
Chapter 248

A/N: If you are sensitive to any form of violence and you are still recovering, then this chapter is not for you dearie. Kindly skip to the next one. Chapter contains some violent flashback and sensitive triggers.

Diana's P. O. V

I slept peacefully, waking up with the urge to use the bathroom. While stretching and yawning, my eyes noticed my phone was still on, the call was still going through.

"He's asleep." I whispered to myself, staring at that sleepyhead whose hair was all over his face, shielding me from seeing his eyelids. He looked really cute while he slept, I really wanted to enter into his bedroom through my phone and arrange his cute hair.

"Stop being a creep." I chanted, mustering courage and disconnecting the call.

I checked my messages, I had three missed calls from Luca, I placed my phone on silent so I could sleep properly. He must have felt really bad, I called him up, and thankfully he answered.

Next chapter