
Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System

Video Games
Ongoing · 2.7M Views
  • 71 Chs
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What is Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System

Read ‘Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System’ Online for Free, written by the author Unusual_Hilichurl, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering REINCARNATION Fanfiction, SYSTEM Fan Fiction, COMEDY Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Notes:Now, obviously, I do not own anything. The works that will be mentioned in this work are not mi...


•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Notes: Now, obviously, I do not own anything. The works that will be mentioned in this work are not mine and are owned by their respective authors. Oh, and by the way, the first two chapters are a bit messy but it will get better at chapter 5+ •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Sypnosis: In Liyue Harbor, many young girls are squealing over the 'comic' or, as the author like to call it, 'manga' they bought. It was called 'Your name'. "It's a great book. Try reading it, Childe." Even the person who often forgets his Mora is reading it! In Monsdadt, a certain librarian of the Knights of Favonius is sipping on some tea as she quietly reads a mystery thriller book called 'Moriarty the Patriot' "Such a good thriller... But why do most girls want to see Sherlock and Moriarty together? Strange..." Said Lisa, hearing all the blushing girls that read the book A certain drunk bard, however, was busy reading a series called 'Tales of Teyvat: The conqueror of Demons' "Ah~ So that was him?" He said. And on Inazuma, the young mistress of the Kamisato clan is reading a manga called 'Demon Slayer' with her brother who's sipping on some Boba. "Do you like it, Ayaka? If so, I'll urge the seller to make more." The older brother said. As for a certain Shogun, she and a certain fox were reading a book called 'To Your Eternity.' "I might have to rethink the type of Eternity I chase after..." Said the Shogun Meanwhile, the supposed author of these books is currently in his shop counting the money he made. "I won't get copyrighted if I'm in another world," He said •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Cover by: Me (Artist is from Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/59336265) (Previous cover was from DarkSide69)

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The Gospel of John

The Gospel according to John is quite different in character from the three synoptic gospels. It is highly literary and symbolic. It does not follow the same order or reproduce the same stories as the synoptic gospels. To a much greater degree, it is the product of a developed theological reflection and grows out of a different circle and tradition. It was probably written in the 90s of the first century. The Gospel of John begins with a magnificent prologue, which states many of the major themes and motifs of the gospel, much as an overture does for a musical work. The prologue proclaims Jesus as the preexistent and incarnate Word of God who has revealed the Father to us. The rest of the first chapter forms the introduction to the gospel proper and consists of the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus (there is no baptism of Jesus in this gospel—John simply points him out as the Lamb of God), followed by stories of the call of the first disciples, in which various titles predicated of Jesus in the early church are presented. The gospel narrative contains a series of “signs”—the gospel’s word for the wondrous deeds of Jesus. The author is primarily interested in the significance of these deeds, and so interprets them for the reader by various reflections, narratives, and discourses. The first sign is the transformation of water into wine at Cana (Jn 2:1–11); this represents the replacement of the Jewish ceremonial washings and symbolizes the entire creative and transforming work of Jesus. The second sign, the cure of the royal official’s son (Jn 4:46–54) simply by the word of Jesus at a distance, signifies the power of Jesus’ life-giving word. The same theme is further developed by other signs, probably for a total of seven. The third sign, the cure of the paralytic at the pool with five porticoes in chap. 5, continues the theme of water offering newness of life. In the preceding chapter, to the woman at the well in Samaria Jesus had offered living water springing up to eternal life, a symbol of the revelation that Jesus brings; here Jesus’ life-giving word replaces the water of the pool that failed to bring life. Jn 6 contains two signs, the multiplication of loaves and the walking on the waters of the Sea of Galilee. These signs are connected much as the manna and the crossing of the Red Sea are in the Passover narrative and symbolize a new exodus. The multiplication of the loaves is interpreted for the reader by the discourse that follows, where the bread of life is used first as a figure for the revelation of God in Jesus and then for the Eucharist. After a series of dialogues reflecting Jesus’ debates with the Jewish authorities at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jn 7; 8, the sixth sign is presented in Jn 9, the sign of the young man born blind. This is a narrative illustration of the theme of conflict in the preceding two chapters; it proclaims the triumph of light over darkness, as Jesus is presented as the Light of the world. This is interpreted by a narrative of controversy between the Pharisees and the young man who had been given his sight by Jesus, ending with a discussion of spiritual blindness and spelling out the symbolic meaning of the cure. And finally, the seventh sign, the raising of Lazarus in chap. 11, is the climax of signs. Lazarus is presented as a token of the real life that Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, who will now ironically be put to death because of his gift of life to Lazarus, will give to all who believe in him once he has been raised from the dead.

Dali098 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
78 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :The city of contracts: Liyue Harbor
Volume 2 :City of Freedom: Mondstadt!


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Shameless 5-star review. I won't promise anything, but I'll make sure to bring to my readers a story fit for them by taking in some of their suggestions/critics. Depending on if I have work to do in real life, I can post 1 chapter per day. However, if I'm feeling it and this fanfic has a lot of power stone, you can expect an extra chapter. ~ Your lazy Author


It's really bad finding a good read and actually catches up... This feeling of lost and not knowing what to do, The feeling of wanting more is very unbearable I wish I stockpiled first...


i really like this keep it up


It’s a Genshin ff without a harem, has a unique system, and there isn’t enough chapters for a proper review.


Hello~ I really like the idea of a mangaka in genshin impact and not the one with the OC messing up the original storyline... in my opinion, this fanfic is a breath of fresh air to every genshinfic out there and keep it up please and goodluck brainstorming... also im waiting for the next chapter until this fic is over... goodluck again~


Nice fic, first time I actually see a G.I. fanfiction that actually makes the character be humans and not mindless harem members or characters that are there to get more useless and repetitive plot, keep it up bro you are doing a good job so far!


Very fun mc,Very fun story,i love how the mc interacts with other characters and as of C46 there is no love interest which is good since it should focus more on being mangaka and just do his own stuff,and if the author decides to add a love interest there should be a build up and not falling love at first sight,slow but steady wins the race.


Reveal spoiler


Its a pretty good book with some pretty smart and unique interaction. You can tell the author has done his research since the characters are close to if not almost exactly like how I imagine these characters to interact with the mc. The idea of manga in the novel is also a great idea but I have only one complaint. The mystic art stuff. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m talking about the fact that whenever he sells a book only the person who bought it can read it. He passes it off as mystic arts he can use with his system but why? It makes no sense. Even from a business perspective it’s a bad and stupid move. The reason being that when you make a new product you need to be able to market and get people interested but how would you do that when all you can see is blank pages when your friend has a book. Not to mention in the senerio your a kid and a family member buys the book. They start reading and you want to read it to. Guess what? Its not happening. Other than that its a good book. I recommend giving it a read because other than that I don’t have any complaints about the novel.


I don't even know Genshin Impact and I like it even though I got confused on some of the terms it's still a good book that I would recommend


LORD IS THIS GOOD! NEED MORE CHAPTERS! NEED MORE CHAPTERS!! Fr tho, I really enjoy this Fanfic. The ideas are very great and its a chap daily!


writing quality is definitely a 5, as for stability of updates im putting 4 in hopes that update would be consistent but since we're not even at chapter 20 right now I will put 4 rather than 5, story development is 4 for me, its well executed and written but the fact remains its not exactly an original concept , character design is 4 as well since the author can at least give a detailed description of his characters unlike some other novels I've read which can be summarized as 'Jade skin, sharp nose, phoenix eyes', world back ground is 4 star since the world isn't exactly original is it, but I'm putting it at 4 because as the story progress the author do give relevant information pertaining to what is being mentioned meaning even newcomers without knowledge to the original source would have a context to stand on overall 4.2 and I do recommend it as one of the good fanfics to read on this horni infested site of webnovel


this is masterpiece. however, because the author created so many fanfics and unstable updates, this novel became neglected. please don't drop this one!!


It was good but the suspense of what's going to happen next and the fact that this fanfic is on hiatus just kills the mood.


The story is good, the grammar is good, just... No romances? Can the author add the romances please?🥺🥺🙏🙏 .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.


Fun to read as this is almost the same story setting of the other genshin impact manga system. (*whisper*: At least your update can keep us waiting for more and assuring for us that your gonna go back on updating this story.) and the greatest is that it's NOT HAREM story like every single Fanfic with system setting!! All in all The story is great, only the updating stability is on 3 out of 5 since it not a daily/weekly update.


Finally found a good genshin fanfic that has good writing, clear storytelling, and good pacing. Honestly hope you dont drop this is too good and cant wait to see the next chapters


I am Keqing main at AR57 with a crit ratio of 47/286. seeing as keqing is in the cover i feel the need to give this a 5 star regardless of whether ive read it or not also........ ...............Fq u....... Qiqi mains.....


This is a very unique storyline. I hope to see more surprises from this one instead of the same cliche plots. And the upload consistency is also excellent. Keep it up!


i loved it every moment of the way to the current end (dropped at chapter 70?) Just a bit sadge at the end as it's not finnished but all else is good. I can understand the system is understandable and the characters are lovable.


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