
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

There's ever nothing as heartwarming as watching and and listening to the roaring sound of waves crashing into the sea and as it does, it carries with it your heart aches, even if it's for a short while; it can make you feel better.

With her horse carefully harnessed under the boulder, Eva Pérez sat on that same boulder as she's always have hoping that the sea would make her feel better even for a short while. Sadness clouded her raven eyes. She couldn't understand why she feels so uneasy. It's hard to trust andres again after what she saw but he'd assured her that it was nothing, that the woman was his aunt―but do aunts and nephews kiss like that on the mouth? Wouldn't that be a strange relationship between relatives?

Raimundo Sánchez stood there watching as he's always done, each time careful not to be seen by her. Ever since he'd set his eyes on her, he'd been unable to take it off.

Struck by love at first sight, he couldn't bring himself to face her―hell, he knew her enough to know that her sweet innocent face could be deceiving for she's quite a rebel, but most of all, she's sensitive and apprehensive, beautiful and breath-takingly attractive. She's the perfection of a woman he wants as a bride.

After many hours of sitting there, Eva was finally ready to go. A wave of disappointment swept over him as she got on her horse but the beast didn't look like it wanted her to ride him.

She snapped the reins angrily.

''come on move you idiot.'' And the horse got into a feat and flung her off him then took off.

Confusion and fear took over her before she landed hard on her back. She bashed her head on the boulder and everything went black.


Olivia wowed at the enormous building before her. With her jaws dropped, she was led into the mansion by Eric who had to lead her by the hand because she was completely dumb-struck

While inside, she was utterly taken aback by the interior: from the marbled floor to the high ceilings. Is this a house or a palace? She wondered. You could tell how expensive the mansion was just by the content in it; from the expensive paintings hanging on the walls to the porcelain carefully laid out on a low table. A flight of spiral staircase led the second floor where she's sure garnered so many rooms which would take her eternity to tell the difference.

A plump woman in a blue maid's uniform greeted them with a warm smile. ''you must be the new maid.'' She grinned clapping her hands together.

''ah, yes she is.'' Eric replied.

''I'm paquita, the kitchen administrator.''

''my name is Olivia… fernandes.'' They exchanged other pleasantries and the woman urged her to come with her to the kitchen.

Olivia said goodbye to Eric thanking him for everything which he dismissed as nothing. She gave him a peck and went with paquita who chatted to her about all that needed to be done. ''there's a party tonight for the young master of the house. He's arriving today from Italy after ten years. There's a lot to do and I trust you won't fail me; your friend there praised you so that I had no choice but to give you a try.''

''I promise to do my best ma'am.'' She assured with certainty.

With her bag tightly clutched to her chest, Olivia stepped into the spacious kitchen. She'd never seen a kitchen so large with every gadget you could think of. There were other maids who went about their chores diligently and immediately, she realized that she would soon be part of this little community.

She listened on as paquita outlined the necessary rules to her before finally leading her to her room at the servants' quarters―her room? She's going to have a room to herself? The thought of it made her so excited.

The room might look small to others but not to her cause the fact was, it was bigger than her home in Veracruz―that house she was sure she wouldn't miss at all. ''you should come down right away once you've settled in.'' paquita told her and she managed a nod. Once paquita had left, she resumed her survey of the room.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of soap which she was sure came from the drapes and beddings. The floor was tiled and the walls were painted green, the bed was relatively small but wide enough to accommodate her slender form. A double-drawer dresser stood beside the bed, and a wardrobe stood at the right end of the room.

She unpacked, made her hair in a long braid before proceeding to the kitchen as paquita had told her to.


Eva heard voices but couldn't make out what they were saying and it sounded like an argument. And as she slowly lifted her heavy lids, she felt a sharp pain from her banged head. She winced, then shut her eyes tightly and felt her bandaged forehead with her fingers. By now, the argument had stopped and a concerned voice spoke to her. ''are you awake darling? Eva…'' it was no doubt her mother's voice―the impeccable, impetuous Caridad Perez.

Eva was finally able to open her eyes in spite of the slicing pain in her temple; she was greeted by wide concerned eyes. She was able to recognize her sister graciela―no wonder they were arguing those two can never breath the same air and it was all caridad's doing. She'd never accepted that graciela was married to a ranch owner; to her, that's not wealth at all a farmer will always be a farmer―dirty and immature whereas an industrialist well, that's an in-law material one she could brag about to her friends. She and Graciela don't get along because the girl's so stubborn she would always say. ''Eva?'' called a concerned Graciela.

''go call the doctor.'' Caridad told her. How are you feeling my dear?'' she asked once Graciela was gone.

''stiff.' 'Came the chocked reply. She remembered vividly what had happened; the stupid horse who wouldn't move and even had the guts to have a feat.

The doctor measured her BP then felt her heart beat and next, he flashed his little torch light into her eyes. After he was satisfied, he turned to them. ''I think she's okay.'' He said. ''there's nothing to worry about for now. We'll just have to run more tests though to ensure that there's no possible damage or internal hemorrhage.'' After the doctor had left the room, Graciela sat on her sister's bed with a relieved sigh. ''am glad you're okay.'' She smiled.

''you know me, am as hard as a rock.'' They both giggled playfully. Are you with leandro?

''and why would that good- for- nothing be here?'' Caridad cut in.

''mom…'' Graciela began.

''it's the truth.'' Well, she should know the woman by now. ''anyway Eva, have you seen the angel who saved you? Oh, he's so handsome…and filthy rich.'' She gushed.

''mom!'' Graciela was alarmed. She couldn't believe this woman.

''what? Are you jealous?'' Caridad threw back.

Eva wasn't ready to take her mother's word for it because she had an awkward way of defining handsome. The last time she did that, Eva found herself staring at an evil-favored stocky man.

Maybe wealth was her idea of being handsome.

''where is Andres?'' Eva asked.

''he should be here by now, I left him dozen of messages already.'' Graciela told her.