
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

Antonio? She kept rambling. Antonio had his arms around her and she didn't even feel a thing? Hello, you were unconscious so you wouldn't even feel a thing if there was a knife at your throat a voice in her head clarified.

She wished she hadn't lost consciousness just so she could've felt those muscular arms around her; she wanted to know how it feels to held by Antonio. The thought of it left her tingling all over.

A few days could well be a few weeks and Indira's excited not be going back to school anytime soon.

What the horse did wasn't so bad after all she thought—he made her wish come true.

She thought about Antonio, and wondered if he found her unattractive too. But there's got to be something she ought to do to make him notice her—but what was she to do? She had no experience with these kind of things; matters of the heart.

Maybe she should find someone who's been there before; perhaps her mom?

No way.

The woman's so old fashioned; she might give her the wrong advice.

But who?

She slowly drifted to sleep with these thoughts and risked having a dream about him which is like nothing she'd ever experienced before.

He smiled into her chocolate brown eyes as his arms circled round her slender form; he was everything she's ever wanted, ever wished for—to have his powerful muscular arms around her , where she would feel safe.

He pulled her more closer as he leaned in toward her she waited longingly for that one grand gesture.

His mouth was only an inch from hers, she could feel his warm fresh breath on her lips and she thought; just an inch more. But she was wrenched away from that moment by someone or something.

That was Jessica. She dumped her backpack angrily on the rug.

Although she was disappointed that she didn't get her kiss, Indira still managed to ask coolly.

''how was school?''

''do you even have to ask?'' she rolled her eyes. ''that Erica really gets on my nerves, I mean who does she think she is anyway acting all mean and bossy?'' she humped on the bed arms folded lightly across her chest and rambled on. ''if I had my way, I would've love to claw the flesh off her face.'' She glanced at Indira to see if the girl had been listening at all only to find her smiling.

She stood up, then putting a hand on her waist, she demanded. ''what are you smiling about? Does it sound funny to you?''

''you're afraid of competition.''

''no I'm not.''

''yes you are, a strong denial is a strong affirmation.''

''is this coming from someone who's never made friends her whole life or someone who's succeeded in getting mom and dad's attention again?'' it wasn't just her anger for Erica it was jealousy towards Indira as well and she didn't even know why.

''don't start.'' Indira choked out.

''yes, cause it's a waste of time talking to you anyway.''

''Jessica—'' Indira tried to get herself in a sitting position but fell right back down again. Jessica was long gone.

She winced from the pain in her head. Why was Jessica so mean? She thought, sometimes the girl is all sweet and loving and at other times she's so indifferent.

Indira swallowed hard, it was impossible to move her head because of the brace and the thing keeps making her feel uncomfortable. Even though she didn't want to go back to school, being stuck all day in bed was much worse.

hi there! if you've come this far thank you so much for giving my story a chance. i will try to update as much as possible.

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