
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: Cold Shoulder

Inside the Dying Land.

Two figures can be seen walking with such a disappointed look on their faces.

"Why?? Why can't we find any beast nor a single treasure?!" A helpless tone came out from Icy since she and her brother already traveled for a day or two and yet they still haven't encounter any beast or find any treasure.

"That's strange, don't you think? It seems like all of them were avoiding us." Carl said in a contemplation as he use his spiritual energy to detect a certain area.

"It's all your fault, Icy. You have a bad luck and you even include me in it!" Carl didn't find anything strange and was annoyed that he can't help but blame Icy instead.

"What?! Is.. is it really my fault? Hahaha! You must be kidding me! You're the one who have bad luck instead!" Icy argue with Carl.

"What do we do now? It's already three days and we still haven't found anything!" Carl ignore Icy and asked instead.

"You ask me? Really? You're asking me now?! Are you retard or just a retard?! I won't ask you if I know the answer, duh!" Icy said with rolling her eyes that effectively angered Carl.

"You! How.. how dare you say that to your brother?! Remember that I am older than you so have some respect!" Carl scolded her little sister.

"We're twins, so basically we're just the same age. It just so happened that you came first!" Icy defend herself before pouting.

"Anyways, let's just go toward that lake. I think that we can find treasure if we go there." Carl want to stop arguing with Icy and then instead point out random direction.

"Okay. That's sound good to me." Icy didn't oppose and followed her brother.

As the two went further in the forest for a while, finally they reach the crystal lake. The surroundings on south direction they were facing were blasted away while an unconscious person lay on the shore.

"Oh my god! Is.. that person?" Icy yelled as she point out her fingers toward the person, who is none other than Robin.

"Yeah, but maybe not. We can't be sure if its real or just illusion." Carl said cautiously before slowly walking towards Robin.

"Wait, I think I already meet that person. But I don't know him and he's kinda arrogant as well. Let's just leave him in this place and go toward another place again." Icy remember her encounter six years ago with and felt annoyed at how arrogant Robin was back then. Actually, Robin is just trying to show off to Icy since he fell in love at first sight, but Icy misunderstood him.

"Eh? This guy is arrogant?" Carl asked in surprise since he think that Robin is quite kind from judging his handsome face.

"Yeah. So let's just leave this place. It seems that the beast were already killed by this person." Icy said as she walk away from the lake. If Robin just witness what is unfolding in front of him, he would probably cry overnight.

"Okay." Carl, thinking that his sister might be true, then leave Robin as well.

"So where do you wanna go?" Carl asked Icy because since she wants to leave the lake so therefore she must have set her mind on something.

"Well, I detect a certain cave with strong breaths. Its north away from us and I don't know how far, but I believe in my instinct." Icy said with excitement as the two set off for another journey again.

After reaching a certain cave, Icy immediately brought out her Iron Ice Stick. The Iron Ice Stick look like an ordinary stick but it can actually burst a large amount of power with just a throw. The Iron Ice Stick have five Ice Beads on its inside making it very suitable for Icy. The Ice beads were of high quality that's why the Iron Ice Stick can be considered as a saint level weapon.

The appearance of the Iron Ice Stick is plain, without any pattern nor sculpture. It is just a plain blue crystal stick.

Carl, on the other hand, also brought his Lightning Shield. The Lightning Shield has an attribute for lightning and have five lightning beads on the inside. The shield were in a hexagon shape but the center side is longer than the top and bottom sides.

The Lightning Shield just like Iron Ice Stick is just only blue-violet plain shield but its defense is definitely strong. It can also attack and defend at the same time, making Carl like the shield even more.

The two were ready to get in a real battle since they detect three auras that are no weaker than them. Each one of them feel mysterious that's why the sibling's pair didn't hesitate to bring out their weapon.

"Wait, Relax. We.. we don't want to fight you." A handsome man walk out of the cave and said in a gentle voice. Icy, who look at the man and heard his voice can't help but blush secretly.

"Eh... You.. you're a person?" Carl asked an awkward question.

"Yeah? Wait, what did you think of me? I'm human of course!" The handsome man said hurriedly as he look at the man angrily. The handsome man were none other than Frank.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But, why are you in a cave? We almost thought you're a beast." Carl said regretfully since he really want to experience battle.

"We actually encounter a strong beast while picking herbs and we were severely damage by it, so the reason why we're in this cave, to recover some of our strength." Frank explained before he immediately leap up to his right.

In his previous position, six sharp silver strings were struck to the ground. If Frank was a little bit slower, he would be pierced by those strings.

"Wh..what?! What an incredible reflexes!" Icy said in surprise as he saw Frank even more handsome. It is her first encounter with him, but why does he make an itch in her heart?

"Strings? That's strange but the speed is unbelievable. And the strength behind those strings, definitely not ordinary." Carl said after careful analysis.

"You! Why.. why would you disclose such an important fact?! What if they attack us from our vulnerability?!" A woman's angry voice echoed outside the cave, making Frank a little embarrassed.

"Uhm.. we.. we don't have any bad intentions!" Carl said hurriedly to defend him and her sister.

"But a liar doesn't say he's a liar!" The woman's voice echoed again.

"Well, I'm not lying. And besides, you won't see a liar who were saying 85% truth, have you?" Carl said as he put his Lightning Shield toward his spatial ring on his finger. Icy who felt no malice from the opposite people also put away her Iron Ice Stick and then look at Frank mesmerized.

"Why is there such a handsome man like you?" Icy said to Frank as she appeared at Frank in a second.

Frank, who were never, other than the people who are close to him, be as close as he was now with Icy, was quite shocked and annoyed. Only a few centimeters and then their skin would be integrated! The girl he had put aside in his mind were actually dangerous.


A sudden light appeared between Frank and Icy before Frank appeared a few meters away from Icy.

Icy was surprised by that but she didn't saw who did it nor who move Frank away from her. But since it was no concern for her, she just ignore it and just look at Frank intensely.

"Icy! Calm yourself! Don't be such a disgrace!" Carl didn't expect his sister to be this kind of stupid and bold, and felt like he just want to say that he has no relation towards Icy. She's just too embarrassing!

"But.. I.. I didn't meet someone as handsome as he is!" Icy was stubborn and said firmly. After she said that, she felt a swish before some powerful attack landed on her knees. But since she's already at the mid level of Divine State, she manage to avoid the attack by her reflexes despite not knowing who did it.

"Eh?! Why.. why is there someone attacking me? And it even moves so fast!" Icy said in surprise as she let her spiritual energy detect the inside of the cave.

But before her spiritual energy reach the entrance, a strong energy wall bounce it off that make her failed to do so.

"What?! Strong Blockade? It seems that you, handsome guy, is not the only strong one." Icy said before she look at Frank again.

"Eh? Well, all the three of us were in Divine State. And also, Elise, we can trust these guys. I promise you that they will not attack us from behind." Frank ignore Elise's anger and continue to communicate with Icy and Carl.

"I see. Then, are we disturbing your rest?" Carl asked with a worried tone.

"No.. no at all. We're just surprised since you really intended to go toward rhis cave, so we just thought you're wanting to fight us." Frank said to Carl as he avoid Icy since her gaze is too heavy.

"Icy! Stop doing that! You're making him uncomfortable!" Carl said as he felt Frank's grimace.

"No.. it's fine." Frank said in disguise since he's too embarrassed to tell the truth.

"See, brother? He said it's fine so I can stare at him for how long I want." Icy's IQ seems to drop because of her infatuation and said to Carl as if what she said is right.

"Oh my god! Did you become stupid now? Don't you have dignity as a woman?" Carl didn't expect that her sister would behave like that and was annoyed at this time.

"Who cares about dignity? Why would I waste this opportunity just because of some face?" Icy said as she come closer with Frank again.

A sudden light glows inside the cave but also halt after a moment.

"What?! Icy! Wha.. what are you doing?" Carl was surprised to see Icy's arms slithering from Frank's hand. Her sister is so shameless. If Frank were just some cold guy or those bastard and not this kind and somewhat naive, he can't even ask for mercy if that guy would want to kill her sister.

"Eh? Ca.. can't I do it?" Icy looked at Frank and asked with her eyes becoming teary. She looks like a cute puppy that everyone wants to take care of.

"Uhm... I.. I don't mind." Frank, who never been this close to any opposite sex were flustered and can't help but scratch his head. His cheeks were also becoming reddish while his behavior starts to fall off.

"Even so, Icy, you can't do it! You have no permission of that person!" Carl won't be able to calm down if he doesn't stop Icy from what she's doing.

"Didn't you hear what he just said? He said it's fine, so stop wasting your breath." Icy confront her brother.

"Uhm.. are you resting with your friends inside the cave?" Icy didn't let Carl speak anymore and asked Frank with a shy face. Carl was bewildered by that.

"Yes. The two were twins as well." Frank said as he invite the two towards the cave. Carl and Icy who's clinging to Frank, went inside the cave as well.

Carl and Icy, then finally saw Elise and Eldrin sitting at the corner of the cave with their eyes closed.

"Elise, Eldrin, these are the twins outside. They seem trustworthy so I bring them along." Frank introduce the two enthusiastically.

"Hmm... Well, sorry about earlier. I know I'm kinda insensitive at that part." Elise asked for forgiveness.

"It's fine. You don't need to worry about it. It's only natural to be cautious so I understand you." Carl assured Elise before taking her apology.

"Then that's good. By the way, I am Elise and this is my brother, Eldrin." Elise point toward her brother who's still resting athe other corner.

"Well, he seems focused now, so sorry about his cold aura." Elise said in behalf of her brother.

"Well, it's fine." Carl didn't mind Eldrin and said lightly.

"Well, you're beautiful! Are you Frank's girlfriend?" Icy said as she admired Elise's beauty. Her beauty is just so dazzling and incomparable!

"What?! No! I will never like that guy!" Elise said in an instant before strongly shake her head.

"Hmmp... As if I would like you as well!" Frank said in annoyance.

"Then that's good." Icy said in elation as she already think in advance of what will happen in the future.

"Hey, Eldrin, why are so quiet?" Frank asked the other.

"I'm just tired." Eldrin speak without any movement.

"Well, the sun is setting now, so you two must be hungry by now, so, do you want to eat with us?" Frank look outside the cave and asked Carl and Icy.

"I would love to! I want!" Icy said excitedly while still clinging with Frank despite the other trying to apart from her.

"What a shameless girl. Stop doing this! You're disgracing our family." Carl scold Icy but it was no use.

"I don't care. Mother and Father would understand my situation, so, it's fine." Icy was really stubborn and firm.

"Well, what are you cooking? I want a roasted beef." Elise said as she licked her lips. Her, doing that, is so seductive.

"That sounds good as well." Frank said in agreement.

"Yeah, roasted beef is indeed delicious!" Icy don't want to lose and lie.

"Hahaha! As if you already taste roasted beef. Don't butt in with their conversation. We just meet them right now, so don't be feeling close!" Carl pulled Icy away from Frank but the latter stick to Frank tightly.

"Hey! He's going to cook, don't you see him taking out his ingredients? Are you stupid that much that you will cling to him despite cooking?" Carl pulled Icy again, and fortunately, he had been successful.

"Uhm.. I'm going to cook outside, so please wait for a moment." Frank said before he walk outside with his ingredients and utensils.

Icy wants to follow him but Carl stopped her.

"Do you wanna use my string? It's suitable when suppressing someone." Elise, who also felt the feeling of helplessness when she's fighting against Eldrin's wants, asked Carl if he wants help.

"Really? Can.. can I shamelessly borrow it?... Thank you!" Carl was overjoyed by Elise's help and shamelessly accept the silver string that Elise gave to him.

Without further ado, Carl tied up Icy's hand while tying his hand as well connected to Icy's hand.

"Brother! Let go of me!!" Icy was annoyed and tried to struggle but no matter how much she wants to be free, she can't just do it.

"What is this string?! Why is it so strong?! Elise, are you trying to stop me from getting close with Frank and lose me as your competitors?" Icy's imagination have gone wild and instead put the blane to Elise.

"What?! Hahaha.. you can just take that man along with you!" Elise said perfunctorily as she continued her rest again.

"Icy, just stop! If you won't behave, I'll call mother and tell her to not let you go again." Carl was forced to use threat since he doesn't already know what can stop Icy.

Icy, who heard the threat, finally stop struggling and glared at Carl angrily. It seems as if she can kill her brother by using her eyes.

"Fine! I'll behave so just release me now." Icy finally complied that make Carl breathe a sigh of relief.

Carl finally release Icy since he was sure that she will behave just like what she said earlier.

After a moment of silence, strong fragrance pervaded the air as the people inside the cave inhaled and savour the taste.

"Well, sorry for the wait. Roasted beef, cooked!" Frank said as he enter the cave with a big plate on his right hand.

Above the plate was a large stab of golden brown steak with delicious gravy. The aroma was really strong that can make someone drunk by it.

"Wow! So fragrant!" Carl didn't expect that such a handsome young man was able to produce this kind of food. From his robe and temperament, it was sure that he was a high-ranking noble as well, just like him.

"As expected of Frank. So fragrant! Leave me a large piece, you got it?" Elise said as she lick her lips.

"So handsome! I really like you now!" Icy can't help but express her feelings as she look at Frank with glistening eyes.

"Eh? Hmm... We can eat now. The food is ready." Frank put down the plate on the ground before giving every person a plate and utensils.

"Eldrin, do you want to eat?" Frank walk towards Eldrin and asked.

"Don't mind me." Eldrin said in an uninterested tone without opening his eyes.

"Okay." Frank said before he goes towards the three.

A happy dinner can be found inside the cave as four figures happily eat their food with gusto.