
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

Jessica steadily carried her tray across the room and ended up at the meanies' table. She took the empty chair beside liara and the girls stared in disbelief at the guts.

''hola.'' She greeted with a smile. ''I like your hair Erica.'' Erica regarded her with contempt.

''and you are?'' she raised a brow.

''oh pardon my manners. The name's Jessica.''

''so…what if your name is Jessica, is that the name of a cat?'' Erica threw back sarcastically. The girls laughed.

''well I was hoping we could be friends.''

''in your dreams.'' Amanda eyed her disgustingly.

Indira didn't want to think about her new school especially the fact that she didn't like it and saw it as prison. The students were weird and seemed unfriendly.

The person who really got to her was Erica Montero; who does the girl think she is anyway, queen of Mexico? Someone should teach that diva a lesson, but it seemed like everyone was scared of her cause she's the most popular girl in school.

She's beautiful though Indira thought with her long sand brown hair and raven black eyes and slender body; who wouldn't want to be like Erica? The girl's quite charming and ambitious.

Indira sat back, resting against the tack shelves and snaked out her long legs that were almost touching the next shelve. She dropped all thoughts of Erica and her good looks to concentrate on hand stitching the dress she'd sketched by the pond deciding to make it a Nile green satin maxi gown.

The tack room was quiet and she preferred it to her bedroom with Jessica chattering about how awesome and sophisticated Erica Montero was.

In no time, she was dozing off already; after a day like that inschool, she deserved a long soulful nap.

Indira awoke few hours later to the sound of persistent pawing and loud snorting. She carried herself up and followed the sound curiously then she found a brown horse at the corner of the saddle area.

He looked frustrated she observed. Even in her fear of horses, Indira still inched closer and reached out to touch his flanks but he flared, kicking both forelegs. She fell backwards, then leaning on her elbows she stared wide eyed at the angry beast.

He was stamping heavily and his ears flattened. He barred his teeth and flashed the white of his eyes—it was the same that Hugo her horse had before she mounted him and ended up being trampled beneath him.

Now looking at this horse, it was like she was twelve years old again and scared to death. She should never have tried to be nice to him in the first place.

What's with her and angry horses?

She crawled slowly away from the him but when she finally bolted up the horse must've been startled for she felt a painful kick at her back; she fell face first to the ground bumping her head on a low shelve and passed out.

Antonio stepped evenly inside the tack room garb in hand.

''here boy!'' he called out while looking around. When he heard and saw nothing, he made for the door, but the sound of something scratching stopped him. Then turning round again, he concentrated then he heard a low snort and he took hurried strides further inside, relieved to find the horse.

''there you are. Good lord!'' he muttered at the familiar form lying unconscious just a few steps away.

Fear gripped his heart, it was a feeling he's had so many times before but this time it's different; because it's Indira his boss' daughter or is there more to it?

Antonio crouched down beside her.

''Indira?'' he called out with a soft nudge but there was no response. He slowly and carefully flipped her over and saw that her right hand had twisted backwards—a broken arm he noted.

He placed a finger just an inch from her nose and felt the warm breath. She was alive, he sighed in relief; she'd scared him to death. He snaked out his long arms beneath her slender form and scooped her up.

Indira awoke to a stabbing pain in her back which soon permeated her entire body, especially her chest leaving her short of breath. The neck brace was equally heavy.

Her forehead had cut open but it was only a small gash and even so, she felt like a number of bells were ringing in her ears. She winced from the pain in her head and for the first time, she was aware of her arm in a sling.

The memories came floating back; both from when she was twelve years old and few minutes ago—was it just few minutes ago or was it hours? She couldn't tell. Graciela came into the room; she was at her daughter's bedside in a split second taking hold of her other hand.

''Indira my child I'm glad you're awake.'' Tears filled her large blue eyes. ''we were all very worried.''

''have you been crying mom?'' Indira forced a whisper.

''no. no I have not.'' Even as she was denying it, she was wiping away the tears that couldn't contain her eyes any longer.

Indira forced a smile.

Graciela sniffed then added. ''your father will be here soon.''


''oh she's gone to school already, and she'll explain what had happened to your teachers.''

School? She wondered wasn't she in the tack room right after school? How long had she been out for? ''h-how long have I been unconscious?''

''you've been out the whole day yesterday and you got us all so worried.''

Indira caught sight of her father at the door and she managed a weak smile. No smile that he cheerfully put on could hide the fear in his eyes; the thought that he was going to lose his baby girl.

Leandro walked further into the room and sat at the edge of Indira's bed, and taking off his hat, he planted a kiss on her forehead. ''how's my baby girl feeling?''

''I feel like I can't breathe.'' Came the whispered reply.

''the doctor said you'll be fine as long as you rest for a few days.'' He said.

''what about my design?'' worry flashed over her face.

''it's safe. Thank god Antonio got there in time, who knows what that mad horse would've done to you.'' Gabriela said.

''Antonio?'' Indira was half alarmed.

''yes honey, the charming foreman saved your life.''