
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 18 part 2

"Good morning mom." Indira kissed her mother on the cheek then sat at the dining table. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee was what drove her downstairs. She sniffed the steaming brew as soon as it was set down before her.

"Smells delicious." She smiled.

"My coffee is always delicious." Her mother said while serving her some. "Where's your sister?" she asked.

Jessica appeared at the top of the stairs just then and Graciela smiled.

"I'm off to school." She announced, her face was hard as granite and Indira could tell she's still mad. Indira only asked about her feelings for Antonio to avoid any hitches in the future, it'll be awkward to realise that they both like the same guy. That would further strain their relationship.

"Wait, have some breakfast first." Graciela urged.

"No need mother I'm full." She replied. And Graciela didn't stress it further. Jessica kissed her mother's cheek and left.

"Did the two of you fight again?" Graciela asked but got no reply from Indira instead she got a question.

"Isn't Antonio having breakfast with us?"

"No honey, he's out working with your father." Sadness clouded Graciela's face at the thought of the 'work' they're doing. She'd told Leandro that it'd be a bad idea for the girls to know about the poor state of the hacienda at the moment, she wanted them to enjoy their youth without worrying about anything related to the finances of the family because it was their responsibility as parents to care for their every need.

"Is something wrong mom?" Indira cut into her thoughts.

Graciela laughed nervously. "Oh nothing dear, just, I was thinking of how Antonio was a rebel before and how he set your hair on fire.

Indira raised puzzled brows. "Antonio?"

"Yes. Don't you remember? You two never got along back then."

Antonio was the boy who set her hair on fire? Indira couldn't believe that the scraggly boy back then and the hunk of a man now are one and the same. Huh, funny how fate can be twisty and she realised that she had no good memory of him from when they were kids only the bad ones.

"It's a good thing your father was there, otherwise who knows what would've happened."

It was a hot afternoon. Antonio straightened the boat and pushed it into the water, a ride across the lake would be wonderful he thought as he flung the paddles into the boat and hopped in. he took off his shirt and tossed it then he folded the bottom of his trousers up to his calves to feel comfortable and avoid getting it soaked.

"Can I join you?" a voice said, that voice he knew too well even in his sleep. "I want to go on a boat ride too; the weather is nice." Indira was standing a few feet away dressed in a black leather vest trimmed with fur at the front over a blue long-sleeved shirt with black pants and brown leather boots. She had a tote crisscrossed on one shoulder; she was tugging at it while staring at Antonio waiting for his response. As always her hair was French braided.

Antonio straightened up, he hesitated for a second but he couldn't saw no because of how cute she looked; her innocent puppy face had always been his weakness.

"sure." He said at last. Indira made towards him and he put out his hand which she took and he helped her onto the boat. Not that she needed the courtesy though but his hand lingered which made her blush nonetheless.

Antonio wanted to hold on to her for much longer but he knew he couldn't. Her hand was soft and delicate, way smaller than his. When he finally let go of her hand she sat back but he remained standing as he paddled the boat.

"What have we got?" Gabriela inquired as soon as she walked into Bianca's office. She dumped her bag on the mahogany desk and stood with her arms on her hips. The week had been a hectic one and the worst of all her fears is the competition between Casa Olivina and Casa Gabriela, the whole thing was stressing her out.

"Not much." Bianca replied not hiding her disappointment.

Gabriela sighed heavily. "Now what do we do?"

"Let's just accept that our spring collection is going to be delayed for the first time."

"So what am I supposed to tell the fashion guild and my clients? I have a long waiting list you know and I can't disappoint them." She said in frustration before sinking into one of the cushions, massaging one side of her forehead. She could feel a migraine kicking in.

"Don't be so paranoid Gabriela we're doing our best here and the fashion guild can wait. Oh by the way Casa Olivina's fashion show is tonight will you attend?"

Gabriela scoffed. "Why would I go there? You can go if you want." She said dismissively, springing up from the cushion. She grabbed her bag from the desk. "I am going out." She said. "In case I don't return I want you to oversee things around here.

Bianca nodded. "Alright. Just make sure to get some rest."


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