
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 5

The thoughts of manuel was keeping Olivia from sleeping. It was a growing feeling she'd not felt since Roberto and she was scared even to admit to herself that the aching feeling in her heart was what she thought it was. She sat on the fountain side while listening to the gurgling sound of water.

Maybe manuel really is different from Roberto, and maybe, just maybe he could give her what she's always been longing for; affection. But she didn't know if he feels anything at all to begin with and she's the one head over heels for him.

She failed to see manuel on the balcony trying to sort out whatever feelings he has for her, trying to understand why his heart beats faster whenever he sees her. He's been in one or two relationships before and only a few had made him feel this way; and this, his feelings for Olivia this might just be it.

It was when he turned to go that he spotted her blue dress, and something inside of him leaped with joy. And without a moment's thought, he made his way out towards her, all the while thinking that this might be the right time.

She almost fell backwards into the fountain at the sight of, that made him chuckle at her clumsiness. She smiled sheepishly and apologized.

''what are you apologizing for?'' laughter danced in his eyes as he inched closer.

''for…for not staying in my room.'' She took a step back, dreading his proximity.

''are you trying to be funny?'' he inched more closer and she took another step back until she bumped against the wall surrounding the fountain and foun there was no escape

This is just great.

''i…I think I should go to bed now'' she made to leave but he placed strong a strong hand on her shoulder and a soft gasp escaped her lips, then she averted his gaz and stared at the ground.

She swallowed hard, well aware of his proximity. His hand left her shoulder only to tuck her hair behind her ear and then he placed a finger under her chin and lifts her face so she had no choice but to look him in the eye.

That little gesture sent a shiver down her spine.

''are you attracted to me Olivia?'' he prompted huskily with his finger still under her chin as he studied her expression. When she didn't answer, he went on.

''if you are, then I don't want you to stop.'' His gaze dropped to her unmoisturized lips before his mouth claimed hers in a soft sensuous kiss.

And that said it all.

Eva knew she was doing the right thing as she stood before Raimundo's small apartment. She'd pondered it so hard that she was sure it was the only way to get back at andres.

She reached out to knock on the door but it flew open and carlos was there to greet her.

''did you know I was coming?''

''no. no, on the contrary I was just going out. But anyway, I'm glad you came through.'' He smiled. ''you should go in I bet he'll be surprised out of his wit.'' He told her before walking away

''carlos could you pass me that coat over on the sofa.'' Eva glanced at the coat but didn't oblige him.

Raimundo glanced up to see if carlos heard him, and he was surprised to see Eva standing at the entrance to his bedroom.

''Eva what a surprise! What are you doing here?'' he took giant strides towards her. ''it's a good thing you came by so we can say our goodbyes.''

''I have thought about it, pondered hard on it and I have decided to give you a chance.''


''I will marry you Raimundo.'' Relief swept over him like the waters of the ocean. He grinned widely and pulled her in an embrace.

Olivia woke up that morning smiling all giddily like a ten year old.

She took her fingers to her lips and the memory of last night's kiss replayed in her head. But how would she face him now? Would he still feel anything for her?

Her excitement soon turned sour for she didn't know what the outcome of last night's kiss might be.

She glanced at the bedside clock and gasped in horror—she had overslept for the first time! Quickly, she srambled out of bed and raced towards the kitchen only when she'd gotten to the middle of the sitting room did she notice the red roses lined up on the floor to is the kitchen.

What was going on? She wondered, then took slow steady steps to the kitchen where she met a band of serenade, and there between them was manuel, a smile curved on his lips at the sight of her.

And there before all the kitchen staff, he went on one knee before her and presented her with a diamond ring.

''Olivia fernandes, will you marry me?'' she couldn't stop herself from grinning ear to ear. It was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to her, tears of joy welled up in her eyes.

''yes manuel, yes?''

And there before everyone else, he kissed her passionately and this feeling, she knew would last forever.

Eighteen years later…

Leander had dreamt of wearing the silver coated miss mexico crown since she was fifteen.

Albeit somewhere at the back of her mind, she knew she didn't stand a chance amongst her beauty queen opponents. But when her name was finally announced as this year's miss mexico, she neally fainted in astonishment.

While back stage away from the jeering crowed, she was greeted by the happy faces of her family.

''I'm so proud of you honey, you did well.'' Gabriela kissed her daughter on both cheeks and went ahead to find Bianca Solis her assistant. Leander flung her long arms around her father who smiled heartily.

''I'm glad you made it dad!''

''I wouldn't miss it for the world.'' Replied Bernardo Elizondo.

''I hope there's going to be a party to celebrate Leander's victory.'' Amanda put in.

''don't you know anything besides partying.'' Ximena threw back.

''I wasn't talking to you was i?'' Ximena coiled back shyly as Amanda threw her one of her daggers stare.

''did I miss anything?'' a new voice joined in.

''everything.'' Said leander. ''why weren't you at the show Liara?''

''sorry we didn't make it on time, our car broke down.''

''and Alejandro?''

''he'll be here in a minute.''