
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

Indira glanced warily at the red brick walls of the San José catholic school for girls; her new world, she sighed.

Bright flowers outlined the walk way and a long wide corridor led the way into the grand building. Jessica seemed okay with everything, she even went as far as proceeding into the building without her. She glanced down at her uniform—a black and white pinafore.

She felt strange, almost naked; she'd never worn anything like this before and she's beginning to miss her school back in LasVegas where you could wear anything you want and a t-shirt and jeans had been her coolest outfit.

Indira sucked in her disappointment and marched into the building. It wasn't hard locating class. She eased her bag down and sat on the nearest empty seat in a class of about fifteen she roughly estimated.

Jessica sat at the far end of the room; it's what she'd always done.

''the teacher won't focus on me that much.'' She would always say.

Indira stared at those raven-black eyes glaring down at her. She frowned for a moment, confused. Who was she? She glanced around the class to see all eyes on her.

''do I even have to say it?'' the girl rolled her eyes.

''what?'' Indira countered and someone snickered.

''get off my seat idiot!'' she stood arms folded.

''I don't see your name on it.'' Indira scoffed shaking her head.

The girl scoffed at her lack of mannerism.

''she's a transfer student Erica she doesn't know the rules.'' Amanda elizondo informed.

''then I guess today's your lucky day honey or I would've shoved your bony ass off that chair. What's your name?'' Erica asked but Indira wouldn't reply. ''cat got your tongue?'' Erica's clique snickered.

She snatched Indira's book and pronounced her name sleazily—Indira Torres.

''settle down everyone'' a nun said to be the biology teacher said and before she had the time to start her lecture, she was called out.

Another student came barging into the class—that was Rowena Alcantara, late as usual. Her bag dropped to the floor, almost emptying the content.

She scooped it up as quickly as she could trying not to let the biology teacher find her, she couldn't stand to listen to anymore of the nun's golden advice.

And while in the process of scurrying to her seat, Rowena stepped on Erica's neatly ironed pair of white socks and once more, the lioness flew into a rage.

''sorry Erica.'' Rowena stood rooted to the ground her eyes on her feet.

''why you ninny!'' she cried shoving Rowena to the ground. ''do I even have to say it?'' Rowena quickly got on her knees before Erica and began to scrape the dirt off her socks.

''don't use your hands you might add more dirt to it. Use your uniform instead.''

Rowena hesitated.

Indira kept telling herself that it wasn't her business and tried as much as possible to ignore them or Erica would just end up needing a facial reconstruction.

''you heard the girl, just do it to avoid any more problems.'' Liara elizondo dropped.

Rowena blinked back tears, it was the uniform her mother had bought just three days ago and she'd promised to take care of it so she wouldn't need a second pair. And right now, what she had feared is about to happen.

''haven't you had enough yet?'' demanded Ximena elizondo; the nerdy girl with a large pair of glasses.

''mind your business Ximena or I might just forget you're my sister.'' Amanda said.

''but this is not the right way to treat a fellow classmate.''

''then will you do it in her stead? If not… put your backside down on that chair!'' Erica said.

Ximena sat back defeated.

Left with no choice, Rowena obeyed.

Now sitting in the crowded cafeteria, Indira didn't enjoy eating alone and Jessica'snowhere to be found. She bit into her enchilada wondering how Jessica was able to fit in just fine; maybe it's because she was always cheerful about everything and also likes the latest trends. Or maybe it's because she's girly

Indira had been used to not having friends at all but Jessica surprisingly garnered about hundred and in no time became the most popular girl in east high.

''is the seat taken?'' Indira looked up and met the familiar face.

''no-no'' Indira managed an awkward smile. This was the first time anyone had ever asked to have lunch with her. Rowena took the chair across her; maybe the girl had lost her way Indira thought.

Back in east high las Vegas, everyone avoided her because they thought she was weird—a complete opposite of the glamorous Jessica. The girls won't talk to her and the boys just ignored her; she was totally invisible back then.

''I'm Rowena Alcantara.'' Indira watched her introduce herself, putting out her hand in formal gesture.

Indira hesitated for a moment before taking Rowena's outstretched hand.

''Indira Torres.'' She spelled out.

''are you new here?'' Rowena suddenly put in curiously. Indira nodded.

''where did you transfer from?''

''Las Vegas.''

''really!'' she squealed in delight. ''I've never been to Las Vegas before but I hope to go there someday. Tell me, what's the city like?''

''big.'' Indira replied. Aside from that, she didn't know what else to tell her about Las Vegas.