
The Promise of Forever

Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 11.6K Views
  • 21 Chs
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What is The Promise of Forever

Read ‘The Promise of Forever’ Online for Free, written by the author Maricruz_Rosales, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering COMEDY Fiction, BETRAYAL Light Novel, REVENGE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will alway...


Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

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