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here ya go a five star for excellent writing and good updating stability. I hope that this novel can make it to the ending you envision for it for the characters you have built so far are quite amazing however I do hope you can expand upon the descriptions of the locations
Hey author hope you can continue with the story so far from what I read it seems like the story has some real potential so I'm rooting for you.
This is a really amazing novel however there are chapters that are frustrating to read due to the "e every few words but otherwise a very enjoyable read hope the author will update these chapters to make them not so headache inducing
I would like to ask if you are still around I mean I've been checking up on this fic periodically after reading it while you where posting it and I loved it and I would like to ask if you are still planning to come back and continue it
please be this onn 🙏
Are you going to be uploading chapters again because I really hope you do this fanfic was amazing