
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 1: Five Strongest Children

"Oh, this batch of new seedlings are quite interesting!" A heavenly figure said with interest as he leisurely lay down on his bed of clouds.

The figure looks terribly handsome that can make someone blind and exudes a frightening aura that can make someone kneel.

The man was looking at the screen on the floor which is divided and zoomed in into five children.

The first child inside the screen exudes a wealthy aura since his robe shouts money. The robe of the child was made of from the finest and highest quality materials all over the entire world. Its silks came from the Divine Eight-Colored Spider while the emblem on it was made of from the Purple Crystal Iron. Just by this materials, a lot of people would blood just to have it, unfortunately for them, the child was the only heir of the True Emperor of Southern Kingdom.

The child was named Robin. Robin is one of the strongest youngest child among their kingdom for reaching Special State (15,000 - 50,000 energy power) at the age of 10. He is considered as a peerless genius among all the geniuses in their kingdom since no one at the same age is comparable to him.

Robin was a talented and powerful child since he can fight an ordinary Ultimate State with an energy level of 55,000. This strength of Robin resulted for his father to take pride on him and make him feel the pressure of being the role model and strongest individual in their kingdom.

Robin was a sword user and can deal a powerful attack on his enemy but his true ability can be fully utilized only if he fight by using an arrow. His unique skills are all related to archery and even his physique suit shooting an arrow as well. He can use magic and martial arts as well. Further integrating the magic and cultivation into his archery, his power become elevated and even successfully gained a Divine Skill, "Bird's Eye Shot".

Robin's divine skill is a powerful skill that can one shot kill an ordinary Ultimate State with an energy power of 50,010 despite the distance. This ability even make his name soar and be firm within their kingdom.

On the other part of the screen, a young and beautiful girl, the same age as Robin, was being portrayed to the heavenly man.

The young girl was named Sofia and came from a humble family. Though humble, but her family was also the same status of Robin's since her parents are also the True Emperor and True Empress of Northern Kingdom.

Sofia is also the only heiress of the True Emperor, making her valued and treasure by the entire kingdom. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also kind and powerful. Like Robin, she is also one the strongest youngest child among the children in their kingdom for reaching a Special State (15,000 - 50,000 energy power) at the age of ten.

Unlike Robin, Sofia is good at using magic. She utilized her magic power to its utmost level of power and was too proficient at casting spells. Sofia can be considered as the "Angel's Shield" since she can be an immortal when she only focus on supporting and abandon fighting. She might not know how to use cultivation in a battle but one can't underestimate her magic power since her spells can outburst an energy power of 50,000, capable of killing an ordinary Ultimate State 50,010.

Her unique skills are related to the usage of defensive and offensive spells. To be respected by all the people in their kingdom, Sofia also has a Divine Skill, God's Mercy, which has the power to double her own strength for a limited time. This ability of hers make her father be as joyous as one can be.

On the center of the screen is also a beautiful girl with an ordinary aura. Her name is Elise. Elise is the only daughter of the once strongest mage around the world. Her mother was known and feared by all the people for her powerful and dangerous sealing ability, that can even withstand God's punishment. That's why, Elise can be or have the same rank as Robin and Sofia.

Elise is a powerful and smart girl and is also one of the strongest youngest child among the child in Eastern Kingdom. At the age of 10, she also managed to reach the Special State (15,000 - 50,000) and can fight an ordinary Ultimate State with an energy power of 50,010.

Elise's unique skills are all about space dimension, making it hard for the enemy to kill her. Space Dimension is an ability of hers that was created by her mother and can be used with magic and cultivation. The stronger her magic power is and cultivation state, the stronger she can control space dimension.

Although Space Dimension can only be used for teleporting attacks, but she is not dependent on her ability alone. She is a powerful fighter who uses string to deal damage. The string she uses is not an ordinary string but the string made out of her condensed magic power. Elise can control the strings freely and even explode it at will consecutively until she wears off dealing 15,000 energy power for each explosion.

Though she has unique skills and a daughter of a powerful mage, Elise is and won't be able to have Divine Skill since it is the equivalent of having Space Dimension. Her Divine Skill can be the Space Dimension itself since it can be comparable to Robin's "Bird's Eye Shot" and Sofia's "God's Mercy".

On the other side of the screen, a handsome boy, named Frank, can be seen with his long and powerful energy gun. Frank is the only heir of the True Emperor of Eastern Kingdom and is one of the strongest youngest child within the said kingdom. His father was full of hope for him since he is really talented and powerful. He was already at Ultimate State (50,001- 100,000 energy power) at the age of ten and can battle ten ordinary Ultimate States at once and even win at the end.

Frank relied on his Divine Weapon, Destruction Gun, given by his father which has the ability to absorb energy from the surrounding plus the original energy that Frank fused on its bullet. The divine weapon was treasured by the family but since Frank is the only child, the True Emperor and True Empress didn't even hesitate to give him the gun.

Not only was the gun is powerful, but Frank too. Frank even without the gun can kill an Ultimate State with moves that is no more than a hundred. Frank can fight at contact/melee or range. Frank is a cultivator and has no talent for magic, but his cultivation power can burst an energy power of 60,000.

Frank also has unique skill which mainly focus on using the divine weapon and has Divine Skill, God's Detector. By using this divine skill, Frank no matter how powerful the enemy is can find the weakspot in a short period of time.

On the last screen is a handsome tall boy in a white robe. The boy exudes an aura of purity and divinity.

The boy was named Carl, and is the only heir of the True Emperor and True Empress of Western Kingdom. Carl is also an Ultimate State (50,001 - 100,000 energy power) and can fight tens of Ultimate State at once, making him one of the strongest youngest child among the children in their kingdom. Carl was favored by the powerful figures within the Western Kingdom and is currently being taught simultaneously.

Carl can only use magic and is weak against cultivation. But with his strong ability to cast defensive spells, it is no weakspot at all. Carl's ability which he is proud of, is by using lightning to stun his enemy. Calling lightning at will, Carl is feared within their kingdom making his father joyous and contented.

Carl has unique skill mostly about enhancing or multiplying the power of his summoned lightning and also have a Divine Skill, Lightning Dance. This divine skill will cover a large area and paralyzed those whose been caught while the range will be strucked by lightning continuously within the time limit.

"Hmm... So interesting! I am looking forward to what Immortal Skill will they choose!" The heavenly man said as he stand up before closing his eyes.