
Chapter 38 : Give me back my oppai!

When the clock struck 3:40 PM, Yugen's phone buzzed with a message from Setsuna.

"See you in twenty minutes!"

She thoughtfully included a GPS location for their rendezvous, ensuring a smooth meeting without any mishaps.

Yugen grinned at the message and quickly geared up in his sportswear, grabbing a bottle of water before stepping out of the house.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the designated spot, noticing the figure of Setsuna with her distinctive dark green hair, standing at the forest's entrance. 

She was clad in loose-fitting black sportswear, clearly ready for their training session.

As he approached, Setsuna spotted him and waved energetically, greeting Yugen with a hearty, "Yo!"

Returning her smile, Yugen replied, "Hi, sorry for keeping you waiting."

"No worries," Setsuna waved off his apology. "I just got here early. Ready to head in?"

Yugen nodded, affirming : "yeah, We will be using our quirks so we better go deeper into the forest to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from the authorities."

"Great," Setsuna exclaimed, her fists clenched with excitement. "I've been itching for a spar with you!"

she had been practicing her qurik alone, it's her first time to use it against others, she couldn't wait to test all of her skills against yugen.

"I'm eager to see what you've got," Yugen replied, he asked curiously "So, what exactly can your quirk do?" although he knew her abilities, he still has to pretend he doesn't know, after all he never saw her in this life using it.

As they ventured further into the forest, Setsuna started talking about her quirk.

"My quirk I call It lizard Tail Splitter, It allows me to split my body parts into pieces, just how a lizard sheds it's tail, but for me, my entire body can be segmented, currently I'm only able to split it up to 40 parts, I believe I can increase it in the future. moreover, I can levitate and maneuver these pieces freely in the air. Plus, I can regenerate any lost body parts, though it drains a lot of energy."

She didn't hide anything about her quirk and frankly told Yugen all of it's abilities, after all they will train together, sooner or later he will know it. although she wants to hide it to surprise Yugen, but she felt it will be more interesting and challenging if he knows her abilities, in this way their sparing could be beneficial and help them improve their strength.

"how about it, my quirk is cool right?" Setsuna asked proudly. like a little kid showing off his toys to his friends.

"impressive." Yugen nodded, then he started analyzing Setsuna's quirk with genuine interest. 

"Your quirk has a lot of potential for reconnaissance, stealth, and rescue operations. It's definitely hero material." 

"it had good mobility so it can be used in chasing or even escaping dangerous situation, it's also suitable in rescuing multiple people at the same time, all in all, it's a qualified quirk for being a hero." Yugen seriously analyzed the good points and usages of Setsuna's quirk, which satisfied her Vanity.

Setsuna beamed at his assessment, her smile reaching her eyes. Yugen's thoughtful praise resonated with her more than mere flattery ever could. if Yugen only replied with a simple sentence like 'wow it's cool!' it won't cause such a reaction, instead, he pretended to use an objective analysis on her quirk and stated in a calmly manner the advantages of her quirk which made her feel recognized and satisfied.

"to capture a woman's heart, refrain from groveling at her feet, instead, gracefully elevate her virtues and admirable qualities, employing sincere praise without being exaggerated." Sun Tzu, The Art of Seduction.

and that's what Yugen is doing now, from the first meeting he had with Setsuna, he sensed her interest in him, maybe she was drawn into his mysterious charisma that stems from isolating himself from others in the class, that's lonely vibes truly scratch the hearts of girls and lead them to unconsciously desires to know more about him.

but this shit will only work if you are handsome, if you are an ugly motherfucker, don't deprive yourself from friendships, don't try to mimic those cold motherfuckers lonely wolves protagonists, you won't attract any fucking pussy, you will be only considered as a weirdo. so please try another approach and open up!

"you are sharp, even I didn't know that my quirk can be this versatile."

"Since I've spilled the beans about my quirk, it's only fair you tell me about yours."" Setsuna asked.

Yugen removed the tree branches blocking their way and said : "my quirk share some similarities with yours, I call It clonaportation, It lets me generate clones of my body parts and teleport them wherever I can see. I can even teleport my main body parts. Like you, I can levitate and control these teleported parts."

Setsuna's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, your quirk is incredibly potent! It's like a souped-up version of mine. Can you separate your whole body into pieces like me?"

Yugen nodded, demonstrating his ability by teleporting his head, hands, torso, and legs to different locations.

Setsuna watched in amazement. "It's just like mine!"

Excited by the discovery, Setsuna was excited, as if she found her soul mate. Though their quirks differed in essence, they shared similarities in application. She couldn't wait to spar with him, eager to learn from his techniques and refine her own skills.

With a smile, Yugen reassembled his body parts and continued deeper into the forest with Setsuna, their conversation flowing freely as they walked.

After ten minutes, they stumbled upon the perfect training spot—a tranquil clearing nestled amidst the lush greenery of the forest.

"This place is perfect!" Setsuna exclaimed.

"Since you proposed this training, do you have any ideas on what we should focus on? What aspects would you like to improve?" Yugen inquired.

Setsuna pondered for a moment, her chin resting in her hand, before meeting Yugen's gaze and declaring, "Let's keep it simple—let's fight! I'll give it my all and use every skill I've got against you. I lack experience in combat, so this is the best way for me to learn."

Yugen hesitated, concerned about accidentally harming Setsuna with excessive force during the fight. However, after a brief moment of consideration, he decided to bookmark this moment before the fight began. If he did accidentally injure her, he could return to this point and adjust his approach. It was also an opportunity for him to refine his control over his newfound strength, as well as to test his new "Resistance" he acquired after his recent revival.

"Alright, let's not waste any time. Let's begin now," Yugen agreed, swiftly bookmarking the current time node.

With a cautious distance between them, Setsuna took the initiative, her body splitting into pieces with remarkable speed. However, because she was afraid of being seen naked by yugen, she kept her breasts and ass intact hidden behind her cloths, her dismembered body parts escaped the confine of her cloths and hovered around her, awaiting her command.

with a thought, she throwed them toward yugen.

Yugen's senses were heightened as he watched Setsuna's white flesh projectiles hurtling towards him. with the increase of his speed, Yugen seems to have entered into a state where everything became slow, the speed of the projectiles became clear and slow in his perception, He could anticipate where they will hit him and even move beforehand to dodge them.

amidst this phenomena, a curious thought flickered through his mind – would Setsuna after wearing her hero costume, crafted from her own cells, which bestow upon her the ability to include her cloths when using her quirk, launch her intimate body parts like boobies, ass, etc... as weapons at villains? The absurdity of the idea momentarily distracted him, leaving him vulnerable to Setsuna's attack.

nor he intended at the first place to avoid them, as he already judged that they won't cause any significant damage to him.


The impact was swift and powerful as Setsuna's body parts slammed into Yugen, pushing him back with a forceful blow. Yet, to his surprise, he felt no pain, only a warm sensation spreading from the point of the impact until it gathered in his stomach. Closing his eyes, Yugen focused on the sensation, he saw a red energy floating in his "Dantian" area, he immediately realized it was the result of his newly acquired resistance – Impact Absorption.

that Red Energy is the kinetic energy of the attack he just received, upon it's contact with his skin, instead of causing damage to his body, it was instantly absorbed and converted into pure kinetic energy that he could release later as he wish.

"This kinetic energy... if I accumulate a significant amount, within the limits of what my body can bear, then I can use it at critical moments to defeat my enemies and turn the tables on them. I need to explore its upper limits: how much I can store, how much impact I can withstand, and how long it can be stored. All these aspects must be studied, it can be a powerful trump card!" Yugen pondered the potential applications of this newfound ability. He decided that in the following fight, he would not dodge Setsuna's attacks to see how much kinetic energy he could store.

When Yugen looked up, Setsuna had vanished from sight, but his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of leaves crunching and movement behind the trees.

"oh, a clever move, you are afraid of my teleportation, and you know that as long as i don't see you i can't hit you. moreover you must had used other separated pieces to make noise in order to hide your true whereabout, your decision making skill is commendable."

Yugen discerned Setsuna's strategy: she was guarding against his teleportation attacks, aware of his ability to teleport his limbs within his line of sight. She knew that a well-placed teleportation strike could swiftly end the fight, catching her off guard. Consequently, before the fight even began, she opted to utilize the shielding effect of the trees, hiding herself while launching long-distance attacks.

The floating, separated parts of Setsuna circled around Yugen like vultures, waiting for an opportunity to exploit any weakness he might reveal.

hiding behind a thick tree, Setsuna's head wore a confident smile. One of her eyes had already been separated and sent out to scout the surroundings from a hidden vantage point. She separated her mouth, precisely controlling it to fly silently in another direction before speaking.

"oh, you easily saw through my intentions. But it doesn't matter. Even if you know my plan, it's difficult for you to locate my vital parts. I've hidden my head in a very secure location. Now, you can only defend. The initiative is in my hands!" Setsuna declared proudly. She felt confident in her strategic move, believing that continuous attacks would eventually exhaust Yugen. as long as her head is kept in a safe place, then she no matter what damage the other parts receive, she could regenerate them later, but if her head was attacked, she will lose conscious and it will be a game over for her.

Hearing this, Yugen chuckled and grinned. "Your plan will only work if your attacks can deal substantial damage. Moreover, I'm not a stationary target. If I want, I can easily dodge your attacks."

Setsuna was stunned for a moment. She understood that what he said was right—Yugen could easily evade her assaults by teleporting his body parts to various locations. She also realized that her previous attack had proven ineffective against him. 

With determination in her voice, Setsuna declared, "I don't care! No matter where you escape to, no matter how tough you are, I'll keep attacking until you admit defeat!"

Her tone was firm, embodying the spirit of a true hero—a true hero is the one who knows what difficulties and dangers lay ahead yet he faces them bravely.

As Setsuna spoke, she wasted no time in unleashing a fresh wave of attacks. Flesh projectiles bombarded Yugen from all directions.

Yugen grinned and muttered while shielding his face, "Let me see how much kinetic energy these attacks are worth."


The impacts echoed through the quite forest.

the pieces of flesh were previously circling around yugen not for a mere display, they were accumulating momentum, it can be seen that setsuna knew that her body is weak so she came up with this move to cover up this weakness.

To an ordinary person, these attacks would have been devastating, rendering them incapacitated.

but Yugen's physique had been tempered for years, and the enhancement of the lust energy only made it stronger and harder.

these attacks will only cause him some skin injuries nothing more even if he didn't have the resistance "impact absorption".

Closing his eyes, Yugen sensed the red kinetic energy in his dantian growing bigger.

Setsuna began to feel remorseful; perhaps she had gone too far. Lost in her excitement, she had unleashed a powerful attack on her friend during what was supposed to be a training session. Concerned, she asked in a tone tinged with worry, "Oi, Yugen, are you alright?"

Hearing Setsuna's concern, Yugen chuckled mischievously, deciding to provoke her further in hopes of eliciting stronger attacks. "Don't worry. Even if you were to hit me for thousands of years, you wouldn't cause me any damage."

sure enough, Setsuna's eyes flashed with indignation. "Who do you think you're looking down on? You think you're tough? Just wait—I'll show you my strongest moves!"

Yugen chuckled, adding fuel to the fire. "I'm not looking down on you, I'm just stating facts. Women are inherently weaker than men, not to mention that your quirk doesn't boost your strength at all. So, you must find a way to improve your physical strength."

Yugen deliberately choose to mention this point and he intend to focus on it in the future. as long as Setsuna desires to become stronger physically, he will have the opportunity to lure her into the harem using "love" empowerment as a bait!

Setsuna, her face concealed behind the tree, gritted her teeth and muttered her dissatisfaction under her breath. "Yugen... you idiot... I know strength is my weakness, but you don't have to say it like this!"

Setsuna didn't need Yugen to point out her weaknesses; she was well aware of her limitations. Instead of dwelling on her quirk's lack of strength, she sought ways to compensate for this weakness. One method she developed was using momentum, continually moving her body parts in a circular motion to accumulate energy and then directing it towards her enemies to increase the potency of her attacks.

"Fine, I'll show him what I'm capable of!" Setsuna resolved to demonstrate her abilities to Yugen. Being underestimated by her crush only fueled her desire to showcase her capabilities.

She had harbored a crush on Yugen since the beginning of the semester, drawn not only to his appearance but also to his mature demeanor. She often pondered why this classmate didn't interact much with others and why he seemed slightly more mature than the other boys his age.

Despite his apparent indifference and disinterest, Yugen consistently achieved the highest scores in class. He didn't seek attention, yet his actions spoke volumes.

Setsuna, inherently observant due to the nature of her quirk, easily noticed these details when she deliberately paid attention.

Shaking off her reverie, Setsuna manipulated all of her dismembered body parts to draw closer to each other, forming a cohesive ball of flesh. With precise control, she levitated the fleshy orb higher into the sky.

Yugen observed the spectacle with a nod of appreciation, recognizing Setsuna's determination and creativity.

"Yugen! If you're tough, don't dodge!" Setsuna taunted in a provocative tone.

As Yugen watched the flesh ball of body parts ascending higher into the sky above his head, While he was confident in his resilience, the thought of his head bearing the brunt of such an attack sent a shiver down his spine. Nevertheless, he responded decisively, "I'm not a man, I'm just a boy. Are you trying to send me to the hospital?"

"Moreover, wouldn't it be painful if your body parts fell from that height?" Yugen couldn't help but inquire, his gaze tracking the flesh ball's ascent, its altitude rivaling that of a four-story building.

Setsuna's grin widened into an evil smirk. "I can disconnect my split body parts from my mind to avoid feeling pain whenever I want. Don't worry about me! Now that you've realized my strength, hurry up and admit defeat, and I'll spare your life! Ha ha ha!"

she tried to perform a villain laugh in order to intimidate yugen, but it only made her look cute in his opinion.

"Admit defeat? That's only if it lands on me. What makes you think I won't teleport at the last moment to avoid your attack?" Yugen retorted.

Hearing his defiance, Setsuna's grin faltered. A simple provocation wouldn't be enough to dissuade Yugen from dodging her attack. She needed to find a way to immobilize him.

"Darn it, even if I use the remaining body parts to restrain his movement, he can easily teleport and escape the restraints. What should I do?" Setsuna's thoughts raced as she searched for a solution.

Her eyes lit up as an idea formed in her mind. But the idea... Setsuna's face flushed red as she considered it, but she gritted her teeth and resolved to go through with it. Her determination to win outweighed any other desires.

Meanwhile, Yugen awaited Setsuna's next move, observing another group of body parts flying out of the bushes and trees toward him at high speed. He frowned, trying to decipher Setsuna's intentions.

"She wants to use her remaining body parts to restrain my movement, but that's not a problem for me. Even if they entangle me, I can escape with a thought. She isn't stupid to overlook this point, so what's the reason behind this futile move? Is it just a desperate attempt?" Yugen puzzled over the situation.

Just as he was prepared to teleport and avoid the falling flesh ball and evade the incoming split body parts, his sharp eagle eyes caught sight of something extraordinary within the group of incoming body pieces.

Among them were two creamy white magical flesh balls the size of grapefruits with pink cherries on top hurtling toward him. Yugen's mind froze as if he were hypnotized, unable to process or believe what he was seeing.

"OPPAI!" Yugen shouted in disbelief.

Now he realized Setsuna's real intent, her true strategy for trapping him!

She was betting that he wouldn't dodge the oppai!

She was banking on his manly desire, the primal urge passed down from his ancestors' genes to show reverence to the Oppai, to touch the oppai!

Yugen couldn't believe she would resort to such a move; he had underestimated Setsuna's audacity!

"Damn, she's crazy! There's no need to go to such lengths for just a game," Yugen muttered to himself, perplexed.

He debated whether to avoid the falling flesh ball or stay in place and seize Setsuna's incoming oppai.

"I could teleport to another location while simultaneously teleporting my hand to grab the oppai. But if I do that, I'll be seen as a pervert. Setsuna will realize that I did it intentionally. Even if I argue that it's her fault for exposing her oppai, she can easily claim that it's a part of her quirk and she can't control it, leaving me defenseless against her argument," Yugen reasoned.

"So the only acceptable legal way to touch it is to stay in my place," he concluded.

"Fine, I'm also curious about how much kinetic energy this attack will generate for me," Yugen resolved.

In an instant, Yugen had already formulated his plan of action.

He shamelessly extended his hands, pretending to defend himself, but in fact, he secretly calculated the trajectory of the oppai, ready to intercept them. Meanwhile, he teleported his head to a safe distance, allowing his torso to bear the brunt.

"Bring it on! I'll let you see how much Hard I Am!" he declared.


The flesh ball slammed into Yugen's torso, sending waves of dust and leaves billowing beneath him. But the impact was within his bearing capacity; aside from bending him slightly, he didn't sustain any damage. The impact was immediately converted into kinetic energy, increasing its amount to the size of a watermelon.

At the same time, his hands viciously grabbed the oppai like a falcon seizing its prey. He ignored the attacks of the other pieces and grinned as he squeezed them.

"Nice! So soft, so elastic. I wonder if she can feel my grasp?" Yugen mused.

He noticed a small amount of lust energy being absorbed into his body after grabbing Setsuna's oppai.

Setsuna witnessed the scene with her own eyes: Yugen's headless body standing still after the impact, while his hands reached out to capture her oppai. She was shocked beyond words.

"Impossible! Why isn't he damaged in the slightest? That's not logical!" she muttered in disbelief. But her shock quickly turned into a new sensation.

Although she had severed the connection with the body pieces in the flesh ball she created, she had maintained the connection with the last ones she sent to restrain Yugen.

She could feel Yugen's hands grabbing her oppai, feel his squeeze on them, and sense how he played with her cherries using his fingers.

A sense of shame mingled with a pleasure she had never experienced before washed over Setsuna.

her breasts were held by her crush!

Setsuna's emotions churned in a tumultuous mix of embarrassment, shock, and an unexpected arousal as she felt Yugen's hands firmly grasp her oppai. The sensation of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her, igniting a spark of desire she had never anticipated.

Her cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment, her mind racing with a flurry of conflicting thoughts. She felt exposed, vulnerable, her most intimate parts were laid bare before him. Yet, intertwined with this vulnerability was a strange sense of exhilaration, a tingling anticipation that sent shivers down her spine.

She couldn't deny the thrill of his touch, the way his fingers played delicately with her cherries, sending waves of sensation coursing through her body. It was a sensation she had never experienced before, a potent mix of pleasure and discomfort that left her breathless and yearning for more.

She was torn between the instinct to pull away and the intoxicating allure of his touch, between the desire to preserve her dignity and the tantalizing prospect of surrendering to the forbidden pleasure that coursed through her veins.

'He is such... a pervert!' Setsuna was surprised by Yugen's pervert act, it's true she is the one who created this situation in the first place, but she was expecting a gentleman behavior from yugen, like turning his head sideways or at least getting shy and closing his eyes. but Yugen is completely the opposite, he didn't follow her wish at all, he directly sized the once in a life time opportunity without considering any consequences.

but Setsuna didn't feel angry or even disgusted by his behavior, she was only surprised nothing more, in fact, she admired his boldness, he dared to touch her naked boobs and even play with her nipples in front of her, fulfilling his desires without caring about her reaction, this action showcased a side of his personality, he is the type of people who follow what their hearts say, and she loves this kind of people the most!

"ahh" she muffled her moaning, and in the end she choose to preserve her dignity, she won't allow herself to appear cheap in front of her crush, she hurriedly recalled all her intact body pieces back.

but yugen refused to release the oppai.

Setsuna's face turned crimson red from anger and shame,

"Yugen! Give me back my oppai!"

He roar resounded through the forest scaring group of birds away.

Next chapter