
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 12: Feeling of Crisis

"It's already been decades but I can't still accept that Rose can achieve the Half-step Worldly God State." The heavenly man said with displeasure as he look at Rose.

"But witnessing the impossible task she did just to level up, I'm gonna say she really deserves it." The heavenly man said in contemplation as he nodded his head.

"Mother.. mother.. I can't believe I actually saw Icy there!" An excited clamor escape Robin's mouth as he appeared beside his mother.

"Yeah.. yeah.. although it may hurt you but she doesn't like you nor you're destined to be with each other." Robin's mother, Rescia, said in a calm tone.

"What?! Mother!! I thought you support me." Robin become angry in an instant.

"Well, that's because I still haven't seen her. But when I scan her earlier, she has a dangerous aura that is destined to be attached with the demons. She is born to be the demon queen." Rescia answered in a low voice.

"I hate you, Mother! You're lying to me!!" Robin answered as he ran away from the room.

Rescia just sigh as she look at the fading back of his son.

"Fortunately, if she encounter someone who's the hero in the future, she will be the heroine. Unfortunately it's not Robin but someone else." Rescia muttered as she apart herself from her vision.

"But the other girl's identity is interesting. I can't actually read any signs nor invision her future." Rescia said as she let a smile on her face.

"So, it was the daughter of Sopher, the True Emperor of Northern Kingdom." Krisza asked Carl as she let a teasing smile.

"Hmmp... so what?" Carl said in an annoyed tone.

A sudden heavy pressure compressed Carl until he kneeled on the floor with his knee cracking the tiles.

"You're being disrespectful this days, ah. It seems that I and your father has been too easy for you." Krisza said in a serious tone that scared Carl out of his wits. Icy, who was watching besides, can't also help but tremble. Their mother is really scary!

"I.. I'm sorry mother!" Carl apologize sincerely that makes the pressure eased down.

"That's good. You must be polite with your elderly while being elegant. So, when will you bring Sofia here?" Krisza seems satisfied with his son and bring back the topic again.

"If I had the chance." Carl who still feel the treath answered carefully.

"I see. Then I shall wait.. hmm, it seems that I don't need to wait for too long then." Krisza said as she smiled at her two children.

"What do you mean, mother?" Icy who was planning to be the background got curious and asked.

"Well, your father had luckily found a big spiritual crystal vein from his adventure in the Battleground Ancient Space. And since he nor I don't need the vein, thus the reason why he will hold a competition to give it as a reward. All the people in the world are eligible to participate and there's no restriction as well except for no killing in a battle." Krisza explained clearly.

"Eh?! Then, I want to participate in it!! I want to join the competition!" Icy became excited and said.

"Okay then." Krisza didn't want to stop her daughter that surprise Carl.

"Eh? You're letting her join? Are you not going to be protective for her?" Carl asked with a confused look.

"Well, she needs pressure to breakthrough from Divine State and enter Saint State. As for you, you will join whether you like it or not since you're being left behind by your sister." Krisza amswered while shaking her head at Carl.

"Mother, when do we hold the competition?" Icy asked with a clear eyes.

"Two days from now. Fortunately, you came out of that ancient ground earlier." Krisza answered.

"Then that's good. Can you let me use the Gravitational Room?" Icy asked for permission.

"You can, of course. Take Carl with you." Krisza said as she guide her children out of her room.

"Head Maid, please say to Supreme Head that I place my bet on my children." Krisza send a message to her Head Maid through crystal communicator.

"Okay, Your Majesty." The Head Maid said respectfully.

"Sofia, where is the wand I let you borrowed from me?" Sofia's father, Sopher, asked.

"It's here father." Sofia answered as she took out the wand and gave it back to her father.

"That's good. Did you have fun with your journey?" Sofia's mother, Fialyn, asked curiously.

"Yes. Although deadly but it's fun." Sofia answered with a delightful smile.

"That's good then. You may rest now." Sopher said as he go with Sofia out of the room.

"Frank, are you okay? You don't seem that good compared to your usual self." Rose asked as she let Frank enter their house.

"Eh? But I'm still the same me." Frank answered with a smile.

"Hmm, it's probably because he can't see his two lovely siblings." Eldrin said teasingly.

"Yeah." Frank said as he keep his usual self.

"Did something happened inside the ancient ground?" Rose asked Elise since she know she can't lie to her.

"It might be because of Icy. Icy confessed to Frank and ended up just being used by spirit." Elise answered.

"I'm just going to my room." Eldrin said as he walk towards his own room.

"No.. it's not it. It's just that I haven't been able to raise my state. I'm still at mid-level Divine State." Frank said with a worried face.

"If you want to breakthrough, you must settle the matters within your heart. The heart is the basis for the freedom of yourself. If you have a knot in your heart, then breakthrough will be impossible. One must have a clear heart in order to thrive." Rose teach Frank an important thing in cultivation.

"I see. Then I will go first to the guest room, Auntie." Frank said as he go to the certain room.

"Mother, may I go to the gardening room?" Elise asked her mother for permission.

"Okay. But be careful when planting the flower. If any of its root were to be damaged, then it will wither in a span of seconds. Not only it will wither, but your state will be reduced as well." Rose said seriously towards Elise.

"Yes, mother." Elise answered as she go towards the gardening room.

"Dang it! It seems that I must have a talk with my husband." Rose said to herself as she disappear in an instant.

In a certain cave, a super handsome man were meditating seriously when suddenly a sudden gust of wind disturb his meditation.

Opening his eyes, the man look at the woman, who is none other than Rose.

"Why are you here.." the man did not finish his words as strong and aggressive kiss sealed his mouth.

Due to the strong provocative gestures of the alluring woman, the man didn't avoid the advance and even fight for aggressiveness.

It's probably that Rose is just feeling lack of intimacy why she's being like this since he's been locked in this cave for decades and even didn't see his own children.

The two fight for a long time as strange sound escape from the inside of the cave.

The heavenly man who were watching felt awkward and deleted the record. Such an aggressive woman. Rose is simply scary.