
Glass Hearts: Their Story

Author: daniella19
Ongoing · 422.5K Views
  • 355 Chs
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A sweet high school love story about two teens who crash and get entangled in ways they can't seem to escape. Join their journey of love and hate. After all love and hate are the same. What else could be stronger than love at first sight?. Diana is the new student at Hall of Fame Academy desperately trying to fit into her new life at her new school with a single parent. She's expected to face anything life would throw at her, she just didn't expect it to be hot and want her to be his pretend girlfriend. Michael is the school's playboy who would date anything that wears a skirt and has hair. Diana not excluding, but as time progresses he seems more attracted to Diana than other girls. A/N: This book is for a competition, so please I need your votes and support for this one. Thanks!

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Diana's P. O. V

"Yeah, Mum! Am going to be fine! No need to get worried. "I yelled back at my mum who was standing by the school gate. I did not have the best yelling voice, it sounded a bit hoarse and got me some weird glances.

Gosh, she cared too much! She's still stood there waving like crazy, I almost thought she'd bring a banner with her.

"Are you sure you're with your lunch?."My mum asked her hands on her hips.

"For the tenth time! Here! It's in my bag... "I said while I searched inside my bag looking at her, but couldn't find it. I suddenly remembered that I dropped it on the kitchen table.

Oh no!

"Um... "I said, placing my hand behind my head nervously scratching it a nervous grin stretched across my face.

"Diana... "my mum stressed disappointedly, crossing her arms over her chest, having that smug look on her pretty face.

"I'll buy at the cafeteria," I said in my defense, the last thing on Earth I wanted was my mum bringing my lunch to school on my first day.

Any day for that matter!

"I can get it for you." mum said bursting her momma attack. Her strong defensive eyes, those caring eyes I can barely refuse. If I let her say another word she'll talk me into the idea.

"It's fine!."I quickly said before she can have her way with me.

"I know the ropes of these schools."I jovially say, while adjusting the straps of my bag smiling goofily at her.

"Really?."She asked raising an eyebrow, she had an all-knowing look on her face.

"Yup."I nodded. Giving her a reassuring look. She looked almost convinced actually.

"Okay! Be safe!." she yelled from the gate then blew me a kiss, I took a quick survey, no one was looking in my direction, I quickly caught it.

She waved at me again, she was always very emotional about my first days at new schools, I waved back and turned around. Taking in the new school in front of me.

"You can do this Diana Netwood, "I told myself before stepping inside.

This school isn't like the others I've been to, simply put it's not public, a rich family owns it. And it's way more expensive than any other school I've been to.

I swayed my long black hair, the best thing I've been privileged to maintain, and walked into the school.

I held my physics textbook in one hand and the class schedule in the other, still drinking in the features of my new environment.

The decor was beautiful, I looked to my left, there was a patio, and I noticed a water fountain. The lockers were all voice commands and thumbprint operated.

In order words no one to stuff mice in my locker! This called for a celebration.

Cass was a bully at my old school, but luckily I and my mom moved. My mum's a travel agent, so I guess we're always moving from one city to the other.

So, I never really get new kid phobia as I call it, it's something I've gotten used to already.

Amidst my thoughts, I walked into an open locker and hit my head. Classic Diana stunt.

Before I can say anything, a brown-haired, blue-eyed boy closed the locker, his locker and walked away without saying a word.

Am not sure he noticed me though, but as he walked by I could have sworn his hair was flying with the wind, but in slowed motion. I gazed at him for moments till he disappeared into a group of people.

No! No! No! This cannot be happening to me! I can't imaging getting a crush! Not now, am only fifteen! I knew I shouldn't have worn my lucky socks today!

Bell rings!

"History class..."I said after glancing at the class schedule. I loved history and of course, ticked it when I saw the list of subjects.

I found the class and was surprised as soon as I walked in, only thirteen students including myself offer history. That caught me off guard for a moment. At my old school, everyone does history, it's kind of like a tight pack of sardines.

I sat in the middle row, humming a song, till two girls took their seats beside me.

"Hi," I said being the friendly cloud I was, about to rain niceness to them all. They waved back not saying anything to me.


I was bringing out my books from my bookbag when the blue-eyed boy walked in. My emotions were stolen, the book falling out of my hand brought my mind back to reality.

I bent down to pick it up but touched the hand of an angel. Maybe that sounded a bit too overboard...but his hand was electrifying.

My eyes landed on his face to see him, his face closer to mine, his lovely scent, I was taking it in.

He picked it up and placed it on my table before I could even speak. He then took a seat behind me, and I started sweating under my armpits.

The teacher walked in and am the only one who stood up to greet him!

Michael's P. O. V

Another year to be the best again! And another year to pick a new one, the season outta be ready by now.

While I walked into school, I saw this short blonde with a nice body frame on my way to the guys, and I was like... "YEAH!!!"

I walked over to the prey, but before I can close in on her brunette waves to me. And my head spins and my body yelled.


I can see it, she's hot, nice height, round behind, everything, but the face...a bit of a fixer-upper but that can be overlooked.

While approaching the target, the bell rang, and everyone heads to class, I sighed in disappointment and joined into class.

Can't be a straight-A student without actually going to class...or can you?. I slammed my locker and left for the class. I wasn't going to be late for the class, even though that's what everyone does. Everyone except me of course.

As I walked into the class, I locked eyes with someone, someone I've never seen before. She's got the prettiest set of deep brown eyes and lovely Black hair.

I blinked twice at her, and my heart stopped, fireworks lit in my head. My brain began to malfunction and all I could say was...


I sighted an empty seat behind her and broke a mischievous grin.

While heading towards the seat, her book fell out of her hand causing a ruckus. Everyone turned their heads to watch what I would do. Time to steal everyone's hearts again.

I crouched down to help her pick it up, she placed her hand is on mine. It took me a second to react, I felt a line of sweat form on my forehead.

WTF! Get your head in the game!

I picked up the book and looked above, her gorgeous face closer to mine. She's beautiful...for a girl that is.

Think fast! A pick-up line to fit this situation! Nothing comes to mind, so I decided to leave her guessing, that was best.

I dropped the book on the table and sat behind her, admiring the hair.

I'd love my fingers to get entangled in that hair any day, I stretched my hand forward to feel it, but then the oddest thing happened.

The black-haired girl stood up and...it was like she was saying hello to the teacher or something.

Whaaaaat in the hell does she think she's doing! The whole class is murmuring already, and staring at her.

The teacher liked that and made it a to-do thing before class can start.

"Minus one, "I said under my breath, she's losing points fast. She sat back down quietly, the upside of the situation was that she gave me a view of her body.

And I'll admit, was not too bad.

I pushed my seat and locker forward, closer to her, and started kicking under her seat. I take it that she can't feel it because she blatantly ignored me.

So I took a different approach, "Black hair! Brown eyes!"I yelled out to her and threw a pencil at her.

Diana's P. O. V

What a way to make a debut on your first day, so eventful. I sat back down, not wanting to look at the beautiful distraction behind me. My cheeks flushing nervously from all the unnecessary attention I drew to myself.

I was planning on burying my head in shame but felt a kick from behind.

I knew instantly who it was.

"Maybe it's a mistake, don't make a fool out of yourself and look back, "I said to myself. But another kick followed, and yet another and another.

"What does he want? "I asked myself like I knew the answer.

The two girls noticed my mumbling and shifted some inches away from me. I goofily smiled at them, trying not to look awkward. But it was already awkward.

At last, the kicking stopped, I felt relieved but then I heard his voice. I could drown hearing that voice.

"Black hair! Brown eyes!" He called, I had a name! I knew exactly what to do in this situation. Push ignore!

I put on a straight face, I was new and couldn't get distracted on my first day.

The calling stopped soon, I relaxed better now and focused.

But the next thing I knew was a pencil flying across the side of my face.

I stopped about to look back but the teacher looked behind first. He stared at me, everyone did, I bit my cheek, and the seat kicking continued from the blue-eyed boy.

"Are you fine Miss Netwood?" he asked raising a brow. I could feel harsh stares from every corner.

"Bathroom please!"I awkwardly yelled and abruptly stood up my hand in the air.

A/N: The first chapter is done! Thanks for reading and adding to the library.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1
Volume 2