
Chapter 38

Diana's P. O. V

"Diana, why don't you start off today's class, have you found your partner yet?."Miss Mandeleeya asked beaming with her bright coffee smile.

"Um...not exactly, but am working on the project."I said walking to my seat. Yes....I know...Michael asked me, but I couldn't risk having to spend time with him. Not after that kiss in the boys locker room.

I sat beside West, looking forward making sure not to even look in his direction, or breathe too loudly.

This bastard supposed to be expelled or something? But here he was, I think his nose is starting to heal up.

"Who is going to read the story today?."Miss Mandeleeya asked, looking around the class for who to read.

I remembered when Michael told me to try recording audio books, so I did the dumbest thing and raised up my hand.

"Great, I was hoping to get you to read it out, our focus chapter today is chapter nineteen. Okay class, listen closely then let's share our thoughts on the chapter."Miss Mandeleeya said.

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