
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 4

Olivia was surprised at just how many graced she the party.

Manuel―she knew that was his name because paquita had said it a while ago. She tried calling it out loud to hear how it would sound coming from her.

She caught sight of him in the crowd talking to some women and it was obvious how they were flirting with him. I mean, who wouldn't? With an athletic build like that and a smile from that sensuous mouth, eyes like ripe tangerine and hair as black as tar.

Her stomach knotted.

Why was she nervous? She thought. One more thought about that muscular build would surely send her reeling over the edge.

She inhaled deeply and took uneasy steps toward the guests at the pool with a large tray of food and drinks.

She told herself to not look at him, to focus on her work, but she couldn't do that could she? With each uneasy step, she couldn't resist glancing at his direction. Her heart immediately went into a somersault in her chest as she saw him looking at her direction and smiling; before she could prevent the worst from happening, she collided into a guest,dumping the tray of food on her.

She opened her mouth to mutter an apology but was cut on by torrents of abuses from the woman; amongst which was.

''are you blind? Or you're just clumsy?''

''I'm so sorry ma'am.'' She finally managed to mutter. She glanced around her, all eyes were on her and the music had stopped.

She turned and ran off.

Manuel watched her disappear through the corner of the building; then dumping his wine glass on a tray carried by one of the servers, he followed her.

He was now standing befor her but she couldn't bear to look up at him. She fiddled the hem of her apron. For some time, they stood there without a word. He didn't know what to say to her. Should he say sorry or anything else? He dipped his hands in his pants' pocket and continued to stare at her. He could sense how tensed she was around him and he couldn't figure out why. He'd thought he could read her like a book the first time they saw each other, but what he didn't know was that behind that straight-forwardness lies an unpredictable Olivia fernandes.

''I'm sorry about what happened back there.'' She said after she'd found her voice. '' you must be feeling embarrassed, i―I don't know what came over me i…''

''are you scared of me Olivia?'' the question came right out before he had the time to think.

She jerked her head up and looked straight at him. He even knew her name! she thought excitedly, well sure he's got the right to. He's the boss, and that's what she shouldn't forget.

She fumbled for words to say. ''is it a bad thing if I am?'' truly, she didn't know if she was scared of him or if it's just something else entirely.

''I don't want you to be scared of me Olivia. I never want you to.'' He said it like he was reading from a book. ''I hate it whenever you get tensed around me.''

She didn't know why he's telling her all that but in a way, she's glad that he's trying to get along with her. It'll be good for her job.

His mouth opened as if to say something more, but his mother came calling.

The charming Doña Eduvina Sandoval.

''I've been looking all over for you. There's someone I want you to meet.'' She told him. Then she noticed Olivia. ''why are you here? Shouldn't you be working?''

''yes madam, I'll get back now.'' She dropped and darted off. Eduvina, with a suspicious look at her son stated. ''I didn't know you have a thing for maids.''

''mom!'' he cried in disbelief. She chuckled softly.

''don't worry, am not going to stop you.''

Even as his mother was introducing him to the important guests, manuel couldn't stop himself from stealing glances at Olivia, who's careful enough not to create another ruckus.

''I think i have feelings for you.'' Raimundo dropped with little or no regrets at all. All he wanted was her affection. But would she be able to give him that?

This confession didn't shake Eva at all she'd known it would resolve to this eventually. She'd been out of the hospital two weeks ago and all the while receiving flowers and gifts from Raimundo which he sends through his friend carlos. Even though he knew that she's in love with andres, he still continued to pursue her.

''did you hear what I said Eva? Will you marry me?'' now this is too much.

He's got status, looks and every other thing a woman wants in a man but her heart belonged to someone else. She shook her head and he dreaded what she'd say.

''I'm sorry raimundo, I don't love you.'' He'd been prepared enough to know that this was going to happen but he just couldn't accept it until he's heard it; and oh, how he much it hurts.

Olivia had a feeling that everything was going faster than she'd ever imagined. She could feel her heart trying to tell her something―as if she hadn't learned anything yet after first failed relationship. her heart had somersaulted the same way with Roberto and look where it got her.

And from the looks of things, she figured that isn't as guarded as she'd thought it was. Now there are side talks and bedroom talks about the way manuel looks at her. She made her way into the sitting room with her skirt swishing all the way. Her heart began another jingle the moment she spotted him on the sofa with his legs crossed reading a newspaper. It was a good thing the newspaper shielded his face cause she didn't think she could contain his stare, given her current state.

But that didn't stop her heart from continuing to thump across her chest or her hands from being shaky with nervousness.

She dropped the tray in a loud clang.

That got his attention and he jerked up his head just in time to see her skitting away. He glanced down at the glass of wine then a smirk appeared on his face.

Eva brisked her way into the house as soon as andres pulled the door open.

''I've been trying to call you.'' She blurted. ''where were you all day?''

''uh, I was busy. Eva why are you here?''

''what do you mean? Why do you think I came here?'' she asked puzzled.

''Eva.'' She waited. ''there's something I have to tell you.''

She heard a ruffling sound coming from the bedroom, she regarded it with curiosity.

''what's that, do you have someone with you?''

She began making her way toward the bedroom, but before he could stop her, the bedroom door flew open and there was pilar, the woman he claimed to be his aunt and she appeared to be half naked and it was then that Eva realized for a shocking moment that andres was partially dressed too.

Pilar who was totally unaware of Eva's presence called. ''my love, are you coming back to bed?'' when he didn't reply she registered the blank stare on his face, then for the first time she was aware of Eva's presence.

Eva was surprised and angry at the same time, she looked at the man she'd loved with all her heart; was it him, or just a dream?

Tears welled up in her eyes.

''I can see you were having a great time with your aunt, or was it your cousin?''

''I was going to tell you…'' he trailed off.

But Eva didn't want him to see her tears so she made for the as fast her legs could carry her.


Few hours later, she was sitting by the sea crying her heart out.

Why didn't she see that coming? Why had she trusted him so much? Where was the man she'd lost her heart to? She reached up to wipe the tears off her face but found herself staring down at a neatly polished Italian shoe, and when she followed it all the way up, she saw carlos staring down at her.

He dipped his hand inside his pants pocket and brought out a handkerchief which he hands to her. She sniffed.


''raimundo doesn't know that I've come to see you. He's leaving tomorrow and he's not coming back.'' He paused, and when she said nothing, he continued. ''maybe you should rethink his proposal. He really loves you Eva, for the longest time he's loved only you.'' Though she didn't understand that last statement, Eva watch him leave.