish for the crack that appear on his Bow.

"Hmmp.. you better be careful with your words when talking to this Crystal Lake Water Spi... Ah damn, why is it so long to pronounce! You better be careful with your words when talking to this Divine Spirit!" The water spirit finally calmed down.

The water spirit look at the bow in Robin's hand, and then control the water to cover the bow. A blue light shone brightly and after a second, the bow was as perfect as before. It was even enhanced by a few gap.

"Tha.. thank you! Thank you so much, Crystal... Uhm.. Divine Spirit!" Robin was so happy that he could fly towards the heaven.

"So, do you want to take my offer or not?" The water spirit bring back the topic again.

"Well, may I know what your treasure is?" Robin was careful this time or if he was not... then he will be a corpse now.

"Just a Holy Spiritual Bead. Although it is no use for me, but I think it is quite useful for you, humans." The water spirit said perfunctorily.

Robin, upon hearing the answer, was so dumbfounded as he can't help but open his jaw.

"Wh--what?! Ho..Holy Spiritual Bead?!!" Robin can't believe what he just said since he only read it in books that says that it was only a myth for finding one.

"Yes. Just a normal bead and yet you act like crazy, duh!" If the water spirit has eyes, it would rolled its eyes definitely.

"But.. that's.. that's the Mythical Holy Spiritual Bead!!" Robin was so excited and can't help but look at the water spirit more like a God. Although the attitude is quite annoying but it was still magnanimous.

"I will take your offer! I want to get it!" Robin was so excited that was evident in his eyes. Just thinking of getting the Holy Spiritual Bead, his energy power would surely burst out and will help him jump a state and his talent will also increase significantly.

"That's good. But beneath the lake is numerous god state water creatures. Those creatures won't let you take away their source of energy. But I can help you though. If you manage to obey what I will say, then I will create another Holy Spiritual Bead and just give it to you directly." The water spirit let a smile as he seems more excited than Robin.

"What? Okay! I will agree to you!" Robin didn't hesitate to agree since the water spirit even create an easier path for him.

"That's good. First, you must use all your spiritual and golden energy and integrate it with your Pheonix's Bow. Don't try to leave even a drop of energy. Second, use your Divine Skill and all skills related to shooting an arrow simultaneously. I know that it will be difficult but the return was great so it's worth it. Third, you must familiarize with the arrow I made out of water. Fourth, shoot it towards 3:00 and gave all your strength in pulling the strings. If you manage to do that, I'll give you the treasure I promised." The water spirit said as a large amount of water turned into a refined and perfect blue arrow. The arrow have a lion's head on its edge while have a dragon on its body.

Robin took the long arrow, indirectly telling that he accepted the challenge. When getting the arrow, Robin almost lost his balance since he didn't expect that the arrow would be so heavy.

Upon memorizing all the requirements, Robin start to focus as he familiarize his consciousness towards the arrow. While at the same time, he use all his skills and Divine skill consecutively without stopping, which greatly reduced all his spiritual and golden energy. The Pheonix's Bow upon suddenly receiving such a super strong surge of power, glows golden light brightly almost blinding the water spirit.

The water spirit who watch Robin show a delightful smile as his objective were about to be done.

Robin, with great difficulty, lift the arrow in his hand and placed it to the center of his weapon. Using the remaining ounce of strength inside his body, he positioned himself in an archery style, before taking a deep breath and pull the three strings.

All golden and spiritual energy were fused inside the Bow before Robin let go of its string.


A blinding golden light swiftly crossed the air like a lightning, making the surroundings it passed to be instantly obliterated. The ground was even dented showing how strong the attack was.

"No!!" A shout echoed from the tree but before it continues, the arrow swiftly passed the source of it. Another yell echoed and just like the previous, the noise came down.


The earth vibrate due to the explosion when the arrow meets its target. A large area were burned into nothingness while killing all the people sneaking behind the trees.

It seems that the water spirit has a good eyes, and already detect the people who's waiting to ambush Robin.

Robin, after performing what he was tasked to do so, fell to the ground unconsciously.

The Pheonix's Bow become dull and drop to the ground as well. The water spirit, upon seeing the pitiful state of Robin, didn't dilly-dally and then start to create what he had promised. Using it's own life energy, the water spirit began to shrink and shrink until the size of a pinky finger. The water spirit's life energy then was hammered to be compressed into a small ball, just a size of a bead. The spiritual energy that fluctuates from the bead was so strong that it can make an ordinary peak Divine State kneel down in an instant .

Upon creating the Holy Spiritual Bead, the water spirit then use all the remaining energy in its body to control water and cover Robin and the Pheonix's Bow. After that, a blue light glows, before ejecting Robin who's complexion became the same as before and the Pheonix's Bow who has now two beads on its center, the energy bead and holy spiritual bead.

"Goodbye... Thank you kid, for freeing me! Finally, I'm free!!" The water spirit said for the last time as he completely dissipated into the air.

After the water spirit disappeared, the crystal lake became as calm as ever, with Robin lying unconscious on its shore while the Pheonix's Bow return toward the spatial ring on Robin's right hand.

"Hmm! That creation of mine... What a strong character! To think that he will control the child just to free him, so selfish. He tempted the kid with treasure and even act ignorant! So annoying. But that's Robin for ya! So strong!" The heavenly man was having fun as he continue to watch the scene unfolding before his eyes.